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Want to speak to BBC Radio 5 Live? (Grids on the Radio, Sun 07.45 UK time)


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Thanks Marc haha I hope I answered all of the questions correctly cause I literally just woke up 5 mins before they called me hahahaha


So basically you were still lying in bed when they called you! BHAHAHA FANTASTIC! :lol::laugh3:



Well done Grids, you did fantastic! I also liked how calm you were :)


And we got COLDPLAYING DOT COM mentioned twice, now how rad is that :charming:

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Thank you guys for the kind words. And thanks to Marc for giving me an opportunity :) Such a pleasure to represent Coldplaying to the local radio station for 5 minutes. But ya know, pardon my voice after waking up then went back to sleep again :lol: cause I dont really like waking up at that time early on a Sunday! :wacko:


But yeah it was a great experience to share my thoughts about what I love towards people who would like to hear :nice:


I hope my funny accent is clear enough for you to listen :P

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Thank you guys for the kind words. And thanks to Marc for giving me an opportunity :) Such a pleasure to represent Coldplaying to the local radio station for 5 minutes. But ya know, pardon my voice after waking up then went back to sleep again :lol: cause I dont really like waking up at that time early on a Sunday! :wacko:


But yeah it was a great experience to share my thoughts about what I love towards people who would like to hear :nice:


I hope my funny accent is clear enough for you to listen :P


You're cool for speaking a second language on a sunday morning 5 minutes after you got out of bed to a BBC radio DJ. And your accent is cute alright :wacky:

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Thank you guys for the kind words. And thanks to Marc for giving me an opportunity :) Such a pleasure to represent Coldplaying to the local radio station for 5 minutes. But ya know, pardon my voice after waking up then went back to sleep again :lol: cause I dont really like waking up at that time early on a Sunday! :wacko:


But yeah it was a great experience to share my thoughts about what I love towards people who would like to hear :nice:


I hope my funny accent is clear enough for you to listen :P


if i were in you id just say words without any sense whatsoever like "i like the coldplays them good band are" so you did a fantastic job!

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Guest LiquidSky

Hahaha! So cool! About to hear you now!:D



edit: you were great! Didn't even notice English is your second language, way to go!! :thumbsup:

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