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The 6th Mixtape Exchange (closed for entries)

Black Rose

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If I post the link will someone review my Mixtape ?

Because my reviewer ain't been on for like two weeks and I Really don't think I am gunna get it reviewed. :(

Can you see if it's been downloaded?


Maybe somebody who hasn't received a tape can review it. :nice:

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Wow so Laura Marling was on the mixtape, I just got the tracks confused! Haha yeah not a massive punk fan but my mate would LOVE me for listening to Alexisonfire!! That's great with the Coral track, I definitely see the inspiration for Alex Turner. I am so happy you introduced me to that because Alex Turner inspires me. Definitely going to check out some coral records now. I can't believe I missed Noah and the Whale! Kicking myself.


Great to see you liked it!

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Ok so I've started listening to my mixtape but haven't managed 60 mins of it yet, so decided to review in stages... my mixer will be on tenterhooks all week :P :)


17 tracks - unfortunately track 15 is missing :(


1 - (Anon titled "If") - I love these kind of tracks... no lyrics, just atmosphere. They make albums really stand out. This track reminded me immediately of Phoenix Nights with the tinkling at the start :laugh3: No idea who this artist is but if this song is indicitive I'd like to hear more...


2 - (Anon titled "You're") - Don't know who this artist is either... not sure about the headache-inducing drum loop in the background which makes the song quickly irritating... sorry!


3 - (Anon titled "Lost") - Back on track - this one had me tapping on the desk, but noticed the word particles appears in this song as it did in track 2 - are these two songs linked in any way?? :thinking: Lots going on in this song, including a flute? and drum signature which dominates the singing. Mysteriously addictive song! .........


4 - (Anon titled "And") - Shortish 3 minute song with a catchy string melody - sounded quite folky - artist unknown. A solo artist perhaps? And those waffles look tasty too!

ok on to my next part of the review... sorry whoever you are to keep you waiting!!


5 - (Anon titled "Feel") - Two Door Cinema Club, Undercover Martyn - I know of this one, unfortunately I only enjoyed the first 18 seconds. Something's happening in that basement, sorry but I'm washing my hair!


6 - (Anon titled "Alone") - Good driving track with the lyrics "I've got you next to me... I don't want to waste it" the standout highlight. "I know who this is but I can't put my finger on it" was the rhyming lyrics I added myself at the end......


7 - (Anon titled "Circumnavigate") - Is this Arcade Fire? I don't listen to them much but recognise their busy music. This is quite a ballad whatever it is, one of the longest tracks on the mixtape. Only needed one listen and enjoyed it thoroughly!


8 - (Anon titled "The") - Singing Softly To Me! I really haven't listened to a lot of Kings of Covenience recently for a reason I don't know, but hopefully this track will give me a reason to capture their mellow ballands again in my collection, including the 2009 album which I've yet to hear! I reckon little Sammy will like this kind of music when he's trying to drift to sleep :lol: Off to Spotify sometime soon.....!


Just rectified the anon titles... hmmm someone who likes the old Coldplay B-sides...! :thinking:


9 - (Anon titled "Globe") - Another track to drive to... as you can tell most of my music is in the car! Don't know who this is... "feel like a cannonball..." are those the correct lyrics? His voice is quite produced in this song, difficult to tell. Not a great fan of the voice, so for me the melody is in charge here... head for the motorway!


ok on to the third part of my mixtape review...


10 - (Anon titled "All") - Best track of the mixtape for me! Quite a Mexican feel what with the quick strumming, almost as if the singer is wearing a sombrero, stuffing his face with tapas in between songs. Strange what thoughts go through one's head when driving. Shame this track is one of the shortest at only two and a half minutes, but there's something about it that got me going! Love to know who this artist is..!


11 - (Anon titled "You") - Since I was listening to this in the car because this track started off quietly it was 1m18s before I realised the song had even begun! Was still thinking about the previous track. So this song really didn't get going for me, and I could hardly tell what the lyrics were, so I'd have to say I won't be listening to this one again!


12 - (Anon titled "Ever") I've heard this track on the radio I think before, but its basically been outside the scope of my musical listening. Jack Johnson or somebody? Solo artist, but I'm just guessing at the name. Bit drowsy for me, not much umph. Fair to middling on this mixtape for me, not the worst, but not my favourite.


