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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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I love his minimalistic "dancing", reminds me of myself HAHAHAH. Anyways, yes, creepy video indeed, and of course when he's talking to any other random female human, every press goes like "oH LOOK HE'S FLIRTIN' "






I can't imagine what the press is gonna tell us if Chris randomly ends up talking to a transexual, or even worse, he stands next to a horse and pets it :o In the end they're trying to tell us Chris turned pansexual and prospects secret meetings with his multiple love affairs that include 5 different women, a man, a car, and two giraffes!

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Guest diogo_sg
I can't imagine what the press is gonna tell us if Chris randomly ends up talking to a transexual, or even worse, he stands next to a horse and pets it :o In the end they're trying to tell us Chris turned pansexual and prospects secret meetings with his multiple love affairs that include 5 different women, a man, a car, and two giraffes!

This is hands down the best and funniest post I've ever read in my life. You're a comedy genius!!

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I love his minimalistic "dancing", reminds me of myself HAHAHAH. Anyways, yes, creepy video indeed, and of course when he's talking to any other random female human, every press goes like "oH LOOK HE'S FLIRTIN' "






I can't imagine what the press is gonna tell us if Chris randomly ends up talking to a transexual, or even worse, he stands next to a horse and pets it :o In the end they're trying to tell us Chris turned pansexual and prospects secret meetings with his multiple love affairs that include 5 different women, a man, a car, and two giraffes!




*Chris uses his phone*

Media: "Chris is now dating his phone."

*Chris plays his guitar*

Media: "Chris is in a relationship with his guitar"

*Chris looks at himself in the mirror*

Media: "Chris is in love with himself"

*Chris goes into his clothing closet and comes out with a shirt*


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Now this opinion might spark controversy among you, BUT...


Seriously, what are you thinking when you keep talking about his body ? You complain about the superficial "news" that boulevard papers like to post, but your way of talking about him is just as superficial.

I would have thought as Coldplay fans you like Chris Martin as a human being, maybe like a brother, or at the most have a little crush on him. That you like him for his beautiful mind and way to see the world, and his beautiful voice.

But this way of explicitly talking about his body or hoping for shirtless pictures coming up on the Internet makes me feel uncomfortable. It feels wrong ! It is wrong !

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Now this opinion might spark controversy among you, BUT...


Seriously, what are you thinking when you keep talking about his body ? You complain about the superficial "news" that boulevard papers like to post, but your way of talking about him is just as superficial.

I would have thought as Coldplay fans you like Chris Martin as a human being, maybe like a brother, or at the most have a little crush on him. That you like him for his beautiful mind and way to see the world, and his beautiful voice.

But this way of explicitly talking about his body or hoping for shirtless pictures coming up on the Internet makes me feel uncomfortable. It feels wrong ! It is wrong !


I understand where you are coming from, and I have this conflicting feeling inside of me too. Deep inside, it feels creepy, it is creepy, to constantly spy on these guys and make catcall-like comments on their appearance. I get this uncomfortable twist in my gut when I see this, but admittedly, at the same time it's quite intriguing. Human nature and temptation conflict with rationality. *shrugs*

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I understand where you are coming from, and I have this conflicting feeling inside of me too. Deep inside, it feels creepy, it is creepy, to constantly spy on these guys and make catcall-like comments on their appearance. I get this uncomfortable twist in my gut when I see this, but admittedly, at the same time it's quite intriguing. Human nature and temptation conflict with rationality. *shrugs*


Beauty is to be admired...he has all those things...I guess it's just about what people value as the most important one...beauty inside and out...blessed [emoji56]

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Now this opinion might spark controversy among you, BUT...


Seriously, what are you thinking when you keep talking about his body ? You complain about the superficial "news" that boulevard papers like to post, but your way of talking about him is just as superficial.

I would have thought as Coldplay fans you like Chris Martin as a human being, maybe like a brother, or at the most have a little crush on him. That you like him for his beautiful mind and way to see the world, and his beautiful voice.

But this way of explicitly talking about his body or hoping for shirtless pictures coming up on the Internet makes me feel uncomfortable. It feels wrong ! It is wrong !


