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2004 Olymipics ! The Greatest show on earth.


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Well here goes unsure if this thread has started already.

However the opening show was truly amazing. It was just as good as the one Sydney did 4 years ago. It was so good I had to watch it twice apart from the Athlets coming in...

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I wouldn't say the Olympics is the greatest show on earth.


To be honest I like watching the swimming and synchronized diving, it's just ridiculous that TV has nothing else to show other than the Olympics - have BBC1 and BBC2 nothing better to do than take up two channels?

Not everyone is interested!

Frankly, I miss Neighbours :lol:

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WOW! I hadn't seen this thread before!




(by the way, I have no clue how cricket is played - and I play for the Cricket Club :lol: - so ...... so, it was just a mention (I don't understand either how some team... I was watching NZ v/s India, I think, and they won for like 300 20 or something like that....... the difference was huge! :stunned: )


I like Tennis....... especially xcause we are doing fine :D also swimming very much, but probably you all know that already, and gymnastic..... and I was watching Stevlana Khorkina and she looks a bit too thin ..... well it just amazed me how she can do what she did, and stand up with those legs sveta3.jpg

She doesn-t look thin there, but she really is and......... well, what can I say_ I just love them, though in my country sport is regarded as something you do for funa nd only If you are bored..... :dozey:

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Cricket is the most boring sport in the world. No, change that..in the HISTORY of the world...that being any sport that has ever been played.

Maybe I'm the only one who likes watching the olympics! Except for- Ping Ping (boring) Badminton (more boring) and rowing and horseriding. Oh and shooting. And baseball. Uhh..actually I can see where people are coming from now. :lol: But I love watching the swimming (go Thorpey!) basketball, volleyball and tennis. And everything else is good to watch as well.


It's kind of sad how many people are at the Olympics. There's hardly anyone in the crowds. I thought Sydney in 2000 was much better. :smug: :P

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WOW! I hadn't seen this thread before!




(by the way, I have no clue how cricket is played - and I play for the Cricket Club :lol: - so ...... so, it was just a mention (I don't understand either how some team... I was watching NZ v/s India, I think, and they won for like 300 20 or something like that....... the difference was huge! :stunned: )


I like Tennis....... especially xcause we are doing fine :D also swimming very much, but probably you all know that already, and gymnastic..... and I was watching Stevlana Khorkina and she looks a bit too thin ..... well it just amazed me how she can do what she did, and stand up with those legs sveta3.jpg

She doesn-t look thin there, but she really is and......... well, what can I say_ I just love them, though in my country sport is regarded as something you do for funa nd only If you are bored..... :dozey:


Uhhh that's what I thought when I saw her the other day competing in the finals. And her look was just ' :rolleyes: ' such a diva haha! But yeah her legs were really thin compared to the American who grabbed gold.

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