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Has the Global Financial Crisis Affected You? in Anyway?


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Its preading all over the world the Global Finanical Crisi thingy.... Its really a crucial stage for the world and they better learn a lesson from this....


I on the other havent been much affected ..... Our family s doing fine no businesss closing or whatver etc.... im hoping it will last that way...

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As a student of the University of Life, I have learnt to cope with money, so my personal debt is currently


*checks online credit card servicing*


A grand total of £180, which was for some tickets I got earlier in the month, which will easily be covered by my pay, so overall I have no debt, and a suitable amount of savings.


So no major changes for me.

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yup. my dad works in the stock markets and he has been unemployed for over a year. he actually did get another job but after only a few months we was layed off again. he is 60 so it's been really tough for him to find a new job. with 2 kids in college now and me going next year my family is definatelyy being very negatively affected by all of this.

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It has affected me in a personal way, in the sense that I feel the hurt of those less fortunate - from empathy mainly.

It's from a cycle of behavior that we wound up spreading this collapse:

Major firms (Wall-Street connected) send money $---> Congressional/Presidential Races ----> Deregulation of market/corporate rules ----> Risky investments sold as grade-A nest eggs ----> Market Skyrockets ----> Market Crashes... & Repeat after each crash.

The problem is a lot of working class citizens get hurt badly each time. It could be from ENRON, Worldcom, Sub-prime bank scams, AIG Bailouts, etc. but the ones who feel the pain are always the workers. They get snookered into buying homes with variable-rate clauses; they're the ones who worked for ENRON and lost their pensions. And the workers have no buffer to fall back on - their wages adjusted for inflation have not kept up with household costs, health care, etc. True enough, they need more education to resist the pull of the scams (credit card debt, over-inflated housing, sub-prime swindles, auto swindles), but that's like blaming innocents for the Snidley Wiplashes of the world.. We ought to ask why do we allow so many scams to be run by crooks in the first place?? I'm 100% regulation, but it has to be tough, updated regularly, and put there by more honest elected officials.

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Yeah, my parents retirement savings have taken a pretty hard blow by the sound of it. It means they may not be able to retire in the next couple of years like they were hoping to. On the other hand, if things get really bad and layoffs are going around, they may be forced into early retirement anyway, which wouldn't be good.

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it has affected the companies that were paying for the proyect i'm currently working on, so now everything's on hold, the proyect has been stopped until further notice <whenever that is>, i have absolutly nothing to do at the office, and until they can find something for me to do...... my job's on the line.......... :\

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