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18-Nov-08: Houston - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos

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The look Will gives Chris is just priceless. Then Chris's face....Oh shit, Will is going to beat my ass in front of all these people. :laugh3: It's wierd that I taped it because I usually just clap and sing along. And my camera just goes to Jonny, I have no control over it what so ever. :rolleyes:


:laugh4: Yeah Will's look just screams "you bloody idiot"


Love it.

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Lovers in Japan


At around 1:19 you see Chris kinda wave to someone, and I tried to get a pic. There was a small child one of the crew brought out from backstage to watch the butterflies. Looked to be around 2 or 3 years old, with dark curly hair. Also strange because almost zero butterflies fell on the stage. The next night in Dallas Jonny was almost buried alive by them. :P


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:laugh4: Yeah Will's look just screams "you bloody idiot"


Love it.


Jejeje, he did look a bit pissed when it happened..... but it was so friggin funny!!!!!

None of them could stop laughing!!!!!!! :lol:


I hope there is a front shot somewhere.I wanna see Guy's undies again


Finally someone who's pervy thoughts i can relate........... :sneaky:


ewwwwwwwww Chris sneezed on Jonny


yeah "sneezed"....I'm sure that what he told Gwynie :P


Aww.... poor Gwyn......... so in the dark on her hubby's personal teddy bear........ :nice:

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My sister Lisa purchased me tickets for the Coldplay concert and it ROCKED! It was the best concert that I have ever been for which I did not have to buy tickets. lol. No, it really did rank up there among one of the best concerts I have ever attended. The Rolling Stones and Beastie Boys were pretty wicked too. Despite being sick as a dog and wanting to throw up on the hideously dressed, leopard jacket/cheap perfume wearing chick sitting next to me, everything was all good. I mean come on, seriously? Are you going to pick up any guy wearing that cheap perfume? I mean, I am trapped. I cannot escape your poor choices woman!!! Ok, I am done. Let's move on...


The band was amazing. They played for a good 3 hours, I would estimate. They played pretty much all of their songs for us, from the older albums to the newest one, Viva La Vida. One of the most exciting things they did was move about the arena. They played on the front stage, but then they ran to a smaller stage to the right of the arena, and finally ran to the upper tier and played on a small stage to the left. It was so cool that they thought of us up in the nosebleed sections. They wanted to make sure everyone could see them. Super cool if you ask me.


Lisa and I made a deal that the next time Coldplay was in town, we were going to purchase the seats up front, center stage and bring Ryan along as well. I am holding you to it sister! Thanks Lisa for being rockin AWESOME!


Thanks to everyone for making my day special. XOXO



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Answered Prayer (via Coldplay)


When last I posted it was only hours before the Houston Coldplay concert and I was wondering if my prayers for a great concert were more than slightly selfish. As it turns out God sometimes blesses us in ways that exceed our wildest hopes.


The blessing goes like this: My wife and I had tickets at the top row of the bottom section of seats. From there we were separated from the stage by an entire floor of concert goers and twenty three rows in our section. All of this was fine by us as the music and show were amazing and due to the cost of tickets the evening was tagged as our anniversary, birthday and Christmas presents to each other. Also my brother bought tickets a month after we did and as we were walking to the arena we realized that we had tickets two rows away from my brother so we would get to see the show together (sort of, more on that later). The concert was awesome and well worth any gifts we may have given to each other for anniversary, birthdays or Christmas. Then it happened… In the middle of the concert the entire band jumped off the stage, ran past the crowd on the floor, up the stairs of our section and stopped three feet behind us on a small platform. They proceeded to play an acoustic version of the song my wife and I danced to as our first song at our wedding.

Ridiculous? Absolutely. The entire time Kara and I couldn’t believe what was happening. As the band was running our way I actually thought about what I had written earlier that day about asking to be blessed by God in some memorable way through a concert. God is huge and He answers prayers. It would be great if He answered them like this every time but that isn’t the way it works. Instead He blesses us the way that He knows is best. This is by far my coolest story of answered prayer and maybe it can help you out today as you go through your day to remember that God is working and blessings come at us everyday sometimes they are big sometimes they are small and sometimes they include Coldplay.


One last thing. When the band came up to where we were sitting my brother who was two rows in front of us wasn’t two rows in front of us he was in the bathroom. So the experience wasn’t quite perfect after all.



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November 18, 2008 Coldplay in Houston


Tuesday Night, 7:30pm, The Toyota Center, Downtown Houston Texas...


