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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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Ladies, 4 pages in half a day! I love you! :heart: So much to catch up on and GORGEOUS picspams by Row & Mara.. I'm forever grateful :lol:


You girls have brainwashed me by the way: I just had sushi with friends, and I just HAD to order no. 42 on the card. Even though it was tuna, and I really don't like tuna :lol:


Ooooohkaaaay, I'm off to look at those picspams again. The old Chris thread has so many treasures that I don't know of yet, and that HAS to change:D

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my address number is 13.................. :sick:



13. Don't Let It Break Your Heart


Chris is a teacher of geography




Well you see 13 is a great song number. :D

:dazzled: beautiful Chris :heart:


Ladies, 4 pages in half a day! I love you! :heart: So much to catch up on and GORGEOUS picspams by Row & Mara.. I'm forever grateful :lol:


You girls have brainwashed me by the way: I just had sushi with friends, and I just HAD to order no. 42 on the card. Even though it was tuna, and I really don't like tuna :lol:


Ooooohkaaaay, I'm off to look at those picspams again. The old Chris thread has so many treasures that I don't know of yet, and that HAS to change:D

Hehe !!! ;)

You did? Oh lol, Coldplayers are brainwashed !! :lol:


The old Chris thread is awesome !! ;)




I'm going to bed, I'm a little bit tired.

Night night girls, have gorgeous Chrissy dreams :nice: :awesome:

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Not this month. Wrong end of the country for me. But I'm going to at least one Toronto gig in July and hoping for Montreal and Boston with any luck.:)


How I envy you Tracie :embarrassed:


sorry.. but i couldn't resist...







strutting leo.






I love his crazy X&Y era hair. :awesome:


Me too :dazzled:





I spent a horrible day, I have been criticized by management consultante she told me that if I did not have a job is because I'm fat and repulsive appearance in the eyes of employers. :disappointed:



it's not my fault if I am poor and ejected by the society


I will have deserved in the eyes of people. they will just killed me

on the net is the fiction think I'm beautiful. they can fantasize the people on the false. Lory of old time





:angry: People are so stupid sometimes


Congrats especially to Row, I think we can agree you killed us :lol:


THIS :nod:



I'm back.. I've been totally LOST in the old Chris thread.. those girls in there weren't nearly as um...

pervy as we are! LOL!

(although why that should surprise me I'm not sure! LOL!)

Anyway I come back bearing gifts..



This made me laugh, not because of the photo, but the comments were

something like.. Oh it's good to see him in something OTHER than black..

and there we are, commenting how NICE it is to see him IN black for a change! LOL..


Now.. are you sitting comfortably?


Then we'll begin..















This one makes up for not being in focus by being incredibly hot! IMHO.



this was 2006 and all the girls wanted him to cut his hair... and all I could think was,.. nooooo! :D He looks like a lion.. with a lovely mane..






Not even sure it's Safe to post these! Not without some sort of warnings...





















these Kill me! :dead:




and finally...













Now I don't smoke.. but :smoking: :stunned:


So now I've been analysing the old Chris thread. And there are pretty interesting things. :sneaky:

So make sure that you want to open those spoilers. Make also sure that you're sitting comfortably. DON'T DRINK OR EAT WHILE TAKING A LOOK AT THOSE PICTURES !!!!


So are you ready?

















































































Dedication to the AROBTTH era :dazzled: :dazzled:


:dead: luckily you warned me Mara, I was drinking a tea!





This is my wallpaper on the netbook I use to study :dazzled:



You girls have brainwashed me by the way: I just had sushi with friends, and I just HAD to order no. 42 on the card. Even though it was tuna, and I really don't like tuna :lol:


Ooooohkaaaay, I'm off to look at those picspams again. The old Chris thread has so many treasures that I don't know of yet, and that HAS to change:D


:laugh3: you are awesome!

Now, at 1.19am, I want sushi ç_ç I love it!





Yes, I did:embarrassed: And YES it is :dazzled:


So, anywayyyy. The return of the random hot dude.













I kinda like this random hot dude.. do we know who he is? :P


:laugh3: I'll try to google him to find some info

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You girls are killing me with all these beautiful pictures!!!


I'm also watching Coldplay performed at T in the park on Youtube.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKJnzKiB1-o&feature=colike]Coldplay - Live at T in the Park 2011 - YouTube[/ame]


Chris just looked so gorgeous!

