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Doctor Who ???......


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It was a good way for him to bow out - "at peace" with himself.:cool:


but... he wasn't at peace! his last words were "I don't want to go"!


I watched the Doctor Who Confidential episode last night, and when they showed David Tennant crying after his last take, I lost it again :bigcry:


I'm so pathetic... I've never cried over a TV show before this :P

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Am I the only one hoping until the very end that everyone was playing a prank on me and that Matt Smith really wasn't going to play the Doctor and David, at the end of the episode, was going to be like: "HEY! I'M NOT CHANGING! I'VE STILL GOT A GOOD ROUND ON ME."

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I haven't seen any episodes with Matt Smith as the doctor yet, they're rerunning the last series with David Tennant i'm watching it again, i don't want DT to leave.

there's only really 1 episode with Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor so far. & even then he's only in it for like all of the last 20secs or so... ;)


but... he wasn't at peace! his last words were "I don't want to go"!


I watched the Doctor Who Confidential episode last night, and when they showed David Tennant crying after his last take, I lost it again :bigcry:


I'm so pathetic... I've never cried over a TV show before this :P

yeah...that bit where they were retaking that particular scene to get the mood just right when he says "i don't want to go..."


the goodbyes was a great touch. gives the sense that things have come full circle for the Tenth Doctor & the Doctor's adventures as the Eleventh Doctor will be a whole new story.


& that scene where he goes back to look for Rose..............ah....i'll miss The Doctor & Rose.


darnit, i'll miss the Tenth Doctor!!! :bigcry:

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Am I the only one hoping until the very end that everyone was playing a prank on me and that Matt Smith really wasn't going to play the Doctor and David, at the end of the episode, was going to be like: "HEY! I'M NOT CHANGING! I'VE STILL GOT A GOOD ROUND ON ME."


no, you're not, I hoped the same thing! especially when he woke up after the Time Lords left and he was like "I'm still alive"... and then stupid Wilf started knocking on the door :censored:


I yelled out "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when I heard those 4 knocks :cry:

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god, I COMPLETELY lost it at the end. I'm glad I watched it alone cause I was such a wreck... when he freaked out at Wilf, when he said goodbye to Rose, his last line... :bigcry: :bigcry:


I think those are the bits that really got me too. When he said that last line, "I don't want to go" i even found myself saying, "I don't want you to go either." :embarassed: :bigcry:


Despite the fact that we've known for ages that David Tennant was leaving, i'm still having trouble coming to terms with it. He was my Doctor and i loved him so much :cry:


As for Matt Smith, i may not know much about him or have seen him in anything else before, but from the new trailer on the official Doctor Who BBC web site and that little glimpse we got of him as The Doctor at the very end of The End of Time Part 2, i am quite hopeful that he will make a good Doctor and he seems to have a natural charm to him. Only time will tell if he can live up to David Tennant's Doctor though, for me anyway :\

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no, you're not, I hoped the same thing! especially when he woke up after the Time Lords left and he was like "I'm still alive"... and then stupid Wilf started knocking on the door :censored:


I yelled out "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when I heard those 4 knocks :cry:


as sad as that revelation was, storywise, i thought that was actually a good twist. cos The Doctor was so sure that the 4 knocks would be from The Master (who turned out to have sacrificed himself for The Doctor...bloody hell! so there IS some good in him amongst the insanity from the sound of the drums!). & then it turned out to be from Wilf.......oh, the cruel irony of the situation! :\

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With a little bit of time to absorb it all now, all I can still really say now is that I don't think I've ever been so frustrated by a tv screen being a tv screen before in my life. It's getting in the way right when he needs a hug so much. :cry:


Gah actors. How do they do that? That thing with their eyes?

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Sorry to triple post, but has anyone posted the Series 5 Trailer yet? :dance:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnPUF8an-XE]YouTube- Doctor Who: Series 5 Preview - BBC One[/ame]


I'd say based on that and the ending that worst-case scenario, Matt Smith will still be perfectly adequate. But man, those shots of him in Tennant's suit are freaking me out.


...are they the same height?

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yeah, I saw the trailer, but something about Matt Smith is really unappealing to me. :sick: I dunno...


Also, Series 4 on DVD is on sale right now on Amazon.com! I just discovered it because I had a giftcard to spend, and I thought I might buy a series... it's $42 right now instead of $65 :)

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^Nice. :cool: I got the first series for Christmas because amazon did that last fall. :D It's a pity they have to be so expensive usually.


yeah, I have series 2 as well :wacko: and series 4 was so cheap with this sale that I was able to buy an 09 special with my giftcard as well, hooray! :dance:


by the way, your avi is absolutely hilarious :lol:

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Oh my word. :freak: Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love him any more... :bomb:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oin0KNElSG0]YouTube- David Tennant - Never Mind The Buzzcocks - Fix You Coldplay[/ame]


I haven't seen a celebrity go on about Coldplay like he did in...ever?

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yeah, I have series 2 as well :wacko: and series 4 was so cheap with this sale that I was able to buy an 09 special with my giftcard as well, hooray! :dance:


by the way, your avi is absolutely hilarious :lol:

Yeah, series one was the only one I still needed. Now I just have to wait for the specials boxset to go on sale some day.


And thanks. I yoinked it from one of the resident ihasatardis loons... :nice: http://community.livejournal.com/ihasatardis/1978441.html#cutid1


@ Space Cadet : i'm SO hungry............................ :P

sorry, i just couldn't resist! :laugh3:

Eh... I think the meme line is better. :smug2:
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I am missing the doctor, I felt the same when Christpher Eccleson left... however in the end.. I thought David Tennat was better.. maybe matt smith will be somehwere in between.


I think DT will be back one day !... I am sure.. !

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Oh my word. :freak: Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love him any more... :bomb:



I haven't seen a celebrity go on about Coldplay like he did in...ever?

*sigh* i know!!!!!!!! :D


i love him even more now for sticking up for Coldplay with those haters on either side of him & sticking a "I will try to fix you" at them...which is SO appropriate since he's The Doctor.

i laughed so hard when i first saw it & i still laugh when watching it again! :cool:


"it's Coldplay! deal with it!" :P

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Squee! *jumpyclaps* :dance: :dance: :dance:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpbmMhNe6aA]YouTube- New Doctor Who Trailer featuring the Doctor and Amy! - BBC One[/ame]


Still not sure about him... I quite like her though. And they let her keep the Scottish accent (Yay!) :nice:

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