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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Coldplay was in my dream last night! Well, not really but I had a dream that I was trying to get front row at a Coldplay show and I had to like sprint to the barrier. I woke up before I knew if I made it.


I hate when that happens! And you just want to go back to sleep to see if you made it or not! OMGGGGG

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i just remembered another coldplay dream! we were all watching coldplay on some pre show stage outside the stadium where they were playing and they played the beginning of fix you and then started getting into vans to drive to the stadium but somehow fix you kept playing and when it got to the awesome part of fix you the doors to the stadium opened and we all got to run into the stadium trying to get the best seats we could! it was a cool idea...

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i had a dream that we were in London and i was searching for Coldplay everywhere

but 9 hours of looking i gave up and sat on these steps and i dunno why but my family went to a hotel and left me then 5 minutes of my getting angry at myself a man came and sat next to me and i was horrified because it was Chris and then it started snowing and i was only wearing a singlet top and shorts so Chris gave me his jacket and i went to their studio because they had a fire and i guess u guys might know what happened me and Chris + fire = :wink3:

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I had this Coldplay dream where Coldplay was in front of my house, and they were playing Yellow, and I was the only one home...


:wink3: (You can guess what happened after they came inside...)


And at the end of my wonderful dream, they played this rocked out version of Fix You, which was ruined when right in the middle of the song my alarm went off :angry:

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and then when you go back to sleep, you don't dream about anything!!!!!:freak: I HATE IT!


I know it really sucks cause they could be really good dreams sometimes. Although once, I was having a Coldplay dream, and then I woke up out of nowhere and went back to sleep and my dream continued. :awesome: that hardly ever happens though.:shifty:

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I was watching a movie on the Lifetime channel. :P Anyways it was a movie called Intimate Stranger and there was a part where it was 4th grader's b-day party and he received a Coldplay cd. :awesome: The boy responded to the gift with something along the lines of "Cool! Coldplay!":D I'm not sure which cd it was but I think it was Parachutes, cause I saw black on the cover. :) Anyways, I thought it was cool that he received a Coldplay gift. :)


Oh, and my cousin is playing Politik on his guitar right now. :awesome:

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