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I kinda like this random hot dude.. do we know who he is? :P


Night night girls..


not a random dude :thinking:


is a super adorable kind man and speed hyperactive with trouble of behavior,and sometimes capricious


ah my heart........... 55amor.gif









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*Sends big :hug: to Lory* Sorry you have to deal with such shitty rudeness. Ignore those people, they don't know what they're talking about.


^Oh, the Jonny goes jazz video... :wacky:


Eh? *Is curious*


The confessional is going to be too small for all of us :laugh3: We need a shame arena!


My mum called me Lucy because I always been crabby :laugh3:


I think you might be right about that :lol:!


Hahaha! That's awesome! Now we need a Schroder, Linus, Patty, Marci...


I tell you all the good things in life appear to start with the letter C... Cake, chocolate, Chris, Coldplay, Cats, Candy, Cadburys.... :D


...you know what, you're right! Good catch, I never noticed it before, but yes, it's true!


Glad you seem to have survived the day all right :).


Awww really? That's very cute. :wacky: What a coincidence !!!! ;)


:nod: Exactly.

Hahhaahah yes.


Good night, Angela, have sweet dreams about doorways, chocolate, cake and Chris :lol:


Haha, thanks. No luck this go-round, but I'll keep hoping :p.


Yeah, it's kind of appropriate.


Now.. are you sitting comfortably?


Then we'll begin..











...he REALLY needs to stop tempting me by sprawling out on the stage floor like that...:censored:.


These are my particular favorites, but hell, the whole picspam was all sorts of droolworthy. And for some reason, I find the sports jersey on him f*cking HOT. I too like his messy, wild X&Y era hair, too, although it does sort of weirdly remind me of Danny Elfman's crazy hair at times... I just really want to run my fingers through those curls so badly.


(That last picure is from Omaha, it says! City in the state next door to mine! Woo, Midwest!)


I love the pictures from those of you who've seen shows, too. I hope I can get some good photos when I see the guys. I'll be farther back, but I'll try anyway.






these Kill me! :dead:



Now I don't smoke.. but :smoking: :stunned:


:laugh3: :nod: I hear that.


Those last few are just beyond cute.





BTW, my parents are watching "Cold Case" on TV and they have been playing "Talk" :heart:


LOVE these two. Awesome picspam from you as well-I'm going to need to poke around at this old Chris thread myself, it seems!


Cool that that song's getting played on TV :). I love it when they pop up randomly like that.


Yes, I did:embarrassed: And YES it is :dazzled:


So, anywayyyy. The return of the random hot dude.













This random hot dude is growing on me. I'd like to see a bit more of him :D.

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young coldplay :stunned:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHmEo-xOffM&feature=related]Coldplay 2 Meter Sessies 2001 ( part 1 ) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPeXtLH5EJ0&feature=relmfu]Coldplay 2 Meter Sessies 2001 ( part 2 ) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzEZrJkd8qQ&feature=relmfu]Coldplay 2 Meter Sessies 2001 ( part 3 ) - YouTube[/ame]

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After going back and reading a NME article from the April 2003 edition, here's what the writer said about our boy: (Everyone bow your heads...)


"Chris Martin is young, concerned, stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous (there's not a girl here tonight who doesn't envy Gwynnie), awed, humble, fit, weird, highly strung, intense and very, very real."



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After going back and reading a NME article from the April 2003 edition, here's what the writer said about our boy: (Everyone bow your heads...)


"Chris Martin is young, concerned, stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous (there's not a girl here tonight who doesn't envy Gwynnie), awed, humble, fit, weird, highly strung, intense and very, very real."




100% agree :D

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Perfect, Kristal! There's another one cast, then :D.


After going back and reading a NME article from the April 2003 edition, here's what the writer said about our boy: (Everyone bow your heads...)


"Chris Martin is young, concerned, stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous (there's not a girl here tonight who doesn't envy Gwynnie), awed, humble, fit, weird, highly strung, intense and very, very real."




"Stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous"-NICE :lol:. That quote is all sorts of awesome-that person clearly has good taste.


Lory, thanks for the video clips! Very, very cute-Chris is so adorable in the interview clips. I like when he was talking about doing laundry. And Guy looked like he was trying to hold back a bit of a laugh after Chris's imitation of his bass playing.


Loved the performances, too. "Trouble" was gorgeous, and it was cool to hear "High Speed" as well-that's another particular favorite of mine off Parachutes. And I liked that snippet of that "Harmless" song.

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After going back and reading a NME article from the April 2003 edition, here's what the writer said about our boy: (Everyone bow your heads...)


