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Glastonbury 2024 theory : The end ?


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I wanted to share a sentiment with you regarding the future of the band. As you know, they will be making their 5th appearance at Glastonbury this summer, which is considered excessive by many Glastonbury festivalgoers.

I can understand this viewpoint, and I'm sure the group also holds a huge respect for this festival to understand it as well. That's why I have a theory: This MOTS tour is truly gigantic, it's very long, and I think it's a sort of farewell before a significant hiatus for the group (And it's also an opportunity to fill their bank accounts before this long break.). I would add that Moon Music doesn't seem to come with an extension of the tour.

They love Glastonbury, and I think it was hardly conceivable for them not to pass through their "home" before this chapter closes for a long period...

I've been fortunate enough to see the group on every tour since 2008, including at Glastonbury, and I've felt from the beginning that this MOTS tour isn't just any ordinary tour. It's truly massive, and the group seems so grateful on stage...

If that's the case, I believe they will make this announcement during the festival.


What are your thoughts on this?

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While I don't think they're gonna announce that this tour will be their last; or it is somewhat of a farewell tour (i'm sure there will be atleast 3 different farewell tours in the future), I think it is safe to assume that MOTS will be their largest tour to career and that they're peaking in terms of the capacity to tour stadiums multiple nights in a given city. 

..they also have teased another Asia leg of the tour yet to come; i'd imagine they'd want to visit South Korea (cheeky BTS appearance)sometime next year to bow up the tour, or return to Central America.

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4 minutes ago, The Jordanator said:

North America (esp. Toronto), and even middle east + South Africa might even be on the cards next year

mmmmmmm na no more canada dates phil told me one show was enough 😍 - they have the momentum going on this tour so i'd imagine they're gonna want to suck as much out of this opportunity before it goes away.

Edited by GamingForeverAUS
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MOTSWT is connected to all 3 albums (I mean, it IS a melodic orbit in three parts...) and is expected to run up until December 2025, which aligns with the band's hiatus date.


As far as MOTSWT locations go, I seriously doubt they'll do repeats at this point, except Buenos Aires and maybe Sao Paulo.

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Il y a 5 heures, m4racide a dit :

MOTSWT est connecté aux 3 albums (je veux dire, c'est une orbite mélodique en trois parties... ) et devrait durer jusqu'en décembre 2025, ce qui correspond à la date de pause du groupe.

La règle chez Coldplay est que « tout ce qui est prévisible » est imprévisible. On voit que le plan avec Moon Music est déjà très différent de ce qui a été annoncé, donc je pense qu'il faut oublier ces annonces.

Un autre point important à considérer est la fatigue physique de Chris. Il ne rajeunit pas et courir dans des stades immenses lui semble de plus en plus difficile ; ils ont de plus en plus recours à la synchronisation labiale et Chris semble se fatiguer. Et il y travaille depuis 2 ans maintenant ; Je pense qu'il en a assez.

On peut aussi ajouter que la taille de cette tournée est contrainte par l'équilibre financier qu'ils recherchent : ils ont clairement indiqué qu'ils devaient tourner plus longtemps pour rentabiliser la tournée, donc peut-être que cela explique cette étrange transition avec MOTS vers la fin. de la tournée (à moins qu'ils n'annoncent de nouvelles étapes, bien sûr, mais je n'y crois pas).

Donc personnellement, je pense sincèrement que les choses vont changer après MOTS ; il y aura forcément une pause, comme après chaque tournée. Mais celui-ci pourrait être bien plus long.

Edited by thomasPh
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