13 - (Anon titled "Have") - This track has a Johnny Cash feel to it, but with a modern twist. I actually quite like this track, it has a touch of maturity about it. Get the feeling that the artist is emotionally quite close to the song. My next question then is important - is this a cover or an original recording? Love to know the answer.


14 - (Anon titled "To") - Almost need no introduction to this song - Lilac Wine. Jeff Buckley is one of my favourite artists, Grace is scratched to death. Excellent choice for this mixtape, probably the one song I have most in common with my mixer!


16 - (Anon titled "For") - Almost immediately after listening to "Have", the review for "For" could almost be the same - Johnny Cash feel, emotional etc. This song with the added strings to it almost makes me think of listening to it on the Scottish Highlands with a whiskey :drunk: Similar song to the previous track, similar question as above...


and finally...


17 - (Anon titled "Too") - Exit Music (for a film) - but not by Radiohead. WTF did they do to this song :lol: Sorry but if its not broke don't fix it!


So there we have it. Thanks whoever created this mixtape, there were some gems in there that I definately want to follow up, most noteably tracks 1, 3, 8, 10, 13 and 16! :)

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Wow. That has to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. My reputation is proceeding me. This feels pleasantly weird. :laugh4: It's lovely to finally be able to talk with you, Sofia. I'm really glad that you enjoy the reviews I write. You're right when you say I say I'm really into music. It's what my life tends to revolve around, so I try my best to take my reviews rather seriously.


Awwwww, you were stressing out over poor li'l ol' me? :laugh4: You shouldn't have. I do take music seriously, but I am also VERY open-minded when it comes to music, and what you did with your mixtape was just fine. :)


I think we have many things in common :D

I'm really, REALLY into music, as you say, my life definitely revolves around it, I'm also really open minded (but you already guessed that, right :lol: ) and I love discovering new stuff.

Haha yeah I was a bit nervous cause I was afraid you'd know all the artists I wanted to put but I was also SO happy cause I knew I'll have an awesome review :)

So this little stress didn't last that much!

Thank you for the compliment, once again, I'm glad you liked it!




Wow, some of this surprised me. Here's some post-revealing commentary:


1. Ahhh, so they're up-and-coming. Nice! These guys have potential to do something then. I can't wait for when they do release an album. I'll most certainly keep a lookout for it.

2. :surprised: So I had a good reason behind my thought process. :D While I'm not familiar with their EPs or anything, I do have their debut LP, and it's one of my favorite albums of 2010. I have even more reason to love Two Door Cinema Club now. Thanks for sharing this with me.

3. Ahhhhh. A couple of people on the forum have told me that I should look into Passion Pit. I suppose I have a reason now. ;)

6. I think someone has mentioned him on the forum before, but I've never heard his music. Like I said, I'll give it some time to grow on me, and I can go from there.

7. I am highly interested in that album you speak of. Thanks for taking the time to introduce me to some French music. I can honestly say I don't have enough of that, and I think it would be lovely to add this to my collection. :)

8. No, I've never heard of Gomez until now. Very interesting. I'll keep that on the backburner, too.

9. Ohhh, OK. That explains a lot. I won't take their English skills personally (as I'm sure I couldn't speak in their tongue :tongue:). I do like darker music, and as a lot of the other stuff seemed upbeat and happy, it was high time a song like this appeared on the mix, and I'm glad you decided to include them. :)

12. Oh, really? I did listen to a Beach House song once, and it didn't really grab my attention all that much. (I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. It's one from "Teen Dream.") I think maybe this one will have changed my mind. People in the WoM have been talking about that album a lot, and I can maybe better understand why.

13. I think there are many things we should talk about, Sofia. You seem like a highly interesting individual that, should I meet you in real life, I would like very much. :) Anyway, I didn't think this track would be that recent. That was surprising to me. It's cool to hear you like Miles Davis; he was an amazing trumpeter.

