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4-Mar-2010: Parque Simon Bolivar, Bogota, Colombia - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos

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the guy from a show in mtvla Gabo, maybe you know him and saw the 10+ today. He was being stupid as always (I don't like him) and said that coldplay demanded a postcard, flowers, energetic drinks and diapers cause according to him coldplay shows are not very energic so chris needs a power up and the diapers in case he drinks too much ¬¬

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"sounds.... not like the coldplay i know and love"


How so exactly? It's really only logical that they'd be traveling with a large touring crew, and that they'd stay somewhere top flight with all the amenties and whatnot. I would'nt worry about them "changing for the worse" based on an article that says they want some vintage wine and organic fruit.


I mean, really, the guys are HUGE stars now (as well as being hugely wealthy now.), it's reasonable to assume they're tastes have upgraded a bit. Doesn't mean they're somehow worse people than before. (Although, since I assume no one here actually knows them personally, it seems a bit silly to act like we "know" anything about what they're actually like to begin with...)


Personally, I could care less what they do as far as things like this goes, they make good music, and seem to work hard to give their fans a good show (which sadly, is a lot more than I can say for a lot of popular bands I've seen lately.)


Just my two cents...:)


well i hope your right

i mean yeah i love their music

but what really sold me on loving them the most is that they always came off as so humble and laid back.

id hate to see that go away

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My best attempt at an omg-coldplay-might-be-staying-here! list


-Dann Norte


-Hacienda Royal

-La Fontana

-Embassy Suites

-Bogota Plaza

-Poblado Plaza


-Bogota Regency

-Bogota Royal

-Boheme Royal

-GHL Comfort

-Rosales Plaza

-Windsor House

-Crowne Plaza



.......yea... that really narrows it down doesn't it? :dozey:

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Does anyone know where I can pick up my tickets for the show NOT on the day of the concert? I know I can pick them up at the Parque the day of, but I will be there the day before and would like to pick them up from the box office. Does anyone know the location and address of the box office?


The days are coming closer and closer!!


Thank you!

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I think you can pick them up at any of the locations stated on the site http://www.ticketexpress.com.co/component/content/article/35/219-anamed.html


Scroll down to where it says "PUNTOS DE VENTA BOGOTÁ". There are 3 stores/restaurants, each one has different locations. If you're taking a cab you can tell the cab driver to take you to the closest one.


If you need to memorize basic spanish sentences just tell me and I'll help you out :)

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