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do your parents like coldplay?


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if i ask my parents what coldplay is they'll be like WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT, yeah my parents dont have a clue who coldplay are well my mom kinda does now cause she knows i went out of my way to go to their concert and she actually got mad that i didnt call her when they performed on the grammys. right, like if im going to remember to call my mom when coldplay is on the grammys, she'll prolly wont even care cause she doesnt like american music.

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Well this is funny - but I am the mum of a 16 year old boy, and I LOVE COLDPLAY!! They are the greatest band around! And if my mum was still alive she'd love them too - I know she would, and she would have been to see them live, like I have!! My dad - well, he wouldn't have liked them.


Oh, and Chris Martin's parents like them - especially his dad!! They are well cool!! :D


Hey Victoria! So does your son like Coldplay?

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...my dad is a jazz player and he loves Coldplay... he is 63 .... but also the comments like... "well there have been many good bands" well I have liked many a band in my life but none as much as Coldplay!!

My friends irritate me when they say they have never heard of them!! and my 8 yr old is really really addicted to them...knows all their lyrics INCLUDING all the BSides! ( my mum would have loved them if she was here today)

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Hey Victoria! So does your son like Coldplay?


Yes he does - but they're not his fave band. He's into stuff like Funeral for a Friend, Waterdown and loads of others - I can't keep up, the list is updated daily! lol He likes Radiohead too. :)

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I AM the Mom!!! LOVE COLDPLAY!!! and now my kids do too!!!.....

Have seen them live 3 times......and met them all and have all their autographs!!!.....Chris Martin thought it was SO COOL that a Mom and Daughter were at the same show!!!....he met us both together!!!....They are all really sweet and awesome guys!!!.........How can you NOT love 'em?!?!?? :o

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I AM the Mom!!! LOVE COLDPLAY!!! and now my kids do too!!!.....

Have seen them live 3 times......and met them all and have all their autographs!!!.....Chris Martin thought it was SO COOL that a Mom and Daughter were at the same show!!!....he met us both together!!!....They are all really sweet and awesome guys!!!.........How can you NOT love 'em?!?!?? :o

:? jealous again..
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my parents both love them. my mom loves clocks and my dad loves trouble. my dad's getting a bit tired of them though cuz they're constantly playing either in the car or on the sterio at home. :-D but they've both got tickets to go see them next week.

lol. my mom tries to sing along with chris, but we're polish and she's got a strong accent so she doesn't really sing it right. lol. but she tries.

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