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Pictures, webcams, mugshots etc etc etc


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Ahhh Maia who am I to speak, I have an essay to be done for tomorow :(


how is it possible for one to be intelligent and good looking?

Reilly, only you know the answer........


I used to know a girl like that :sick:


Thankies :nice:

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Awww....wow....you all have so cool.nice.beautiful.etc.....pics.....


especially Reilly and Sofia (:uhoh: I'm scared!:tongue:)......I really like yours :nice:

But the others (Ted,you like a real english man:wink:,Charlie,Kelsen...and so many more...:idea2:Pai..)..yours are nice aswell!:nice:


Great.....nah.............I also want to post a great pic of myself......ahhh.........I have to put much effort in it to take a good one....you are all too much concurrence for me!:wink::tongue:

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I'm serious,I feel like it's impossible for me to do homework in advance,I have to do it on deadline otherwise I get distracted.It's bad,I know, but it's just me, and as long as it doesn't affect my grades I'm ok with it.

that's exactly like me and I'm not joking.. :stunned:


especially Reilly and Sofia (:uhoh: I'm scared!:tongue:)......I really like yours :nice:

muhahaha sofzilla is attacking, run for the hills and hide! :wreck:



but I wont hurt julia cuz I like her :nice:

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