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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB-c_6WYnDQ&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Ramona Fottner - Run (Leona Lewis) @ Supertalent.flv[/ame]

Nothing special compared to Leona's voice, but I think she did a great job :nice:


I'm totally loving her haircut


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YouTube - Ramona Fottner - Run (Leona Lewis) @ Supertalent.flv[/url]

Nothing special compared to Leona's voice, but I think she did a great job :nice:


I'm totally loving her haircut



She sings really well, I wish I had her voice! But these Leona Lewised versions are just emotionless to me... :shame: It's too 'over the top', all about the vocal demonstration, and it kills the emotion of the song to me.... I prefer the raw, 'simple' SP version where it's just about the feeling...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAZ0l8xi4XY]YouTube - Run[/ame]


THAT is moving!

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yeah, NO ONE can top SP. Gary always gives away everything to his performance.

my fav run version:


:lol: I almost posted this one to illustrate my previous post!!


But I think my favorite Run version ever (apart from the Little noise session) is the one he sang on the 'Songbook' show. For those who don't see what it is, it's that ITV session where he speaks about his songwritting... (sorry, the videos have disappeared from YT...:/ so here a pic from it)



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i loooved songbook. i wanna see it again, i can only find chasing cars :sad:

edit: pheew, i found it to download

Our lovely people from TTB... :D I'm glad they put it there in good quality cause I had this on 'several parts' and on .flv format, since I extracted it from YT back when it was still on it...But the image was small and crappy :confused: Now I have it in avi and I can watch it on my TV :D

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A californian article about LP6! Nothing new under the sun, they compiled Gary's gushing over their new with Tom's techno comment and Jonny's one....




I've very mixed feeling about LP6. On one side, I'm super excited based on Gary's excitement and his new reboost confidence and lyrics territory and on the other side, the 'techno' thing isn't my cup of tea... I know they'll never pull off a Daft Punk album but as much as I love JSY, I don't think I would like an entire album sounding like that....:/

We have to trust them on this...but I can't wait!!! :awesome:




On the funny side, the boys made it third on the top list of 'best music to fall asleep to XD, after our CP boys and Micheal Buble

Coldplay is the music act most likely to make us drift off to sleep, according to a new survey. Michael Buble, the Canadian singer, was voted second and Snow Patrol came third on the list of what music people listen to to help them sleep. "Results from various sleep studies undertaken with a variety of male and female groups has indicated that listening to soft, relaxing music at bedtime leads to a number of different benefits to a night's sleep. These benefits include a longer sleep duration period, fewer night time awakenings and shortening of the time it takes to fall asleep.''


Here is the top 10 list of musicians that help us nod off:


1. Coldplay

2. Michael Buble

3. Snow Patrol

4. Alicia Keys

5. Jack Johnson

6. Taylor Swift

7. Mozart

8. Barry White

9. Leona Lewis

10. Radiohead

I can understand why they're on this, their music, as CP, is so soothing but I would have put Sigur Ros n°1! THAT is dreamy music to make good dreams *w*

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ahhh haven't been on here in FOREVER (it really seems that way) - awesome pics & I LOVE that version of run! :) got my SP fix for the night


a-chan I TOTALLY agree about Sigur Ros - should totally be on the list - let's not forget the old days of "five for fighting" always puts me to sleep.

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what...Barry White's stuff make ppl go to sleep? thought his stuff is more for getting it on in the bedroom... :sneaky:


Coldplay's music don't put me to sleep, but my lil sis insists that most of it does. particularly the pre-VLV albums' songs. oh, well... :P


*brain goes into meltdown imagining SP doing a Daft Punk-ish album*


btw, i just (finally) got around to getting Roadie & thanks to the book's indexing, i skipped ahead to sneak a read about what Matt has to say about SP...hilarious! :D

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oh...& i never thought he'd be able to make the time limit, but here's a grrreat video of Gary gushing about his fave album of all time (LCD Soundsystem) in 45secs flat: http://zikkir.com/et/46735


well done, Gary! :D


(btw...i seem to have a funny feeling that it's been posted before somehow. but my memory is eluding me. so if it has been: oops!)

