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Whats gunna happen to this place once LP4 comes out?


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Everything goes mental. Noobs show up, oldies complain that it wasn't like it was in the old days, whatever new group the new sound/marketing campaign attracted take up residence, while a few regulars who either don't like the new sound or don't like the crowding on the board disappear. The Coldplay section gets really noisy for a few months, and the regulars hunker down in the lounge where business continues as usual. Eventually everything slows down and then peters off into next to nothing when the tour ends. The girly girls fade away or grow up and some of the refugees slowly come back. Regulars who were whining about the crowding and noobs start once again whining that nothing ever happens and there's nothing to talk about just like they always used to. Eventually new album details start to leak out and the whole thing starts over again. :dozey:


Wash, rinse, repeat.


I'm sort of looking forward to the craziness... last summer was so slow I didn't even post for weeks at a time. I like fun summers.


last summer was slow because i wasn't here:smug:

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The noobs have already started arriving and it will get insane when the LP drops and even crazier when they start touring.


Best thing is the multimedia forum because the live shows will start showing up. I would suggest that you start to set aside some cash for a premium account with rapid share so you can download like a mofo and to all the noobs.....no I will not fucking please upload it to some other site so shut the fuck up.

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Everything goes mental. Noobs show up, oldies complain that it wasn't like it was in the old days, whatever new group the new sound/marketing campaign attracted take up residence, while a few regulars who either don't like the new sound or don't like the crowding on the board disappear. The Coldplay section gets really noisy for a few months, and the regulars hunker down in the lounge where business continues as usual. Eventually everything slows down and then peters off into next to nothing when the tour ends. The girly girls fade away or grow up and some of the refugees slowly come back. Regulars who were whining about the crowding and noobs start once again whining that nothing ever happens and there's nothing to talk about just like they always used to. Eventually new album details start to leak out and the whole thing starts over again. :dozey:


Wash, rinse, repeat.

Sounds accurate enough, though I wouldn't like to look at it that way as it somewhat comes across very routine despite the way the 'noise' is created being very unique - as in, each album release has been special in it's own way.


I'm quite looking forward to the rush of people into this forum again, afterall, I was once part of the rush. The period between the TLT and the recent revelations about LP4 was extremely quiet with even The Lounge dwindling down to a handful of regulars. The Latin Tour brought some new South American fans between the 'quiet period' but that was about it. I even found myself coming here once a month or so, instead of getting my daily dose.


The more people who visit here, temporarily or on a permanent basis, will always be a good thing, generate some noise for the band and let others who haven't yet been touched by their music, to take more of an interest. The fact that LP4 is on it's way is just an added bonus that will have fans pouring in, and I for one am excited to see it happening already :smiley:

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I think it's a great thing to meet a lot of people from all around the world in place like this!:)

and before I register in this forum I didn't know there are a lot of people here from different countries! then when I registered I was wondering about - where should I start and Am I going to meet some new friends...:rolleyes:

well, after a while I got to know some people here and everything is going ok with me...:lol:


- All the Newbies will be happy to join in this forum and I think they will try their best to know everything about this place and they will make sure to meet new friends....:)


- it's good that we share the same interest ''Our Love For Colaplay''

and I'm happy too because this's my first time to celebrate with you - for the new coming album for coldplay... :)

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i was thinking the same thing. the place will probably explode; one of those times where you're writing out your post and by the time you click "post quick reply," about fifty posts have appeared in the time you were writing yours, so it's almost not relevant anymore. it's exciting but a tiny bit aggrivating at the same time.


i don't mind n00bs at all...i distinctly remember what it was like to be one, and it seems to be the good ones that stick and become oldies anyway. they'll all lose interest quickly enough.


ditto on the bit about the lounge being intimidating...i actually didn't start posting in here until october/november of this year! it just seems to an outsider that everyone knows everyone and that you can't fully understand all the conversations going on...but now i love it!


i'm not going to be here too too much in the week of release because i'll be on holiday :bigcry: i really want to experience the explosion! i missed it for X&Y. but the place i live might have wifi, so i might be on more than i think. if not, then i want to try as hard as possible to check in on a dial-up connection every night--i'll miss you guys AND the excitement!

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I guess it'll be lots of new users... but they'll stop posting soon... and also there will be lots of threads about how good or how bad is the album... and spammers may come too I guess... I don't really know... I joined in february of 2005 but I started posting in july..

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Took me about a year to start posting regularly in the lounge, it's a really intimidating place for a newbie.


intimidating.. really?


when I was a new user I thought the lounge was a really friendly place!

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^i dont think the lounge is unfriendly, it just seems like an awkward place to break into when youve never been there before because everyone already knows everyone. i've never had anyone be unfriendly to me; it was more the worry about someone being unfriendly to me!


It's not unfriendly but it's not easy to know where you're welcome and where not. Because in some threads there were always those regulars talking about their private things and i didn't really want to go talk about their lives all of a sudden :P

And i remember Lore posting some pics in summer 2006 in the pics thread (yeah i know, my memory is just not normal :uhoh:) and i said something about them but no one paid any attention to me and then i thought that it was some kind of private thread and was SO ashamed! :lol:

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intimidating.. really?


when I was a new user I thought the lounge was a really friendly place!


Yeah, but I was alot younger then also I'd had bad experiences with the offical MB.


I knew this was a friendly place to be, I guess I just thought of myself as one of the Coldplay section people and didn't want to intrude on the "cool" people in the Lounge. :P


Even today there's a Coldplay section thread in the Lounge. Dunno can't explain it really.

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It's not unfriendly but it's not easy to know where you're welcome and where not. Because in some threads there were always those regulars talking about their private things and i didn't really want to go talk about their lives all of a sudden :P

And i remember Lore posting some pics in summer 2006 in the pics thread (yeah i know, my memory is just not normal :uhoh:) and i said something about them but no one paid any attention to me and then i thought that it was some kind of private thread and was SO ashamed! :lol:




Yeah i still find that happening sometimes!!

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^I know...but I find myself doing that sort of thing every once in a while. I'd hate for anybody to feel unwelcome in a conversation, though.


I remember when I first joined, I was afraid to post in the Lounge, just like some of you guys. I mostly stuck in the Coldplay section. I don't know when I first posted in the Lounge. :thinking:


This place is probably going to get pretty crazy when the next album comes out, but maybe if we have enough inside jokes and "private conversations" in the Lounge, we can keep the number of newbies posting here down! :P

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I thought the lounge was quite intimidating too... I just started playing the games so that I could actually try and talk to ppl, after that it got a bit easier, but until today there are still some threads that I dare not to enter coz I think I'll just feel unwelcome.

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even today, when I started posting, I was kinda scared that people wouldn't be nice or that the 'old' ppl wouldn't know who I was anymore...


and even when I was posting constantly here I was always so scared that people wouldn't like me or ignore me or something...

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And i remember Lore posting some pics in summer 2006 in the pics thread (yeah i know, my memory is just not normal :uhoh:) and i said something about them but no one paid any attention to me and then i thought that it was some kind of private thread and was SO ashamed! :lol:





:O :O :O




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WHat threads scare you??


I think I may have comitted the ultimate sin once...although it was not my fault. There was a thread posted in ONLY by Mods & Admin, and it was a sort of private conversation, but the thread was open on the homepage, so I figured it was ok to post my 2c. (I even said something about hoping it was ok). The thread promptly dissappeared again after that...so I guess someone hadn't set the permissions properly,lol.:embarassed::lol: (Ian might remember what I'm talking about...)

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