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NRJ Music Awards (17th Jan) - Cannes / Chris Martin performs solo 'LiTii'


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We may have part of an answer of why Chris is performing alone....!!


Renan Luce (a french singer nominated) should have perform on the ceremony but he has been contacted by the awards staff to tell him he was not singing anymore...Guess who was put at his place...: Coldplay! The band was not programmed to perform but the award staff/EMI (?) made them to... Maybe the other guys wasn't available for that date, so Chris had to step up...?

Anyway, Renan Luce is pissed...XD (I feel bad for him, he's a really talented songwriter and deserved to perform (and to win an award..)..v.v


That's not very nice for Renan Luce :confused: I really enjoy his songs! You're right he's very talented (d'ailleurs j'ai voté pour lui dans sa catégorie ;))

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I can't vote! Help, please.

The votes are closes for almost a week now ;) The ceremony is tonight.


>>backstreetchix97: you won't miss much... The NRJ music awards are...how can I put it...lame?!! XD The nominees are basically commercial shit... The only ray of light is Coldplay every three years :lol:

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Ahhh, I wanna watch but sadly since I'm in the US, I cannot :(


I think he might wear the black dressy looking top with the green armband or something?


GASP if he wears normal clothes, haven't seen that in forever!


I want him to bring back the X&Y tour look!!!!



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