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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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I adore his sense of style, I do. And I adore that he doesn't let anything stop him from looking the way he wants to look - birthday party, book signing, fancy dress up dinner.... And I like that Gwyneth obviously just lets him be who he is.


But he does make me giggle sometimes. I think he just reaches in and grabs what's there - Moses too. Like father, like son. They both looked very cute at the ice cream shop the other day (loved that jacket.) I realize he could wear a paper bag and still be gorgeous.


I think the hair will continue to grow, then one day, he'll be bald. :laugh3: He said he usually just lets it grow or cuts it completely off when they're not touring. Shoot, sometimes when they are touring, he'll cut it off. It will be fun to watch! Bring on the pics!!


Thanks for the pics!

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it's a good day to die :glasses: :P


this :dead:


Apparently he and the kids are at Gwyneth's book signing today! On the lookout for pics :D


I really need to fly to wherever they are to buy that book...you know I SO need to improve my cooking skills :nod::lol:


New photos (3 April):








Trendy: The 36-year-old looked hip in brown trousers and colourful trainers




cuuuuurls :dazzled:

[i still want those shoes!]


It'll be interesting to see how long he'll let them grow. Hopefully until LP6 is out.



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Oh goodness. What a way to wake up! Thank you for the pic spams Amanda and Lucia!


Dianne! You were there?! Any pics for us? Did you talk to him? Don't leave us hanging lol we need details.

:D :D


I didn't go but a friend of mine went. Huge huge fan and she saw Chris in another part if the store. After Gwyneth signed her book, she went over and spoke with Chris for a minute. And he gave her a hug and signed her book. She did not get a photo with him.


Now I'm really tempted to go to the signing in Beverly Hills tomorrow. But I wonder if Chris and the kids will be there. It's at Williams Sonoma, a cooking store, and not a bookstore. It's a long drive and will be take all day, especially if they do wristbands like at Barnes and Noble...

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They've come a long way. He didn't hide and actually went to a professional event for her and even signed her book for people. And geez Louise, she got a hug?! Amazing. (I'm assuming they had a good turnout then.) I wish there was some way you could find out if he was going to take the kids for the next one, Dianne, because it would be great to go. It's easier to occupy kids in a bookstore rather than a Williams-Sonoma, so who knows. Then again, who knew he'd show up for this one, so maybe they will support her at all of the ones they can physically make it to.


Thank your friend for the pics!

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New photos (3 April):








Trendy: The 36-year-old looked hip in brown trousers and colourful trainers






I want to run my fingers through his hair:stunned: It's really awesome he is taking part and doesn't have a pissed off look on his face:smug: G is having a ton of events I would imagine coming up for the book and 2 movies.. Wonder when Chris will have time to work on the new LP:thinking:

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I adore his sense of style, I do. And I adore that he doesn't let anything stop him from looking the way he wants to look - birthday party, book signing, fancy dress up dinner.... And I like that Gwyneth obviously just lets him be who he is.


Thanks for the pics!


This! Most women (especially in the public eye) would want to influence the way their partners dress. She just loves him the way he is.

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Thank you for the photos everyone.. I am late to the party. Work has been totally MANIC the last few weeks.. I am pooped.. But it's lovely to come home to these..


Please keep up the pic spams too.. I need them, my laptop is still being fixed..


I would have quoted a lot of posts, but the multi quote button appears to be gone and I am too tired to copy and paste all over the place...


But, Dianne If I were you I'd go.. but I know you're already met him a few times ;) But hey if you do.. GOOD luck and take a camera.. :kiss:

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