*politely points to the amount of pages this thread has*


In this thread, we discuss ALL the aspects of this man. Right now you've stumbled upon a period of days where we drool over beach photos and other creepy pap pictures since there is absolutely NOTHING going on with the band at the moment.

I guess you might have missed the 1000+ pages where we praise the kindness, charity work and all around good character Chris has, and discuss why we like him so much etc.



It's like you accuse the entire Lounge section of this forum being full of random crap threads because the only thread you've read is the "What made you LOL today?" one.



And why are we talking about his body? The same reason everybody strives to have sex with someone, we find him attractive and say so. Of course it's super creepy and makes us look like fucking weirdos, but I always like to compare our behaviour towards consuming paparazzi footage with the following car crash analogy: "You really don't want to look if there's a car crash side and the better part of you wants to look away and mind your own business... but still, your eyes are drawn to the crash side, for some kind of primal sick curiosity and thrill you might get. The worse the crash, the more likely you'll look."


So, can you imagine if a video of Chris being filmed in a very private moment is popping up somewhere? What we'll do? We're totally gonna watch it, with the most terrible feeling in our guts, just because we can't help ourselves.



Oh and, welcome to this thread :cheesy:

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*politely points to the amount of pages this thread has*


In this thread, we discuss ALL the aspects of this man. Right now you've stumbled upon a period of days where we drool over beach photos and other creepy pap pictures since there is absolutely NOTHING going on with the band at the moment.

I guess you might have missed the 1000+ pages where we praise the kindness, charity work and all around good character Chris has, and discuss why we like him so much etc.



It's like you accuse the entire Lounge section of this forum being full of random crap threads because the only thread you've read is the "What made you LOL today?" one.



And why are we talking about his body? The same reason everybody strives to have sex with someone, we find him attractive and say so. Of course it's super creepy and makes us look like fucking weirdos, but I always like to compare our behaviour towards consuming paparazzi footage with the following car crash analogy: "You really don't want to look if there's a car crash side and the better part of you wants to look away and mind your own business... but still, your eyes are drawn to the crash side, for some kind of primal sick curiosity and thrill you might get. The worse the crash, the more likely you'll look."


So, can you imagine if a video of Chris being filmed in a very private moment is popping up somewhere? What we'll do? We're totally gonna watch it, with the most terrible feeling in our guts, just because we can't help ourselves.



Oh and, welcome to this thread :cheesy:


Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to say his body is all you ever talk about. It certainly isn't. (And by the way, it's true I'm not very active on this thread but occasionally I do look in to keep up with it, so thanks for the welcome but it's not like I've never seen it before ;)) I was more or less trying to make the point that to me personally, it feels wrong to crave for shirtless pictures and discuss them (or even more explicit stuff as above). I do appreciate pictures of him and the band and his family or whatsoever, but when the described kind of pics appear, I basically scroll on because I feel it wrong for such a very private thing to be glossed over. Also, glossing over these images imho implies a little bit more interest than just in a "friend" way, which again I find a bit creepy,

And it may be me, but if you ask me what I find more attractive, it would be a pic of him, normally dressed, standing on the stage and singing. Or that pic of him holding his newborn baby. Because generally as I said, I wouldn't think of him in that girl-boy way, more in a best friend or sister-brother way. But well, that may be just me (and I guess it really is just me here :sneaky:)

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Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to say his body is all you ever talk about. It certainly isn't. (And by the way, it's true I'm not very active on this thread but occasionally I do look in to keep up with it, so thanks for the welcome but it's not like I've never seen it before ;)) I was more or less trying to make the point that to me personally, it feels wrong to crave for shirtless pictures and discuss them (or even more explicit stuff as above). I do appreciate pictures of him and the band and his family or whatsoever, but when the described kind of pics appear, I basically scroll on because I feel it wrong for such a very private thing to be glossed over. Also, glossing over these images imho implies a little bit more interest than just in a "friend" way, which again I find a bit creepy,

