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German music....

Gitta Rensolo

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What about Madsen? I like their music :)


I like them a lot and they are actually very nice guys as well. ;) met them a few times some years ago, when they weren't as famous as they are today. I'm going to see them live again ( for the 4th time) on october 8th. :)

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:D wow.. crazy disscussion here


i think it is stupid to argue if a band is good or not... that depends on your point of view,....


but i have to say you all forgot about THE best german band: REAMONN!! they are great. they have potential... i wonder that no-one mentioned here...


imho beatsteaks are great. i´ve seen them twice. its a lot of fun watching their shows... also fantastic four have an superb live quality (imho)


i also like gentleman... though i have to say the albums are a bit...eerrm boring to me... but live.. in summertime...perfect...


another artist i really like is thom. he is former singer of vivid. (not too bad as well)


a frined of mine introduced me to a band called mon)tag. they are pretty good

go and see http://www.tapeterecords.de /has also an english translation

there are a lot of other german artists too.


just to mention some more bands... (i dont like these bands personally but....) the ones mentioned so far..show a pretty onesided view...




all the new band with girls as front"man" :D like Juli, wir sind helden, klee, etc etc...

sasha/dick brave

tocotronic (these are brutally bad imo)

jeremy days


ahh i think this is enough .... you have now stuff to disscuss on the next 11 pages..

;) have fun :lol:

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Mh ..Reamonn, right, we forgot it ! :D


But if you say Reamonn, me reminds back to Orange Blue? *g*


Then there was Echt .. better version of what it is right now Tokio Hotel :o


Discuss if you want Oo


yeah Reamonn are good indeed. Everyone has to love "Supergirl". The other songs are a question of taste...they mostly play ballads, I think. I even have their album "Beautiful Sky" at home.

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