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When it comes to having unknown guests at your household, what is your reaction?


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Depends how many there are I guess

If it where a group of people I didn't know yet they all knew each other, that would be slightly awkward.

But if it was just one or two I'd try to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

But we don't really have that many unknown guests around to be fair :P

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For me, it's kinda like a combination of D and A. I had this happen to me not too long ago, when my brother brought over his girlfriend and her friend, neither of who I knew. It didn't help that they didn't even bother to introduce themselves and just sat there whispering and giggling to each other like 12-year-old girls. :|

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It depends, but most of the time hide. Trust me, me hiding in my room is much less awkward than the conversation I would attempt to make with them.




I'd say half (d) (I say 'hi' to people) and then half (a) (people know where I'd be so it's not really hiding).


My social skills are unfortunately null :disappointed:

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depends if they are there to see me or not.

if it's someone there to see my parents i either go to the den or my room and listen to music or whatever.

then there's always the awkward visits around christmas time where we pretent to like our neighbors (and they pretend to like us) while we all sit around the living room making small talk.


although i will admit when i saw the post title, my first thought was like.... outdoor critters that get in the house, because honestly we get more of those kinds of unwanted guests than we do people.

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