And it may be me, but if you ask me what I find more attractive, it would be a pic of him, normally dressed, standing on the stage and singing. Or that pic of him holding his newborn baby. Because generally as I said, I wouldn't think of him in that girl-boy way, more in a best friend or sister-brother way. But well, that may be just me (and I guess it really is just me here :sneaky:)


I can understand why you feel this way, I mean, I actually felt this way myself before I spent too much on here (or the internet as well) and this feeling of wrongness just kind of shriveled away :wacko:


You find a picture of him holding his newborn baby attractive? I for example would find this absolutely awkward and uncomfortable to look at, anything birth-or family related things are way too personal and downright unsexual to me.


If I told you what I'd find very attractive in terms of Chris, I fear people wouldn't get it or ask wtf is wrong with me. So I keep it to myself :awesome:

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Now this opinion might spark controversy among you, BUT...


Seriously, what are you thinking when you keep talking about his body ? You complain about the superficial "news" that boulevard papers like to post, but your way of talking about him is just as superficial.

I would have thought as Coldplay fans you like Chris Martin as a human being, maybe like a brother, or at the most have a little crush on him. That you like him for his beautiful mind and way to see the world, and his beautiful voice.

But this way of explicitly talking about his body or hoping for shirtless pictures coming up on the Internet makes me feel uncomfortable. It feels wrong ! It is wrong !



I understand what you mean. I despise paparazzi & their photos they sneak behind bushes to take. I hate stupid tabloid articles digging about every private detail in one person's life that actually matters to no one but that person himself & his family or close friends. If it were for me, I would never seek or see them, but it is part of being in a fandom. you'll see these things daily & read ppl discussing them & it annoys me to a great extent because it terribly violates his privacy.

I try to ignore what I don't like. there is no point telling anyone that this is wrong or creepy. People will disagree & continue as previous.


on this thread, you'll find everything; from drooling over photos to dissecting every part of the man's body, extreme fangirling, mocking him & admiring his many many qualities. Again, this is what happens in a fandom. any kind of fandom. there is not any extreme odd behaviours as far as I can remember & I don't think any of the fans here will shout at him "Take OFF YOUR SHIRT" if they ever meet him irl. people are more bold behind the screens.


btw, Chris himself doesn't identify with my idea of handsomeness or sexiness (except for his blue eyes). If it weren't for his talent & what we know of him as a person, I would not even care to look at him twice. So if we are commenting on how sexy or attractive he looks, it is not because we are a bunch of creeps that love watching someone's body, it's because we really like him so almost everything he does is pure magic. We see him handsome & sexy. His smile is the sweetest, his jokes are the funniest, even if it were not true. I guess the beauty is in the eyes of the beholders as they say.

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but I always like to compare our behaviour towards consuming paparazzi footage with the following car crash analogy: "You really don't want to look if there's a car crash side and the better part of you wants to look away and mind your own business... but still, your eyes are drawn to the crash side, for some kind of primal sick curiosity and thrill you might get. The worse the crash, the more likely you'll look."


So, can you imagine if a video of Chris being filmed in a very private moment is popping up somewhere? What we'll do? We're totally gonna watch it, with the most terrible feeling in our guts, just because we can't help ourselves.



Oh and, welcome to this thread :cheesy:


I apologize for going off topic but I disagree with your example of watching car crash. I think it is not the case here at all. People will watch the crash & torn body parts because it makes them feel they have escaped death themselves. It gives them a sense of power & relief because they were not the ones in this crash or that accident.It is said to be cathartic also. it's the same why people go watch horror or bloody movies to feel terrible for a couple of hours then go back home in a better mood.


I think what happens in fandoms some how resembles how the masses act in a riot or demonstration. People believe in a certain cause so they gather, move in masses & must shout the same slogans. you have to move (do as the masses do) even if you don't completely agree with some of the shouts & screams. The extremists always are the loudest & sometimes a stupid thing a few people do can affect the whole riot & what it represent.

well at least this is how I see it.

