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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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personally i like Chris singing on it and i like the piano part, Kanye is okay on it.


I can't decide if i like Homecoming or not..


What do you guys think of it?




That song, and Airplanes would be so much better without the rapping..... like candy.

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But it was worth it i'm sure. :D


Oh I don't know. I wasn't at the store, my sister's friend who works at the store that guy went to shop at met him. She said that he told her that he went to see Coldplay 7 times in the Viva Tour. :shocked2: i'm jealous. :lol:


:lol: So you'll be like, "I'm fifteen". :D At Jon's Incredible Pizza (have you heard of that place?) you can play the whole song. :D


Haha yea it was worth it :D


Wow im jelous too!! I wish I could see them thaat many times! But I just don't have that kind of money :(


Haha well I don't really have to say what age im pretending to be, I just don't correct them haha. People just think im my cousin's age cuz im hanging out with her :P I've never heard of that place probably its only in socal, aww I wanna play the whole song!

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Last night something awful happened to me


today my friend came over and comforted me


we spent the day at the mall




When I dropped her off and said goodbye I had this feeling of dread


going back home and being by myself with nothing to distract me any more.....


i started tearing up, and wished for something to make me feel better....




right as i did that

at that exact moment


Trouble came on the radio.


I swear its like there music always finds me whenever i need it the most.


Im really greatful to be able to appreciate them. :heart:


That is all.

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@Anacaren ...I don't have that kind of money either. :( I was talking to her today and she told me that he was 24, closer to your age. :P And that he had gotten i think she said 5 of the balloons from Yellow.. :wacko: I wish I had gotten one of those balloons too. Well I tried but with no luck. :lol:


haha cause of how you still look really young. :D Maybe it is just over here...but that place is really fun. It's like Chuck E. Cheese but better. They still have the games, but there's also a buffet, and you can make your own personal pizza with whatever you want on it, whether that be sausage, ham, candy, anything. :lol: They also have bumper cars and a like a ride or two. :) It's really fun. :) I love going there. :D

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@Anacaren ...I don't have that kind of money either. :( I was talking to her today and she told me that he was 24, closer to your age. :P And that he had gotten i think she said 5 of the balloons from Yellow.. :wacko: I wish I had gotten one of those balloons too. Well I tried but with no luck. :lol:


haha cause of how you still look really young. :D Maybe it is just over here...but that place is really fun. It's like Chuck E. Cheese but better. They still have the games, but there's also a buffet, and you can make your own personal pizza with whatever you want on it, whether that be sausage, ham, candy, anything. :lol: They also have bumper cars and a like a ride or two. :) It's really fun. :) I love going there. :D


What do you mean Imelda, im still like in my teens ;) he's a little old for me :dozey: haha but Guy isn't :rolleyes: haha :P


What that's so unfair! I never even got to touch a balloon from yellow :(

oh that does sound like a lot of fun! Im gonna look into that so that when I visit my family in socal I can see if they can take me :D

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Last night something awful happened to me


today my friend came over and comforted me


we spent the day at the mall




When I dropped her off and said goodbye I had this feeling of dread


going back home and being by myself with nothing to distract me any more.....


i started tearing up, and wished for something to make me feel better....




right as i did that

at that exact moment


Trouble came on the radio.


I swear its like there music always finds me whenever i need it the most.


Im really greatful to be able to appreciate them. :heart:


That is all.


Aww sorry you were feeling so down :hug:


That's happend to me before where coldplay somehow comes up and helps me through things.

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Aww sorry you were feeling so down :hug:


That's happend to me before where coldplay somehow comes up and helps me through things.


Same here.


I remember once after this girl i lived with just chewed me out in the car for an hour and a half and i was trying not to cry when we went into Outback Steakhouse to fill out job aplications and right as I was about to loose it I heard the intro to Viva la Vida come on and I perked up and felt better instantly.


That happens a lot.

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Has it ever happened that you are distracted by coldplay thoughts that you don't pay attention to what someone just said :P I did that at work and at the store.


I was wearing my Life in technicolor shirt today along with my coldplay bracelet to match :D




do you ever play the Kevin Bacon game where no matter what something is... you find a way to relate it back to coldplay?


we should make a forum game of that!


the Relate Random Things Back to Coldplay Game!

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do you ever play the Kevin Bacon game where no matter what something is... you find a way to relate it back to coldplay?


we should make a forum game of that!


the Relate Random Things Back to Coldplay Game!


Haha yay glad im not the only one :P


Haha no haven't played the kevin bacon game....oh I want some bacon for breakfast tomorrow!


Yea that sounds like fun! Maybe you should start it :D

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I can't stop listening to the end of Politik this morning, over and over. :shame:


It fits nicely with my sour mood brought on by a really awful weekend, the grey skies and relentless rain of this Monday morning, and my impending cross from early/mid to mid/late 20s.


Give me love over this indeed.

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