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btw, i just (finally) got around to getting Roadie & thanks to the book's indexing, i skipped ahead to sneak a read about what Matt has to say about SP...hilarious! :D

:rolleyes: and it just confirm one thing: you have to see them live to understand how brilliant they are! :smug:


oh...& i never thought he'd be able to make the time limit, but here's a grrreat video of Gary gushing about his fave album of all time (LCD Soundsystem) in 45secs flat: http://zikkir.com/et/46735


well done, Gary! :D


(btw...i seem to have a funny feeling that it's been posted before somehow. but my memory is eluding me. so if it has been: oops!)

Yeah, I think we posted here :thinking: but you sense he could go on and on.... :lol:


Speaking of Gary music favorites, here his 'track of the month' on the last Q issue:


Come On Let's Go (Demo) - A House For Lions


"I am completely obsessed with this song right now. A House For Lions played with Tired Pony recently in Los Angeles because our producer Jacknife Lee found this on MySpace. They were incredible too. They're only just starting out but already they're purring like a sleek machine with a human heart. Though yet to make their first proper recording, seeing a band this good this early is a thing of wonder and ought to be celebrated. With parades. In lieu of a parade though (tricky things to organise), I thought I'd write a few of them.


"Come On Let's Go is as woozy and seductive as a Jay Gatsby party and there is an intensity and, paradoxically, a tenderness I've seldom heard. A supremely lovely piece of music that I find leaves me bereft when I can't get to it. I obsess perhaps a little too easily, I confess, but when there is such beauty out there to pore over then a little obsession is far too rewarding to worry about."




I've listened to their myspace and their music is really lovely!!! Thx for the tip gL!!

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The man has good tastes :smug:


Look who's gonna paaaaAAAAaaaarrty on new year's eve in NY...




Apparently, it's already sold out...:/ But working on NY's eve..does the men know what the word 'VACATION' means?!!! :lol: (I love the to 9PM till 'late'... :lol: yeah..with the boys, it can last forever XD and with the drinks flowing, even more!)

I wish I could be there, a DJ set with gL, Tom AND Richard is :awesome: but on NY's eve, it must be legen-wait for it-DARY!!!! :bomb: (and you can kiss them under the mistletoe :P )



And an ITV that I had never seen before where they are go-karting (the very one where gL injured himself cf. the 75 old man banter video)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFncjb7yuew]YouTube - Street Gigs: Snow Patrol - Part 2 (go-kart race, interview, chasing cars)[/ame]


<3 I want to play drums with the boys too :bomb: (but 'rock band' video game killed that dream...i have no coordination whatsoever XD)

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:rolleyes: and it just confirm one thing: you have to see them live to understand how brilliant they are! :smug:




The man has good tastes :smug:

i note that his taste seems to be rather country-ish of late. ;)


Look who's gonna paaaaAAAAaaaarrty on new year's eve in NY...




Apparently, it's already sold out...:/ But working on NY's eve..does the men know what the word 'VACATION' means?!!! :lol: (I love the to 9PM till 'late'... :lol: yeah..with the boys, it can last forever XD and with the drinks flowing, even more!)

I wish I could be there, a DJ set with gL, Tom AND Richard is :awesome: but on NY's eve, it must be legen-wait for it-DARY!!!! :bomb: (and you can kiss them under the mistletoe :P )

awww...there goes my excessively slim hope that Gary'd be at the Foals NYE party + DJ set in London. :( :P


so NYC's where the SP party's gonna be at eh? great choice! :cool:

never been to NYC, but i've been to LA...didn't like it at all. so i'm biased there. heh



<3 I want to play drums with the boys too :bomb: (but 'rock band' video game killed that dream...i have no coordination whatsoever XD)

haha...i think it's just the Rock Band game. i suck at it too. & my friends & i resorted to playing together on the drums: 1 person on the drum pads & 1 person on the floor handling the foot pedal. :lol:


but personally, i'd be too shy to play anything in front of them! :shame:


oh...& the girl beat all the guys at go-kart! haha you go, girl! :cool:

(tho it seemed to me like they weren't going as fast as the go-karts could go on the track... :inquisitive: )

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I melted when i saw this picture :stunned:


And an ITV that I had never seen before where they are go-karting (the very one where gL injured himself cf. the 75 old man banter video)



hey, thanks for the interview! it's very rare when they all are interviewed :)

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hey, thanks for the interview! it's very rare when they all are interviewed :)

Yep, too rare!!


The boys say: we're tired of being interviewed separately..






This WE, I saw a couple of friends who went to Ireland last month. They made a 'special video tape' for me...They filmed the landscape while driving with 'Just say yes' on the radio... Just AWESOME :awesome: I love my friends! :D

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