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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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I want to name my daughter Coldplay. Wouldn't it be sweet? :nice:


And if you have two, they'll be the inseparable Cold and Play! :D

The first one will often be chilly and coughing... The second will be very playful and a great musician! :lol:















This is what my mind can produce at midnight :uhoh:

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Oh those r some nice rcts imelda :D

poor chris :P

ah the dentist reminds me of needing to go there myself

nice song.


I heard trouble today, and it made me feel better cuz I was super annoyed with my sis today.

Had not heard it in a while and its so beautiful.


Im going through coldplay withdrawl, how much more do I have to wait for the new album?!


...And new interviews :(


Thanks. :) Just a couple of more months hopefully Ana. Patience, patience. :P


I found the cp shirt I had once, its online. Now I just need to wait till next paycheck to buy it :D


Just had a cp flashback. In middle school I used to write coldplay on my hand with gel pens and people would ask what it meant :P


I sometimes draw the equal sign on my hand on like Chris' birthday or wear your Coldplay shirt day, and get asked for it's meaning too. :P


Is there a way to delete like triple posts or howver many posts this dang phone posted :P


:lol: I've never had a triple post.


Right now At 12:52 just felt and earth quake! Scary im shaking.Im californian and all but im not used to this, and don't think u ever get used to it.


Was gonna post this on facebook but everyone is doing it so ....




Aww...:hug: It was just a small earthquake right? I'm already used them. :lol: I don't even get scared cause all the ones i have experienced have not been dangerous magnitudes...I hope it stays that way!

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Thanks. :) Just a couple of more months hopefully Ana. Patience, patience. :P




I sometimes draw the equal sign on my hand on like Chris' birthday or wear your Coldplay shirt day, and get asked for it's meaning too. :P




:lol: I've never had a triple post.




Aww...:hug: It was just a small earthquake right? I'm already used them. :lol: I don't even get scared cause all the ones i have experienced have not been dangerous magnitudes...I hope it stays that way!


Im trying to be patient, but its hard. Hmm well nobody said it was easy :P


Haha yea but it makes us look cool with mysterious things written on our hands. When I wrote coldplay though, people thought it said coca cola at first :P when I told them it was a band, they said they didn't know them :blank:


My phone went wacko haha. But I put them good use by editing them and writting stuff like that flashback lol


Yea it wwas 4.5 but it still scared me. Im more scared that there may be aftershocks! Really you're used to them is there more quakes in socal cuz of the fault lines? I haven't felt a quake in years. Its good that there's little ones so to release the pressure and prevent a huge one. But they say a big one is coming and that's what scares me!


Ah that's such a cute name for a dog :D

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Im trying to be patient, but its hard. Hmm well nobody said it was easy :P


Haha yea but it makes us look cool with mysterious things written on our hands. When I wrote coldplay though, people thought it said coca cola at first :P when I told them it was a band, they said they didn't know them :blank:


My phone went wacko haha. But I put them good use by editing them and writting stuff like that flashback lol


Yea it wwas 4.5 but it still scared me. Im more scared that there may be aftershocks! Really you're used to them is there more quakes in socal cuz of the fault lines? I haven't felt a quake in years. Its good that there's little ones so to release the pressure and prevent a huge one. But they say a big one is coming and that's what scares me!


Ah that's such a cute name for a dog :D


"No one ever said it would be this hard..." :P You know this is the first time I'm waiting for the release of a new album. It's exciting. :D


I didn't know them at the time either. :shame: But I do now, and that's what matters. Hopefully those people do too. :P


Well I live right on the San Andreas fault line sooo yeah we get a few every year. I don't mind them cause like you said they relieve some pressure, but I am scared for that "big one" they say is coming like you too. :\ They've been saying that for years now though...so i don't know...


Thank you. :nice: I sometimes wish I had called him just Sparks as his real name. :P

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"No one ever said it would be this hard..." :P You know this is the first time I'm waiting for the release of a new album. It's exciting. :D


I didn't know them at the time either. :shame: But I do now, and that's what matters. Hopefully those people do too. :P


Well I live right on the San Andreas fault line sooo yeah we get a few every year. I don't mind them cause like you said they relieve some pressure, but I am scared for that "big one" they say is coming like you too. :\ They've been saying that for years now though...so i don't know...


