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And now: do you easily make friends with others?

Gitta Rensolo

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I love people. Unless you're an idiot, then I don't. And making friends has always been easy for me. Keeping them? Not so much. But, as for best friends, I only have a little bit of those and would go crazy without them.

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  • 2 months later...

I seem to be good at making friends, and I get the feeling that people I like like me. But at some point, when our relationship is quite more complex than acquaintance, I grow to really really like them, I mean the people I call friends, but they, and I mean every one of them, seem to be satisfied with just having me as someone to talk to and tell something funny, or interesting or smart. And I don't want just that, I want my feelings and regard for them returned in the same way. It's not that I'm trying to please them in order for them to love me, but this one-sided "friendships" really get me down. I would like to be someone else's best friend, I need to be needed. Friendship is both 'give and get', and mine lack the latter so much. It's like all of them already have their best friend with whom they share much more and they can't regard me with same feelings. None of them have got a clue, the faintest idea that I may want something more. Naturally it be awkward for me to tell them all this, they wouldn't understand and would probably say I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them walked out on me, thinking "What creep have I been hanging out with". I'm only 21 and there's life unfolding before me,sure, but I have a feeling that true friendships, the ones I imagine, start very early in one's life and it's getting more and more difficult as the time goes on, mostly because many people start a family and are less likely to feel eager to engage themselves in making friendships at that point. I might be wrong, though. I hope I am.

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I feel blessed to have been able to make so many friends over the last couple of years at my college. Really good friends too, not just drinkin' buddies ha! I am always surrounded by my friends and I never really get bored because we are all pretty active/adventurous people.


As far as the subject of obtaining these friendships, I honestly can't tell you that it was "easy" for me or even "hard", it just happened, there were some rough times between a few of us, but it all worked out.


My advice to make friends - GO TO COLLEGE/UNI STRAIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL and join a sorority/frat (if you like that kind of thing) and get out of the dorms as much as possible :)

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I'm very very VERY weird so it's hard for me to make friends besides the ones I have now. I grew up with most of these people and the others are from the other elementary school, and they're just about as weird as me...


So I seriously do not make friends easily. It takes me literally weeks to be considered a friend. I'm a complete utter lazy and annoying person in real life. And this is why I don't understand how I have friends, what more my best friend...

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I seem to be good at making friends, and I get the feeling that people I like like me. But at some point, when our relationship is quite more complex than acquaintance, I grow to really really like them, I mean the people I call friends, but they, and I mean every one of them, seem to be satisfied with just having me as someone to talk to and tell something funny, or interesting or smart. And I don't want just that, I want my feelings and regard for them returned in the same way. It's not that I'm trying to please them in order for them to love me, but this one-sided "friendships" really get me down. I would like to be someone else's best friend, I need to be needed. Friendship is both 'give and get', and mine lack the latter so much. It's like all of them already have their best friend with whom they share much more and they can't regard me with same feelings. None of them have got a clue, the faintest idea that I may want something more. Naturally it be awkward for me to tell them all this, they wouldn't understand and would probably say I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them walked out on me, thinking "What creep have I been hanging out with". I'm only 21 and there's life unfolding before me,sure, but I have a feeling that true friendships, the ones I imagine, start very early in one's life and it's getting more and more difficult as the time goes on, mostly because many people start a family and are less likely to feel eager to engage themselves in making friendships at that point. I might be wrong, though. I hope I am.


This, basically. I always seem to like people a lot more than they like me.


Also i'm terribly awkward and shy, i almost never approach people first. So no, i don't make friends easily.

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I find it difficult to make friends. I think I don't have a lot in common with people my age because I don't get drunk or enjoy drinking (also, it alcohol reacts with my stomach) and I don't want facebook, and it seems facebook is the topic of a lot of conversations these days. It annoys me when I meet a lot of new people for the first time that are around my age, instead of first asking how you are or anything about you, they want to know whether you have facebook or not.

Also, because I live in a different town where I have to travel to another for university makes it hard as well.

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I find it difficult to make friends. I think I don't have a lot in common with people my age because I don't get drunk or enjoy drinking (also, alcohol reacts with my stomach) and I don't want facebook, and it seems facebook is the topic of a lot of conversations these days. It annoys me when I meet a lot of new people for the first time that are around my age, instead of first asking how you are or anything about you, they want to know whether you have facebook or not.

Also, because I live in a different town where I have to travel to another for university makes it hard as well.

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I feel blessed to have been able to make so many friends over the last couple of years at my college. Really good friends too, not just drinkin' buddies ha! I am always surrounded by my friends and I never really get bored because we are all pretty active/adventurous people.


As far as the subject of obtaining these friendships, I honestly can't tell you that it was "easy" for me or even "hard", it just happened, there were some rough times between a few of us, but it all worked out.


My advice to make friends - GO TO COLLEGE/UNI STRAIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL and join a sorority/frat (if you like that kind of thing) and get out of the dorms as much as possible :)


Hey it's Arazmire! Haven't seen you around for a bit

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  • 1 month later...
Nope, I am utterly shit at making new friends. Even when I was younger I was so bad at it.



I would still stand by this, but the friends I've made over the past year would probably disagree with me. Though I feel I'm good enough with making friends when I am introduced to people. People tend to like me for some reason. I'm just terrible at introducing myself D:

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I would still stand by this, but the friends I've made over the past year would probably disagree with me. Though I feel I'm good enough with making friends when I am introduced to people. People tend to like me for some reason. I'm just terrible at introducing myself D:


i think i like you already :D

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It's not easy. Maybe now I have problem with making friends in my study group, because I've got a few true friends and I don't need new ones as much. But the truth is I'm not feeling good with it. I'd like to be little more outgoing.

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It's not easy. Maybe now I have problem with making friends in my study group, because I've got a few true friends and I don't need new ones as much. But the truth is I'm not feeling good with it. I'd like to be little more outgoing.


one should have few true friends, that's true.....but no man's an island.....you can make more friends....it just takes one step

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