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The Snow Patrol Thread


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Meredith! :hug:

I think it'll be a while before they're back, unfortunately. :( I saw a brief little interview w/ Gary that was done around the time Up to Now came out. He mentioned their next LP would be out next year (that would be 2010). Let's keep fingers crossed it'll be out by year's end and that they'll tour the US sometime early 2011. That seems like a loooong time from now, but realistically, I think it's the best we can hope for here!


btw, I love your avi. I :heart: Desmond!


edit... ok. I'm gonna go run and watch Lost and possibly Glee... hopefully I'll catch up with you later! :hug:

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Thanks for posting that video, Jen! :nice:


I fell in deep love with that song again a few days ago (was it 'Become crazy about You Could Be Happy' - day or what is our sudden love about? :thinking:).

It's so sweet how he always sings to a person in the audience but I think this time it was a guy. Could that be possible? Didn't Gary say something like 'It's okay, right?' after he sang the lines? Or was it a girl and Gary thought there was her boyfriend next to her?


It's pure madness how all these cameras appear as soon as Gary leaves the stage. They point their lenses at him like flowers turn their heads to the sun. :lol:


And I love the moment when he sings '... played on loops 'till it's madness in my head', rolls his eyes and adds 'seems like'. :wacky:

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Hey everyone! I miss my SP family! :hug: Hope you're all well.


I was randomly looking through the live threads on the SP forum and found this link to a treasure trove of gorgeous shots from MY SHOW!! These were apparently taken by the venue photographer. Just wanted to share :nice:


http://clubpix.kingsnake.com/search.php You may have to type in Snow Patrol in the second search box. ;)


EDIT: btw, Kimmi- I am just now finally getting around to listening to the Re-worked show you shared a while back. Thanks again so much... it's brilliant! :kiss:


awww...the Reworked stuff's great, ain't it? :hug: how've you been yourself?


& great pix there...along with some interesting pix of snakes (heh)!!! is the You Could Be Happy (btw i love that song too!!!) video also from your show? :D


just got back from Ireland where i found A Hundred Million Suns makes for great listening while lying/sitting around at some of the fantastic locations around the west coast of Ireland... :wacky:

(that's me being all geeky about my music, methinks...)

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@ Bianca - you are so right - i always love when he finds someone to sing it to! There was alot of laughter when he sang at whoever that was so I bet its possible that that was a guy! :)


@ Jen - that vid was from a show you went to, no? Was is your video? I hope it was cause its amazing! Also i LOVE that you love lost - Desmond was incredible last night - i am just getting more and more confused though - thankfully all will be resolved in 5 weeks. Glee was a disappointment though imo! :dozey::rolleyes:


@ Kimmi - hope you are having fun in Ireland - sounds amazing! I totally agree AHMS must be twice as nice while touring the countryside/coast...especially "from the edge of ireland shout outloud - so they can head it in americaaaaa...its all for youuuu! ;-)

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@Elena- yes, he sang it to a guy that night. (Yes, Kimmi- the vid's from my show, though it's not my vid :D) Just before the song he was commenting on how it looked like everyone was having a good time... except for that guy. He then started singing to him. :lol:


@Kimmi- I'm doing fine, thanks... just busy! I've found myself on a bit of a SP kick these last few days. I am so jealous of your being able to listen to AHMS while enjoying beautiful Ireland! Sounds absolutely perfect! (and I don't think that's geeky at all!)


btw, here's MY video of You Could Be Happy from the night. I know I've posted it before, but here it is anyway! :P


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Hey Mer! :hug: My video's not nearly as good as the other, but it's still pretty awesome! :wacky: And Lost is my favorite show. Loved it last night. I haven't had a chance to watch Glee yet. sorry to hear it was a dissapointment! :(

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Today I had a very important oral test and I was so scared. I woke up this morning I didn't now what to do. There was no point to study cause I already knew word to word what to say. I never been so stressed before. I was planning to sleep till 10AM and go to school, but I woke up 8AM and couldnt fell asleep anymore. So I decided to listen to music and my last palyed song was something of Snow Patrol so I decided to listen to them. I closed my eyes and listened to words and every chord change. At 10AM I was completely relaxed and ready to go. It helped so much.


btw, I did good at the test :)

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@Elena- yes, he sang it to a guy that night. (Yes, Kimmi- the vid's from my show, though it's not my vid :D) Just before the song he was commenting on how it looked like everyone was having a good time... except for that guy. He then started singing to him. :lol:

I'm still Bianca, Jen. ;)



Most of us guess they are not reworked, as the Reworked Tour is definetely over. And they would need to get their billions of other musicians with them again for ... what is it? Five shows?

It's possible though as there are no support acts.

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Most of us guess they are not reworked, as the Reworked Tour is definetely over. And they would need to get their billions of other musicians with them again for ... what is it? Five shows?

It's possible though as there are no support acts.