Thank you. :nice: I sometimes wish I had called him just Sparks as his real name. :P


:lol: well this is my first time waiting for a new one too, well that im really involved in. For x&y I waited for too but I really only relied on the radio's news which was not much info. And also went online and heard a little previews but the album was pretty much done. Im excited to be around when its like, in the making. :D


Imelda! The album is getting aimed at for spring! It could be on our bdays!:P


Yea that was back in AROBTTH days, could be my fav cp era:heart: vlv challenges that though. Good thing u discovered them!


Wow, I guess that's why you're used to em:P hopefully that "big one" gets diffused by these little ones. N it was scary cuz it reminded me of the haiti earthquake anniversary, I feel bad for them :(


Maybe you could legally change his name :P

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:lol: well this is my first time waiting for a new one too, well that im really involved in. For x&y I waited for too but I really only relied on the radio's news which was not much info. And also went online and heard a little previews but the album was pretty much done. Im excited to be around when its like, in the making. :D


Imelda! The album is getting aimed at for spring! It could be on our bdays!:P


Yea that was back in AROBTTH days, could be my fav cp era:heart: vlv challenges that though. Good thing u discovered them!


Wow, I guess that's why you're used to em:P hopefully that "big one" gets diffused by these little ones. N it was scary cuz it reminded me of the haiti earthquake anniversary, I feel bad for them :(


Maybe you could legally change his name :P


I really wish I could have been part of at least pre-Viva release cause it seemed like it was exciting to get updates from Prospekt. :) LP5 seems a bit more mysterious and on the down low. :P


I know I read that today on that NME article. :dance: Perhaps it will land on one of our birthdays. :D


I know I feel bad for them too...like I was seeing footage on the news of how it looks today and almost everything is still pretty damaged and bad over there. :( At least over here if we were to get a big earthquake it wouldn't be as bad cause of the building foundations and the resources...


haha my family would not allow me to do that. :P


:hug: that sucks that you had another earthquake especially since you're scared of them. :\ Anan, you should make sure you guys have supplies for in case of an emergency cause you never know. But I hope it's just another small earthquake and that's that.:hug:

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I really wish I could have been part of at least pre-Viva release cause it seemed like it was exciting to get updates from Prospekt. :) LP5 seems a bit more mysterious and on the down low. :P


I know I read that today on that NME article. :dance: Perhaps it will land on one of our birthdays. :D


I know I feel bad for them too...like I was seeing footage on the news of how it looks today and almost everything is still pretty damaged and bad over there. :( At least over here if we were to get a big earthquake it wouldn't be as bad cause of the building foundations and the resources...


haha my family would not allow me to do that. :P


:hug: that sucks that you had another earthquake especially since you're scared of them. :\ Anan, you should make sure you guys have supplies for in case of an emergency cause you never know. But I hope it's just another small earthquake and that's that.:hug:


Yea im sad I missed all of the pre-viva excitement too :( but I had no internet at the time :( maybe soon we will get some news from them, and excitement.


Can't wait! Even if it does mean ill be older, just when I was getting used to my age:\ good consolation to get the album on my bday! Ill have a cp party :D


Yea I was watching the news about it too, already a year!


Haha. Well atleast its his nickname :D


Aww thanks :hug: well this time my mom was the one freaked out lol. Yea my mom said she would get supplies tomorrow, your family should too if you're on a fault line :hug:

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I want to name my daughter Coldplay. Wouldn't it be sweet? :nice:


Haha OK, guys, some history behind this. I wouldn't be the person who gives children uncommon/strange/weird names, so I won't name my daughter Coldplay.


BUT. My friend was standing in the lab developing some photos the other day and she showed me a picture of her niece and said "guess her name". I said I didn't know and she said her name was Coldplay! I was so impressed, and then she said she was kidding. :( But we thought about it for a while and eventually realised that it would be quite sweet for a girl's name. :nice:

But no, I won't name my daughter Coldplay. But I kind of want to. Just not for real.

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