14. I KNEW IT. Al Green. I know that voice anywhere. His song "Ain't No Sunshine" is like, a classic. That's probably why I recognized his voice; "Ain't No Sunshine" is one of my fave '70s tunes, for sure. His voice is so pristine. It's stuff like this that makes me go back to my days of oldie music on occasion. :)

15. That was The Drums!? Why didn't I recognize them? While I don't have their debut LP yet, I do have their "Summertime!" EP and a couple of singles, and I like their music. This shows how I REALLY need to get that album, and soon.

16. Hey, don't feel bad about it at all. It's always worth giving new things a try, and while they may not work out initially, sometimes they do later. That's how I was with Arcade Fire. I didn't like them back when I first heard them, and after hearing "Haiti" on my mixtape from the last exchange (Thanks, Gail, for that one!), I decided to give them a second chance, and I ended up being glad for doing so. At any rate, you've yet again brought me closer to French music, so it was definitely worth something. :)



About Little Comets, I'm impatient to discover their album, hope it's gonna be released soon! I'll let you know :)


Jehro is a really really great artist, SO underrated here... I'd be glad to share this album with you!


I love the album From Here To There by Girls In Hawaii, one of those albums that really blows your mind, in my opinion. It's a bit dark as I said but really good, I enjoy it. Didn't like that much the second one, although it's great. I guess it's because I was into the first one a little bit too much!


You should really have a look to Teen Dream! I mean, listen to it entirely, tracks in the right order. It's really amazing in my opinion, it carries me, don't know how to explain...


About Grover Washington, that's funny cause I had the same feeling when I listened to it the first time, I was like "WOW, 1981, not older??!!". I think you would fall in love with this album :)

I love jazz, especially smooth jazz, but I don't know that genre as much as I want to... I'll have to dig more! And Miles Davis is fascinating. Kind Of Blue is an undescribable album. Always gives me thrills!

And again, thanks for the compliment, it means a lot to me :blush:


Oh, so you know The Drums but didn't recognize them! That's funny cause I always thought they were easily recognizable! Oh you should definitely listen to their album, it's really great! I've listened to it on repeat when I had it and still do sometimes :D


Yeah, I don't feel bad but I really hoped you'd like this one cause it's a French band and the voice is special to me. I don't regret AT ALL putting this one though, I always want to give things a try! Plus, I think you highlighted some things that are really relevant to me on this one, it's good to have another opinion, especially when it's from you ;)

I absolutely agree with you, sometimes there are some artists you don't like that much and when you give them a second chance they appear to be great! I remember this thing about Arcade Fire you mentionned on the last mixtape exchange! It's good you like them finally, they're awesome in my opinion.

Same thing happened to me for Vampire Weekend. Didn't like it that much. But I felt I was missing something so I gave it a try again... Totally addicted now and saw them live on Tuesday: awesome!



You are quite welcome, Sofia. :D I have a strong feeling we'll talk in the near future. ;) :)


Oh yeah, I have this feeling too! And I hope I'm not mistaken :)

I really want to send you some stuff but I know your internet and your computer hate you, I hope we'll find a way! Just let me know what's the best :)


Thanks again!!

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Hey there all mixtape makers who didn't have their tape reviewed!


I really like reviewing so if you want I can do this for you!

Just let me know, it's gonna be my pleasure :)


Would you do mine?

My receiver didn't like mine :/

I've posted the tracklist in this thread already but, if you ignore it, it should be fine :P


I'm currently making another one which I think is 100 times better but, anyway, here's my one...



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Would you do mine?

My receiver didn't like mine :/

I've posted the tracklist in this thread already but, if you ignore it, it should be fine :P


I'm currently making another one which I think is 100 times better but, anyway, here's my one...






Yeah of course I'll do!

I didn't see the tracklist so that's fine :D


I'll try to review it later this evening or tomorrow!

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The Final Track's massively's psychadelic review:


First a lousy apology for my lack of reviewing activity :inquisitive: I've listened through the mix a few times but've been busy. First, my computer detected dangerous download, then it turned out they were m4a's which means I can't listen to them on my mp3 player :\ Then 3 tracks refused to download so I had to wait one day. Then I found out that the songtitles were still attached if I opened the files. Finally I found out a actually have a functioning converter om my computer and then everything went smoothly....at least until my earphones broke so I have to walk around with the cable in my mouth if I want sound on my left ear.....don't ask.




