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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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when you keep searching for some coldplay music all day long and end up with some home-made remixes....:\


after all that the COLDPLAYING TOOLBAR shows some new "CP News" :o..... and you start all over again!! :lol:

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When you try to write "Coldplay" or "www.coldplay.com" on every school book you have, like a link to become a Coldplay fan :D

When you at such a bothering lesson like Biology, you try to write, with your left hand, (doesn't matter if you're right-handed) Coldplay's songs lyrics on your notepad.

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When you at such a bothering lesson like Biology, you try to write, with your left hand, (doesn't matter if you're right-handed) Coldplay's songs lyrics on your notepad.


I do that too :stunned::D

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6. when you've named your model of a ship that you're building for a project "The Chrissy"

Your list so reminds me of Chris and him making lists. :lol:


When you read that and start singing Clocks.
This is exactly what I did. :rolleyes:


When you watch a music channel and James Morrison is on and someone asks you if that would be Coldplay and you immediately start talking very fast and very much about Coldplay but not answering the actual question.

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Maybe i amrelated to him lol! Why does it remind you of chris making lists?
Just because I watched the uncut version of the Rove interview from a few weeks ago and in this version the interviewer asks Chris about him making lists all the time. And the other three agree that Chris has some kind of predilection for lists. He even made Jonny making a list recently. So that's why it reminded me a bit of Chris.
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Just because I watched the uncut version of the Rove interview from a few weeks ago and in this version the interviewer asks Chris about him making lists all the time. And the other three agree that Chris has some kind of predilection for lists. He even made Jonny making a list recently. So that's why it reminded me a bit of Chris.


Ohhh where's the uncut interview?

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(as someone already said...) when in your physics class you start talking about the speed of light and you start singing "look up, i look up at night planets are moving at the speed of light"


when, someone says "well i prefer green eyes" and well, you know, you start singing Green Eyes :D

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when your texting your friend saying you left practice already and are in a pretty bad mood and she responds with " why? is gwyneth paltrow pregnant or something?"


made me laugh


LMAO that's hillarious :P



when you have a whole freaking argument in your french class with your classmates about MTF which makes you really angry because people can be so stupid sometimes :P

when you see a person walking by in a VLV World tour t-shirt and you start smiling and stare at that shirt untill the person is out of sight :rolleyes:

when the only backgrounds on your phone and wall papers on your computer that you ever put on would be the band or something coldplay related

when your ringtone is "Yellow"

when all your MSN pms have a part of coldplay lyrics

When in your business class when you're on the computers w.e. you get a chance you go to coldplaying.com :P

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when your texting your friend saying you left practice already and are in a pretty bad mood and she responds with " why? is gwyneth paltrow pregnant or something?"


made me laugh


Haha Marisa that's so funny :D

But NO ! Not a child again... I mean... Chris already has enough with Apple an Moses !:lol:

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