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I apologize for going off topic but I disagree with your example of watching car crash. I think it is not the case here at all. People will watch the crash & torn body parts because it makes them feel they have escaped death themselves. It gives them a sense of power & relief because they were not the ones in this crash or that accident.It is said to be cathartic also. it's the same why people go watch horror or bloody movies to feel terrible for a couple of hours then go back home in a better mood.


Interesting point! That's how I don't feel at all when I see horrible stuff though :uhoh: But you might be right, the analogy wasn't perhaps the best example for most of people :I


I think what happens in fandoms some how resembles how the masses act in a riot or demonstration. People believe in a certain cause so they gather, move in masses & must shout the same slogans. you have to move (do as the masses do) even if you don't completely agree with some of the shouts & screams. The extremists always are the loudest & sometimes a stupid thing a few people do can affect the whole riot & what it represent.

well at least this is how I see it.



Fandoms can get pretty extreme sometimes and twist things far away from reality :uhoh:

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If I told you what I'd find very attractive in terms of Chris, I fear people wouldn't get it or ask wtf is wrong with me. So I keep it to myself :awesome:


I'm sure it's not that bad.


I think what happens in fandoms some how resembles how the masses act in a riot or demonstration. People believe in a certain cause so they gather, move in masses & must shout the same slogans. you have to move (do as the masses do) even if you don't completely agree with some of the shouts & screams. The extremists always are the loudest & sometimes a stupid thing a few people do can affect the whole riot & what it represent.

well at least this is how I see it.


True true, very true. Every fandom has their nuts here and there, and sometimes the fandom can be labeled a certain way just because of the nuts.


People don't like to take a deeper look into things and generalize.

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You find a picture of him holding his newborn baby attractive? I for example would find this absolutely awkward and uncomfortable to look at, anything birth-or family related things are way too personal and downright unsexual to me.:


I don't find it too personal (also, the pic is does not seem to have been secretly made). But you're spot on about the kind of attractiveness I meant. That's what I tried to explain all along (maybe too convoluted, LOL), that I don't define the attractiveness or likeability of a public person in a sexually oriented manner, because I simply don't see him that way. (a way in which I am sure I am different from probably most female fans ;))

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I'm sure it's not that bad.


You don't know me hahahHAHAHAHH







I rather keep it to myself :wacky:


I don't find it too personal (also, the pic is does not seem to have been secretly made). But you're spot on about the kind of attractiveness I meant. That's what I tried to explain all along (maybe too convoluted, LOL), that I don't define the attractiveness or likeability of a public person in a sexually oriented manner, because I simply don't see him that way. (a way in which I am sure I am different from probably most female fans :wink2:)


I agree with you as well :cheesy:


Aw man, I like this forum as no one (well at least not anymore lol) is throwing shit in each other's faces if their opinions clash or don't agree with each other instantly.






A picture of Chris with a love button:



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You don't know me hahahHAHAHAHH







I rather keep it to myself :wacky:




I agree with you as well :cheesy:


Aw man, I like this forum as no one (well at least not anymore lol) is throwing shit in each other's faces if their opinions clash or don't agree with each other instantly.






A picture of Chris with a love button:




*straight faced* Such an enigmatic smile...[emoji16]

whispers under breath....are we really really allowed to return to threads essence....whistles....sweet mother....[emoji120]

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You don't know me hahahHAHAHAHH







I rather keep it to myself :wacky:




I agree with you as well :cheesy:


Aw man, I like this forum as no one (well at least not anymore lol) is throwing shit in each other's faces if their opinions clash or don't agree with each other instantly.






A picture of Chris with a love button:





nice hat. For a second it didn't look like Chris so I had to take a closer look.

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You had him featuring in 'Extras' around that time too which was some of the funniest things he did. He admits to being more open now but the celebrity lifestyle / Hollywood has influenced him I think. He needs to spend more time around Simon Pegg and Ricky Gervais ;)

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i think in his profession, you can't help but become a little jaded as time goes on. moving to LA probably didn't help with less contact with the band and his roots. but got to say, he still seems to have his human core in tact. but definitely, the public persona is indeed very guarded. you can't blame the guy though seeing as how the public figures are treated.

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