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What's your favorite Coldplay video?


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I like most of their videos, but especially GPASUYF - great story, LIJ- beautiful look, and The Scientist because it's so clever but I don't like the fact that it's only got Chris in it. My absolute fave is Talk

Exactly, I love the video for the Scientist... the entire idea of singing backwards and the sad story... but it won't count as my favourite because it doesn't feature all the members.


Visuals wise, I love Violet Hill and Lovers in Japan. The puppets in LiT ii are brilliant too.


But I voted for Fix You, because I love the ending when it cuts between the whole band and the crowd singing in unison. Reminds me of how it feels like watching them live... The emotion always gets the better of me.

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mmmmmmmmm Talk use to be my favorite for a long time just because how hilarious and cute it is :lol:


but all the ones from the Viva era are really good too......:confused: its so hard........lets see my favs out of all of them are:



the Scientist

Speed of Sound


Fix You

Violet Hill

Lovers in Japan



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scientist because it was the first time EVER that i saw chrissy, and at the beginning where it shows him all super up close and stuff, i litterally screamed, "OMG W-O-W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and my brother's like, "what the heck?!" and i act all casual, oh nothing, nothing at all. this 'dude' on here just suprised me, that's all. My brother get mad, "his name's Chris Martin, not 'DUDE'." and i muttered to myself, "well whoever it is, he is the sexiest mas alive..." and my brother's like "WHAT?!" and here i go again,"oh, nothing, nothing..." :rolleyes: so, yes that video made me realize that chris was the most gorgeous man on earth!!!:D

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God Put A Smile Upon Your Face is by far the best, it's just awesome all the way around


GPASUYF is my definite favorite. It's so interesting and artsy, and, well...


And Chris looks damn good in it:wink3:


If these were still the days of VHS cassettes this is the part where the tape would get a bit fuzzy. >.>

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GPASUYF is my definite favorite. It's so interesting and artsy, and, well...


And Chris looks damn good in it:wink3:


If these were still the days of VHS cassettes this is the part where the tape would get a bit fuzzy. >.>

Damn he's hot

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GPASUYF is another amazing video, and directed by the same person who directed the video for The Scientist, I believe. Personally, I dig some of the more innovative videos that tell stories. Not that I have anything against the simple ones like Shiver (I just don't care for the live ones like Lost!).

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