Yeah, that's why I'm still wondering what kind of show it is. They should announce something soon though, because I don't think I will go if it's a normal show. I'm not that keen on AHMS and I'm possibly seeing them at a festival this summer. :nice:
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@ Kimmi - hope you are having fun in Ireland - sounds amazing! I totally agree AHMS must be twice as nice while touring the countryside/coast...especially "from the edge of ireland shout outloud - so they can head it in americaaaaa...its all for youuuu! ;-)

spot on! how'd you guess? hahahaha ;)


those lines are exceptionally fitting at these 2 locations... :wacky:


@ Cliffs of Moher



@ Dún Aonghasa / Dun Aengus



btw, maybe it's an Irish thing, but the tour guides told me on a really clear day, I could even see Boston from these 2 locations! when i told the tour guide at Dun Aengus (the 2nd pic) i didn't believe him, he insisted it's true...after 4 or 6 pints of Guinness. :dozey: i told him after that many Guinesses, i'd be able to see even Malaysia from there... :P


@Kimmi- I'm doing fine, thanks... just busy! I've found myself on a bit of a SP kick these last few days. I am so jealous of your being able to listen to AHMS while enjoying beautiful Ireland! Sounds absolutely perfect! (and I don't think that's geeky at all!)


btw, here's MY video of You Could Be Happy from the night. I know I've posted it before, but here it is anyway! :P


haha...ok. yeah, i definitely have seen it before (tho i can't recall if it was on this forum or on Flickr itself). cos it looks like i've fave-d it already. :D


Today I had a very important oral test and I was so scared. I woke up this morning I didn't now what to do. There was no point to study cause I already knew word to word what to say. I never been so stressed before. I was planning to sleep till 10AM and go to school, but I woke up 8AM and couldnt fell asleep anymore. So I decided to listen to music and my last palyed song was something of Snow Patrol so I decided to listen to them. I closed my eyes and listened to words and every chord change. At 10AM I was completely relaxed and ready to go. It helped so much.


btw, I did good at the test :)

well done!!! :D

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spot on! how'd you guess? hahahaha ;)


those lines are exceptionally fitting at these 2 locations... :wacky:


@ Cliffs of Moher



@ Dún Aonghasa / Dun Aengus



btw, maybe it's an Irish thing, but the tour guides told me on a really clear day, I could even see Boston from these 2 locations! when i told the tour guide at Dun Aengus (the 2nd pic) i didn't believe him, he insisted it's true...after 4 or 6 pints of Guinness. :dozey: i told him after that many Guinesses, i'd be able to see even Malaysia from there... :P


well done!!! :D



HAHHA Kimmi - i just laughed so hard at that. for a minute i was like wait a minute - if Ireland can see us, we should be able to see Ireland - dumb moment, but i did LOL! :lol::laugh3: haha im an idior :dozey::o


glad you are having so much fun though - i am extremely jealous - can't wait to visit the world outside of the US someday! :)

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HAHHA Kimmi - i just laughed so hard at that. for a minute i was like wait a minute - if Ireland can see us, we should be able to see Ireland - dumb moment, but i did LOL! :lol::laugh3: haha im an idior :dozey::o


glad you are having so much fun though - i am extremely jealous - can't wait to visit the world outside of the US someday! :)


haha...i have to admit, they did have me there for a moment. particularly at the 1st spot, the Cliffs of Moher, cos you can actually see land in the distance (just that it's not Boston or anywhere else in America). then i thought about it & realised "waitaminute, that can't be! that'd mean the Atlantic Ocean's not much of an ocean at all!" :laugh3:

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Don't cry, Antonia! Rock out!


I hate that the official Snow Patrol YouTube channel always tells me that the videos are not available in my country. :dozey: In which country do they want me to live?


I clearly wouldn't complain if they moved me to the UK or Ireland. :smug: :lol:

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I hate that the official Snow Patrol YouTube channel always tells me that the videos are not available in my country. :dozey: In which country do they want me to live?


I clearly wouldn't complain if they moved me to the UK or Ireland. :smug: :lol:


*lol* that was what i was going to say..."maybe they want you to live in UK/Ireland" :laugh3:

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*lol* that was what i was going to say..."maybe they want you to live in UK/Ireland" :laugh3:

So then - I'm waiting on the airport. I expect Mr Lightbody to pick me up from Germany this week. :lol: I'll go with them where ever they want. :D


Quote from 'The Last Shot Ringing In My Ears': 'I'm on the airport, fucking split. [pause] ... I'm on the next plane!'


I know the video too well though, Jen. :nice:

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at the moment I'm litterally in love with "set down your galss"


I can't believe how their music affects me. I had my english oral test and I listened to them again to calm myself down.


They make me happy when I'm sad :O



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So then - I'm waiting on the airport. I expect Mr Lightbody to pick me up from Germany this week. :lol: I'll go with them where ever they want. :D


Quote from 'The Last Shot Ringing In My Ears': 'I'm on the airport, fucking split. [pause] ... I'm on the next plane!'


I know the video too well though, Jen. :nice:

maybe he'll pick you up on his way back from the US then... :wink3:


at the moment I'm litterally in love with "set down your galss"


I can't believe how their music affects me. I had my english oral test and I listened to them again to calm myself down.


They make me happy when I'm sad :O



yeah...somehow, of all the songs i have in my music library, their songs help me the best when i'm doing my CompSci programming assignments. whenever i'm stuck with my programming, i end up finding/thinking up the solution to the problem when a SP song is on...


Snow Patrol = programming muse! fancy that! :laugh3:


& Gary's like scared of technology most of the time... :P

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