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The Coldplaying Scrapbook III


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olivia , don't send it to meee :D i'm not able to get the book right now, because i'm in Germany and my place can be changed in 1 week so just send another person, i'll let everyone know when i'm stable somewhere :D

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Ooh, cool pages, Mark. :awesome:


I was looking at the list, and I was thinking...shouldn't we try to keep the book in one country/continent before sending it to another? I live in the US - and I am one of the first few people on the list - while Twisted Mind is German. I don't know, it was just a thought. :shrug:

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Well, in terms of the U.S., you should probably be the last of us; phantoneku lives in the Midwest, so it would make sense for the scrapbook to go from timewarp to me (or vice versa) to phantoneku to you, Dee. :shrug:

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