I was very lucky to have a chance to see Coldplay in Houston tonight! Dawn and I were able to go and spend the evening with 8000 fans in the Toyota Center and witness one of the GREATEST concerts I've ever seen.

But in order to get to the great stuff we had to endure alittle of the not so great but okay, to the downright boring and pretty lame.

The alright was a group that first opened at 7:30pm called SleeperCar. Now I didn't mind them too much. It wasn't anything really great. We really got a kick out of their guitar/keyboard player. He was constantly looking to the side as he would play and look out to the crowd like he was something hot. It got really stupid. And Dawn didn't really like the lead singer. The band was solid. They sounded good but the singer wasn't anything to jump up and down for. At one point, he spoke about a song that he wrote for his cousin that died like two weeks after the two had a fight. He never got to say goodbye and more than that, he didn't ever get to say he was sorry. "Wow, this will be good," I thought. Then it was the dullest and unemotional song I'd heard. It actually sounded like a ripoff of a U2 song called Kite. But Kite was a way better song. That you didn't have to have Bono tell you what it was about or why. You know it.

This was Dawn's first concert. When Sleeper Car came on, it was really really loud. She ended up going to the restroom and getting some paper to put in her ears. Then she was fine. I went without and suffered for about three hours after the show. And alittle the next day.

Well they took up a half hour. Then at the end the lead singer tells us, Jon Hopkins is coming up and he's gonna, "BLOW YOUR MIND!" Alright, let's get our minds blown and it will hype us up for COLDPLAY! He comes out and proceeds to play on two Mac Books and a keyboard and synthisizer. And it turns into a 40 minute CSI background music number with Animated pictures shown on a screen that we can't see and we're only fourteen rows back from the stage. You know the music that they play on CSI where they are processing a crime scene or testing evidence in the uber labs. It was like that but just drawn out even longer. I like my atmosphere music faster than 120 beats per minute. This was dull. And it seemed like it never ended. I looked around the crowd. No one was into it. I didn't see anyone bouncing their head or anything. I said to Dawn, "NO ONE IS INTO THIS." This DJ guy was more into it, flaying his arms around and hitting his keyboard and constantly typing away on his laptops and stuff. It just wasn't that good to me. Or Dawn. Or at least 70% of the audience.

We were very very glad when it was over. It was about 8:45pm when he left the stage. Then we just had to wait about 20 minutes and in that time all the prep was going on. One of the craziest things we saw were these small guys had to climb up into the light set up above and out away from the stage and then climbed on the scafolding to these suspended chairs that turned out to be spotlights suspended about the crowd. WOW! I'd never seen anything like that. It was awesome.

Then they began pounding JAY-Z and the crew was dancing and flashing lights at eachother. Something was up. Then in a very very loud way, they began playing The Blue Danube (forgive my spelling) through the speakers. And these curtains began lowering on the stage. And it got louder and louder until the end with it thundering, the lights went out all at once!!!

And the crowd went NUTS!!!


Life In Technicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place

Speed Of Sound

Cemeteries Of London

Chinese Sleep Chant


Fix You

Strawberry Swing

-The Group walks out to a little stage light from below

God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (Electronic Mix)


-Chris talks to a little girl with awesome seats and sings alone

The Hardest Part

Postcards From Far Away

-Chris runs back to the stage

Viva La Vida


The Scientist

-The Group Runs out to the back of the Toyota Center

Death Will Never Conquer (Will plays guitar and sings the song!!!)

-The Group runs back to the stage and we wait


Viva La Vida (Thin White Duke Remix)

-They get back to the stage


Lovers In Japan (The Butterflies fill the Toyota Center!!!)

Death And All His Friends



The Escapist



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm hear to bring this thread back to life!! haha well actually I just wanted to post some videos from the show. Forreal though, how many other tour dates had THIS many posts?! Anyway, heres the videos, I had not intended to post these on youtube or here so the videos are not perfect but the sound is great. ALL are available in HQ.



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  • 1 year later...

I was at this concert and it was by far the greatest show I've ever been to. My best friend and I had the HIGHEST seats in the arena, and just before the second opening band began, two roadies approached us and the couple beside us, asked us trivia, made us close our eyes and scream, and presented us with FRONT ROW CENTER tickets. We were then escorted by security to the front row. IT WAS AMAZING! Best night ever. :) :) :) Coldplay is amazing!

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