Track 1: Apparatjik - Ferreting :dozey: One of 5 of their songs that I have, but it sounds completely diffrent as a mixtape intro. The instrumentation is perfect, even though I'm not the biggest fan of Mew's style (cause that's what it resembles the most). The chorus is so beautiful with Bjerre singing over the backing vocals :wacky: It just sounds so right put here.


Track 2: Mmm, that guitar sound...dunno kind of guitar it is but I have a similar one on my mixtape. I think there's a week backing organ too which gives a nice atmosphere. I don't know how many times I restarted the track when the singing kicks in, cause my brain says something completely diffrent is comming my way, not the deep american voice that comes. I think it's probably Sivert Høyem :bomb:

It's an easy to like track, though I admit the first time I heard it, I disliked it cause usually I'm not a big fan of deep voiced American singers, even if I'm American myself.

Harmonica solo :wtf:


Track 3: Starts in a way that makes me think Vampire Weekend, but then it has some techno sounds and then the singer (who is American :whip:) starts bellowing numbers and preceeds to lecture me on why not to kill myself :inquisitive: I can imagine the hoards of American teenagers who decided not to commit suicide after hearing this song and praise it more than any other (or at least out the month) *shivers* :\ The instrumentation is what one would expect (some odd sounds, pounding piano somewhere back there, groovy guitars, more guitars, and it fades out).

That being said it was ok.


Track 4: Massive Attack - Teardrop :mellow: Someone must have seen my relentless posting in the Elbow thread :P (they covered this). It's a great song, that's all there is to it. Dulcimer, or possibly a harpsi, piano, odd percussion (a lot more of course) and a siren singing :wacky: So beautiful, so beautiful.


Track 5: Cheesy synth sounds :D This could be something out of the Eurovision song contest, at least the start of the song. And they're accompanied by a cheesy organ :wacky: then the singer starts doing his thing which involves speaking rather than singing. Can't tell if he's faking the accent so impossible to say where he's from. Pretty catchy chorus aaaaaaand....more cheesy sounds for the bridge.

Man that was cheesy :laugh3: still not bad though.


Track 6: Disappeared during the conversion. Another electro number, slightly like Massive Attack, but instrumental. Heavily produced piano throughout the song. Then after a while it changes to thumping acoustic guitars and then back. Then to a brief flute section, then other various instruments. Didn't enjoy it that much.


Track 7: OHNO, IT STARTS WITH A DRUMMER TAPPING HIS DRUMSTICKS TOGETHER :freak: that's always bad :( Not gonna say much about this. Loud lead guitar with backing acoustic and soso drumming. Not much of a lyricist either....Oh, and it's an American singer :mellow:


Track 8: The funky/cheesy party organ is back. Opening lyric: "Huh!" Annoying back up singer, annoying vinyl spinning sounds in the chorus :\ then there's a nice section before the next verse. :o Nice organ solo!

Don't care much for this type of music, and I don't know if it's because of the people I associate with it or not.


Track 9: Don't know what to say about this. It sounds a like a nursery rhyme with a choir repeating every (and I mean every) thing the singer (who is American) sings.

"Tell me, mother, can you hear me sing" :\

"Your love is everything" :sick:

"Heart and soul" :shame:

"Breath and skin" :stunned:


This is grusome.


Track 10: The final track :mellow: quite nice, except I think the singer (who is American) mentioned Jesus :inquisitive: The chorus is breathtaking, falsetto. The synths reminisce Map Of Problematique in a way.

Good song but if he didn't mention Jesus it gets a big bonus.

Closing lyric: "Summer moved on"



Overall: As a mix it's great, the tracks compliment each other and flow. But it misses one great track for me :\ preferably in the place of nr. 9 :whip: I should probably have left some hint as to what music I like as I don't have a last.fm page :inquisitive:

7/10, great mixtape, thank you mixtape partner :hug: downloaddownloaddownload.


And now a half assed attempt to guess my partner:


Squareonefivesix? :inquisitive:



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Dave (or someone else)-

will there eventually be one post where the tracklists and links to each mix are listed? I was just realizing some of the mixes that looked interesting are a few pages back, and I'm not sure I'll be able to go back searching for all of them. A central place to find them all would be wonderful! :D

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