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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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:laugh3::lol: that's hilarious!

Thanx! :P

You're new to me, me doesn't know you...........! :bigcry:

O! hahahah:laugh3::laugh3::laugh3: this made me laugh!!! :lol: i have my own folder on your computer?! :stunned: im so honored! :P



but seriously girls.....if u thought my pics were good just WAIT until Gianna gets on here and posts her pics :dead: she has this AWESOME camera that she snuck in and mine is just a typical digital camera.....:dead: her pics are really do die for! :dead: and one of the pics from Strawberry Swing.....mmmm lets just say she had the side outline of a certain member of Mr. Berryman:rolleyes: :dead:!!!!!

Awww, anytime Lizzy bear! :kiss:

& yeah, I saw her pix, AMAZING! :dead:

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O! hahahah:laugh3::laugh3::laugh3: this made me laugh!!! :lol: i have my own folder on your computer?! :stunned: im so honored! :P



but seriously girls.....if u thought my pics were good just WAIT until Gianna gets on here and posts her pics :dead: she has this AWESOME camera that she snuck in and mine is just a typical digital camera.....:dead: her pics are really do die for! :dead: and one of the pics from Strawberry Swing.....mmmm lets just say she had the side outline of a certain member of Mr. Berryman:rolleyes: :dead:!!!!!



Oooh can't wait.... I'm feelin a little dirty just reading that last bit :lol:


Yes, he's got a pregnant girlfriend.


Oh well that's sure to put thousands of girls into a tizzy to be sure :lol:

that is a joke right :thinking: if not then watch out world another Berryman babe on the loose :dozey:


haha liz ur pics are so special and legendary! of course they deserve their own folder!! :D but i can't wait for Gianna's pics! :dance::sneaky:


Right on Laura :lol:

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Thanx! :P

You're new to me, me doesn't know you...........! :bigcry:


Oh! I'm Laura :D Nice to meet u!


Oh well that's sure to put thousands of girls into a tizzy to be sure :lol:

that is a joke right :thinking: if not then watch out world another Berryman babe on the loose :dozey:


hehe so true Jenn!


EDIT: Well i'm off for a little bit girls, i gotta grab something to eat :P i'll be back! :escaping:

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Liz, this is all I have to post.....






Amanda! :cheesy:

Hahaha, sorry about that stupid reaction! :P


Hey Ab!! :D Good to see you again!


Hi folks! I haven't read the previous last pages, but I have a question about some news I read in Twitter, from some messages about a possibly girlfriend of Guy, who would be watching the last shows of Coldplay in US. Have you heard something about it? This can't be truth! No no no! I can't believe!


Well, the only proof we have of this is that during the last concert while they were singing "I'm A Believer", Chris made reference to Will and Guy's "wife and girlfriend", respectively...and possibly that at one point in the concert Chris pointed out to someone in the audience and Guy smiled. It's all speculation though none of us are really certain. Personally I'm not too surprised if Guy indeed has a girlfriend now because he's so damn sexy!!

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Oh well that's sure to put thousands of girls into a tizzy to be sure :lol:

that is a joke right :thinking: if not then watch out world another Berryman babe on the loose :dozey:

Hmm.....is it a joke?!


The Oracle only knows! :sneaky:






Meh...I'm lame! :P

Oh! I'm Laura :D Nice to meet u!

Laura it's then!


Laura, Lauren, Lizzy..........too many L's! :wacko:

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OOOH Brooke!! my fave pic with the "trousers" :bomb::dead:


Hmm.....is it a joke?!


The Oracle only knows! :sneaky:






Meh...I'm lame! :P



Hahahaha no I think we should fan the flames of a little Berryman to be :sneaky: or would that be too cruel :rolleyes: *pictures thousands of Berrygirls jumping from buildings or screaming in the streets* .....ok ok enough :P

j/k people j/k !!!

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Hahahaha no I think we should fan the flames of a little Berryman to be :sneaky: or would that be too cruel :rolleyes: *pictures thousands of Berrygirls jumping from buildings or screaming in the streets* .....ok ok enough :P

j/k people j/k !!!

Ahahahaha! :lol:



Uh oh, I think we're gonna get killed, Jenn! :P

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i think it's good that Guy is so good looking, otherwise he'd be just another bass player

Awww, doesn't it suck to find the bassist of the shitty Coldplay sexy?!

I feel sad for you, really, I do.....hug?!




Nah, I'm straight!

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Hahahaha maybe but I'm feeling scrappy today, I can take 'em, just get behind me :whip::whip::laugh3::laugh3:

Don't worry, I'll take 'em down with you! :pimp2:



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Ab surely u were joking......or do u have something to tell us!?!?:inquisitive::inquisitive:









bahahah u girls are evil! hah :devilish: fanning the flames i see! :P:lol:


:devilish: plan may be forming in my twisted little mind bahahaha


Don't worry, I'll take 'em down with you! :pimp2:




I ain't scuurred :pimp2: :cool:



wouldn't it be crazy if you guys really did spread the rumor around, and then it turned into something that eventually reached the Coldplay men?


if we could get Guy into the act and he can have several decoys running around in various states of pregnancy :stunned: that would be awesome :rolleyes::P:laugh3::laugh3:

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if we could get Guy into the act and he can have several decoys running around in various states of pregnancy :stunned: that would be awesome :rolleyes::P:laugh3::laugh3:

Ab likes! :mellow:









Aaaaand she's outta here!

Night folks.


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Awww, doesn't it suck to find the bassist of the shitty Coldplay sexy?!

I feel sad for you, really, I do.....hug?!




Nah, I'm straight!




don't put words into my mouth, i never said coldplay was shitty. it's just that, recently i realized whenever i listen to coldplay songs i never really think much about his part - i remember chris's singing, jonny's riffs, etc.. anyway never mind.

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:devilish: plan may be forming in my twisted little mind bahahaha







if we could get Guy into the act and he can have several decoys running around in various states of pregnancy :stunned: that would be awesome :rolleyes::P:laugh3::laugh3:






Dunno, maybe! :p



:laugh3: and Ab can be the first one since she seems to be hiding her lil secret :inquisitive: :p :rolleyes:

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don't put words into my mouth, i never said coldplay was shitty. it's just that, recently i realized whenever i listen to coldplay songs i never really think much about his part - i remember chris's singing, jonny's riffs, etc.. anyway never mind.

Headphones, girl, Headphones!

Listen to Coldplay's music with headphones, & you'll realize how much talented he really is.

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