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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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here's a question I just asked :

the band said that most of the time new songs were born during soundchecks when they improvise or do covers.. Coldplay's been on tour for more than a month now, so theyve been through many soundchecks already. Have they yet come up with some new stuff ?


I think it's quite alright.. no ?

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August 15, 2008 - submitted by Miriam, United States of America


Q. I was wondering- in Coldplay's music video The Hardest Part, was it the bands idea to to have that those 80's dancers in it? How did that come up and is it supposed to be funny? I was trying to find an "inner meaning" but I can't seem to find one.



The Oracle replies:


There isn't an inner meaning. Basically Mary Wigmore, the video's director had been waiting for the right project to come along so she could use the footage. It was originally from a U.S talk show called Attitudes. The clip was taken from a 1990 episode in Miami featuring Gene & Barbara (the latter died a few years ago) and was spliced with the band's performance. It is supposed to be funny but of course no way patronizing to the amazing dancers.




heyyyyyy coldplay.com says the original tv program was shot in 1982.. another lie!:\

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LOL!:lol: Who needs Sigmund Freud when you have Texasluvsjonny?!?
Don't blame me I didn't make the bloody graphics for their shows.


The funniest part is that I notice there are nipples there straight away....and Chris keeps reaching both hands up to "grab" at them. :laugh3:


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Perv or no perv there's no mistaking that there's nipples being projected onto the video screen though. :stunned:


It's actually a question I'd like to know the answer to. Is it meant to be funny or is it some metaphor that I'm just not getting :P

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Perv or no perv there's no mistaking that there's nipples being projected onto the video screen though. :stunned:


It's actually a question I'd like to know the answer to. Is it meant to be funny or is it some metaphor that I'm just not getting :P

I thought I was just imaging it at first. I was all " did I just see nipples?" Then when I got back to the hotel and watched my video there was no doubt. NIPPLES and so much more. Do they even know? Am I the only person that noticed or just a sick fuck? :laugh3:

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