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Coldplay Dreams

Guest LiquidSky

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I dreamed that I wanted a pic with guy and suddenly i had the oportunity to do it. but i realized that "guy" was not as handsome as I thought and I felt very dissapointed. but then, I discover that that man was a cheater, and wasnt the actual guy. I woke up very excited and I just calmed down thinking it was only a dream

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I had another long and weird dream


I was watching Madagascar at a bonfire, when all of a sudden my dad said "Hey, let's go to Sea World" And i wuz like :wtf: "Noo dad! I don't like whales!" :bigcry:

So we walked to the edge of Sea World, when i looked back, my dad was gone and Chris appeared :wtf: So I hugged him and asked him if he could take me back to the bonfire.

Then Apple and Jonny came along, then a talking umbrella offered us a New Moon poster, then it started to rain.. so we kept walking, then Chris kissed Jonny's cheek and then they started to make out :wtf: :wink3:

The i wuz like "WHOO!" :dance:

Then the alarm woke me up.

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No sex dreams for me. Then again...I'm 16....maybe thats a good thing?? :rolleyes:


Yes. That's a good thing indeed.

I'm 19 and I'm a virgin. But I still have sex dreams.

I wouldn't say their bad though.

I mean, its better to have sex in a dream than risk getting pregnant in real life right?





and the plus side is dreams feel real. ;)

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*randomly pops into thread



never had coldplay sex dream

but had a dream i hugged chris last night and kissed him on the cheek and he returned the favor

and my cheek stayed wet where hed kissed it for like..... 2 hours

then me and someone else snuck onto the viva jet just before they took off

the band was at the back of the plane

i was in the front seat with a kid from my health class, he talked about tacos on the entire plane ride ...


then i woke up and went to del taco

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I dreamt last night that Guy came to my school (like visiting, not a pupil - unfortunately :P) and that everyone told him I was in love with him (even though only my friends know that :laugh3:) and then I went and got a picture taken with him :D That was the best dream of my entire life :lol:

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I dreamed once that I don't know how, I was in the same room with the band and some other fans, but you could just talk to Jonny, Guy was taking pictures all over the place, Will was trying to read and Chris was really angry because Noel and Liam Gallagher were fighting (No idea why they were there). So when I saw Jonny i walked towards him and asked "Can I take you a picture?" but he said no...and I was really sad but then he started laughing and let me take a picture...and then he kissed me on the cheek :rolleyes:

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last night, i dreamt that i was at a coldplay show. right in the front. and out of the blue, they started playing don't panic and chris had given me the microphone so that i could sing instead of him. it was weird. then they covered 'the planets bend between us' by snow patrol haha. that was pretty cool. i woke up after going on stage to meet the band and trying to hit will's bell.

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Guest LiquidSky

I'm still in high from the concert.....



I had a dream last weekend that I was so close to the stage and was jumping and singing along and Jonny looked so beautiful as always. I couldn't believe it was HIM..RIGHT THERE...PLAYING! I kept on staring at him and for a moment he looked up to the crowd and looked to where I was and I smiled and he then changed to this puzzled expression on his face and I kept on smiling and looking at him and then he looked down still playing his guitar. I couldn't believe I was so close (in the dream) and then when I woke up & I still couldn't believe I was so close in real life!! :heart: :blush:

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I've had 2 Coldplay dreams recently.


The first one took place in a seatless high school auditorium/gym and they were playing, but it was only my best friend and myself there, and the lights were on. My friend and I went up to the stage and at first, all 4 had Jonny's face. We asked Will (with Jonny's face) if we could take some pics and he was so nice and said absolutely. I just had to wait for my sister to come back in (I presumed she was in the bathroom). So my friend and I went out to look for her and we were like "WE HAVE SUCH A SURPRISE FOR YOU" so we went back in and the dream ended.


In the second dream, I picked up my friend from the first dream at her beach house (which she doesn't have) and went to a Coldplay concert. This one took place in a small club and we didn't have tickets. When we got there we ordered McDonalds food and the people at McDonalds said our wristbands would be out shortly and to just have a seat and wait for them. Later on after an in-between dream I was back with my friend and she said she had bought tickets and had them.


Dreams are so bizarre.

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Last night my dream consisted of Chris, and being at his house.....


no. Not like that. Get yo mind outta the gutter.


Anyways. It was me, Cha_Buckland, Chris's family and some other coldplayers I didn't recognize in his house, just hanging out, and talking to Chris. Then, all of the sudden, Gwyneth got home and yelled...............'GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!!' Most of the Coldplayers ran straight out. Cha and I didn't, but we went to collect our stuff, and then we heard Gwyneth say, God, I was just kidding.....Then Chris went in the back room, and he never appeared again...me and Gwyneth got to talking about something. I'm not sure what it was. After we were done talking, I some how had Apple and Moses and took them outside to play with their cousins. I don't know...it was so weird.

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