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What are your most anticipated CDs...??

Sweet One

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Doesn't necessarily have to have a 2003 release but any artist that you're itching for some new material from...


Mine are:


1)Radiohead- DUH! I think pretty much everyone saw that coming..

2)a new coldplay cd- preferably with "Gravity" on it.. :D

3)The new phantom planet cd- YAY!!

4)A new Incubus album- Morning View seems like soo long ago..

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Great thread, Laura. ;) Anyways, mine are:


01) a new coldplay album (With ladder to the sun included :D )

02) radiohead's hail to the thief, (of course :roll: )

03) a new travis album. (Travis rulez! I need more Travis songs!)

04) a new u2 album (with new songs only! No more best of... :P )

05) a new avril lavigne album (strange, can't stop listening to avril... and i used to dislike her :? )

06) new Foo fighters album (but probably we'll have to wait for a long time for this one... :( )

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The one's I'm waiting for the most are....


1 / NEW U2 CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 / Radiohead

3 / Though it's probably not going to come out until 2004, new Tool cd

4 / New Coldplay disc

5 / New Our Lady Peace disc

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travis (although i wasnt so impressed with the invisible band) and of course COLDPLAY!!! is there a date and anything? i have really misses this topic missa thinks :? i cant think of anyone else... yeah sterophonics and brmc would be nice aswell

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Guest radi0ed

RADIOHEAD - HAIL TO THE THIEF - a must have cd !

Radioheads Live dvd from last years tour - to be announced

The Long awaited Coldplay live dvd - when its done ?

anything from INME

maybe the new Blur cd - Think tank !

The Leaves - they sound like a cross between coldplay and radiohead

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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