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A picture for the PICTURES thread




We went to the Manchester Christmas Markets today. It was like this but daylight :D

It smelled gorgeous, and there were lots of nice things to buy. I'm thinking stopping of for a Gluehwein and a bratwurst on the way to the concerts next week would be amazing.


So where's the picture?:confused:

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I think you'll find they RUN with the ball more than they throw and have a higher rate of points per kick than points per pass, so yeah


I think you'll find far more points are scored by running the ball over the line than by kicking goals, but if they want to call it "runball", that's fine by me too.:smug:

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I think you'll find far more points are scored by running the ball over the line than by kicking goals, but if they want to call it "runball", that's fine by me too.:smug:


Sorry I meant a percentage of scoring, they'll score with near 100% of kicks.


It's called American Football, why do you care?

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Can that be the end of it now please? This is the picture thread ;)


I'll post one of me, Mel and Lori (I hope they don't mind :lol:) at the Hyatt at Orlando airport.





Mel looks like she's wearing a hat :lol:


but it's a lovely picture :D

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So where's the picture?:confused:


the link didn't work. :angry: I'll try another, if that doesn't work you'll all have to head to google and type in Manchester Christmas MArket :D










I went there last year Jen :D It was amaaaaaaazing. And you definitely should stop off on the way. A great way to start your evening :D


I think it would be



Yes I was outside and I can't be bothered to even try and be civil to his petty little comments so I'll just call you a CUNT one more time so you can complain about me :)


if you really have to insult him, can you not pick a better word? (and that isn't an invitation to keep insulting people)

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if you really have to insult him, can you not pick a better word? (and that isn't an invitation to keep insulting people)


I think it would be preferable if the "insults" stopped altogether, as it happens, but that word is totally disgraceful, as you've already pointed out.;)

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