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~*~ The Official Will Champion Appreciation Thread ~*~


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CONGRATS, Lauren!!!!!!

Awesome picspam:thumbsup: and once I see that gif, I just can't stop staring at it!:shocked2::D


(Ive been soooo lazy lately with posting pics:shame:, but since this thread livened up with more posters, I know someone else will be around to pic up the slack, so it just enables my laziness!:P

I will do better...one of these days soon!)

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This is funny and cute.........Will singing




Hehe, yeah I was there for that! It was awesome! I think he handled himself very well though. I actually was recording on my mobile and stopped just as the cable was pulled out... ugh...

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you were there OMG I'm freakin jealous :D


LOL, aww don't be jealous. Here is the video I shot... It cuts off RIGHT as it gets unplugged :beadyeyes2: stupid mobile for only letting me do 30 second clips at a time :rolleyes:


I hope this works... it should open with Quicktime. It's not that HQ either since it was shot on my mobile, and I had to shoot the globe thing since they were all the way at the back of the arena...



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Sorry if there already is a Will thread, I didnt see one on here so I thought I would start one up...if there already is one-ignore this. If not share your love for the amazing WILL in this thread!






:hug: hooray for will appreciation!!! thanks "breakfast_of_champion"! :hug:

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:wideeyed: I was waiting for those other pictures to appear!! When someone posted that first pic of Will and Brandon and said that there were more, I kept thinking "Where are these secret warchild pictures!?!" :wacko: they are all so cute/amazing!!


The Killers + Coldplay = my two fav bands :wacky:




when/where is this from?


I've posted that pic already in Chris thread but... WILL....AWWWW!!! :stunned::D



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"Flowers shows his appreciation of Coldplay's drummer, Will Champion"


Everybody :heart: Will! :nice:


Btw, thank Denise for finding it, not me.

How couldn't anyone? He makes such a cuuuuuuute face when Brandon 'shows his appreciation'. :nice: :heart: (Sounds like a synonym for something different and not a kiss on the cheek :rolleyes:)
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