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14-Sep-2009: Phoenix Park, Dublin - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos


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Because I really really want to be there..


Edit; Probably Yellow on now..


Second edit; got another text from Kirsten, Glass of Water is on now!

Oh, okay... :(:confused:

Yeah, the fast version!


Lookatthestarslookhowtheyshineforyou *deep breath* andallthethingsyoudoanditwasallyellow


:awesome: !!!

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New tweet: Danphoenixfm: coldplay are now playing viva la vida omg its sooo good - less than 20 seconds ago from TweetDeck


Edit; Another tweet: dagda: Coldplay are covering mj! Wtf! - 1 minute ago from txt


Second edit; just got a text from Kirsten: Cstage has just finished but no set list changes so far. Some nice Will & Chris action during Billie Jean.


(And they played Trouble tonight..)

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Back from Coldplay. Absolutely amazing I'm too excited to sleep but also sad that the concert is over. Got really close to the stage Chris Martin is really really gorgeous.


This might be a stupid question, but do you know why he's been wearing a sort of scarf recently? Is it that cold or is it just a fashion thing? Or is he in some strange way trying to protect his throat so he doesn't get sick?? hmmm.... that Mr. Martin...he is a tricky one to figure out, isn't he? ;)

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set list please ^^ ?


Same as Manchester except a small cover of an Irish song called "Ride On" (best known for being performed by Christy Moore) at the end of The Hardest Part. Also the first time in Cemeteries of London when it came to that part he changed it to Dublin. Other than that I'd imagine everything was the same as Manchester!

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