"Chris Martin is young, concerned, stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous (there's not a girl here tonight who doesn't envy Gwynnie), awed, humble, fit, weird, highly strung, intense and very, very real."




How insightful is that? I like it.





And not just because Lucy loves him :laugh3:



It's very [too] late! Night night!


The very first time I saw him do that, I thought Schroder! :D In fact Schroder was my very first Coldplaying.com avatar.


Perfect, Kristal! There's another one cast, then :D.



"Stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous"-NICE :lol:. That quote is all sorts of awesome-that person clearly has good taste.


:nod: :nod:


Well I'm out of bed. Not sure the state I am in is actually awake, but it's a start.. and those videos are helping. Thanks for posting them. :D

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After going back and reading a NME article from the April 2003 edition, here's what the writer said about our boy: (Everyone bow your heads...)


"Chris Martin is young, concerned, stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous (there's not a girl here tonight who doesn't envy Gwynnie), awed, humble, fit, weird, highly strung, intense and very, very real."




Who wrote that? Must be a woman :laugh3:

But every word she says is true. He's just amazing.



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How insightful is that? I like it.




The very first time I saw him do that, I thought Schroder! :D In fact Schroder was my very first Coldplaying.com avatar.




:nod: :nod:


Well I'm out of bed. Not sure the state I am in is actually awake, but it's a start.. and those videos are helping. Thanks for posting them. :D


I remember that, because I'd thought of doing the same thing, and you beat me to it,lol. Great minds think alike!!:D


Of course now my avi may never change,lol. Every time I think of changing it, I...just...can't...:)

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Good morning everyone !!! :)

Hope everyone has a great day. ;)


Yes, I did:embarrassed: And YES it is :dazzled:


So, anywayyyy. The return of the random hot dude.












WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW :heart: thanks for posting ;)

I love that random hot dude!


:dead: luckily you warned me Mara, I was drinking a tea!


:laugh3: I'll try to google him to find some info

Haha ;) I'm happy that I've warned you, then :)


Have you found something about him on Google? :P


not a random dude :thinking:


is a super adorable kind man and speed hyperactive with trouble of behavior,and sometimes capricious


ah my heart........... 55amor.gif









Lovely, lovely pics :dazzled: :dazzled:


Eh? *Is curious*


It's the "Jonny goes jazz" video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDZKN4ftzns]Coldplay - Jonny Goes Jazz (12th January 2001) - YouTube[/ame]



Haha, thanks. No luck this go-round, but I'll keep hoping :p.


Yeah, it's kind of appropriate.

Oh, next time then :D


LOVE these two. Awesome picspam from you as well-I'm going to need to poke around at this old Chris thread myself, it seems!


Cool that that song's getting played on TV :). I love it when they pop up randomly like that.


This random hot dude is growing on me. I'd like to see a bit more of him :D.

Hehe thanks :) Yes, it's worth it :)

Yeah, me too :dazzled:






And not just because Lucy loves him :laugh3:



It's very [too] late! Night night!

awww sweet :dazzled: :lol:


After going back and reading a NME article from the April 2003 edition, here's what the writer said about our boy: (Everyone bow your heads...)


"Chris Martin is young, concerned, stone-cold drop-dead fucking gorgeous (there's not a girl here tonight who doesn't envy Gwynnie), awed, humble, fit, weird, highly strung, intense and very, very real."



I AGREEE. 10000000000000000...%


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*Sends big :hug: to Lory* Sorry you have to deal with such shitty rudeness. Ignore those people, they don't know what they're talking about.




how kind to see you all be the only really has encouraged me, even saying that I have friend in real life does not encouraged, it's a big too, but she a bf, so it's easy for her. I'm supposed to have someone who is not with supermodels. but just the opposite. make me sad i am shit of all in my life.


Ok, these were hard words. But Lory, I already told you, you have to take care of you! Take care of your teeth, your hair, your clothes. You know, people don't ask you to hide behind a mask or a lot of make up. Just to make a little effort. The world is not going to change just for you, just because you don't want to hear. That makes me sad, but if you don't do anything, nothing is going to change in your life. Life is perpetual change, everyone has to adapt very often in life...




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It's the "Jonny goes jazz" video.




I need to see that again. :awesome:


'Jon, Jon! What is this? Play more soloes, if it's not jazz I won't like it..'


'Wha's that?

A cigarette...

A JAZZ cigarette!!'



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