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What annoyed you today?

Prince Myshkin

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Huntsmen annoyed me today, they are terrible guests.



^ It is indeed a nice subject, but the thing is, you have to be motivated. If nobody or nothing is motivating you, you'll never find it really fascinating or something. And to be motivated and fascinated, you need to understand it which is the worst part in the whole thing. That's why it's pretty much a torture more than anything else.


It depended a lot on the teachers for me. I've jumped from C to A when I got a different teacher. I wouldn't say I was ever a pro though, I just wish there were more teachers that actually make you interested in the topics you study.

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I imagine this is why I didn't get into that stuff. The very basics just didn't appeal to me when I was younger. I took it all for granted and it seemed pointless to learn about things that I was far too easy to give the answer 'because it just does'. I was more interested in writing stories and maths as a kid. Even though maths is scientific it didn't appear so at that level, and by the time it got into the heavier stuff I was more content being the class clown.


Didn't really learn an awful lot that I was forced to learn towards the middle of high school but had a natural ability to blag enough to get to uni etc. Then after dropping out of uni my learning began again when I was able to pick what I wanted to learn about. Much better. Mainly philosophy and anti-theism.


Yeah, when I'll be done with high school (which is my last year), I'll probably be heading somewhere I like. Litterature and stuff.

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I spent half hour giving my dog a trim so that he didn't look so fluffbally but still retained an even coat.... for my mum to come along, say it's not short enough, and snip a large chunk of fur out of his back.

and she wonders why I don't let her near my hair with scissors haha



But he now looks god awful there's no way I'm fixing this. :angry:

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One of my best friends being all pushy to make me go out to a club tomorrow night, after a dinner, that i'll get to after spending an entire day in another city(and tomorrow i have to get up very early for a Saturday and I'm tired and ugh). She doesn't even like going to night clubs :|


edit: aaaand now I'm forced to go to a club, because otherwise i don't have a car to bring me home :|

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The assholes who drove super close to the curb so the water, that had been collected from the rain, would splash on me and the other people waiting for the bus.


Theres a special place in hell for you my friends.

I bet they get to have access to the wardrobe of their dreams, get all fancy, and then get splashed on by demons who drive super close to the curb so the water collected from the rain splash on them. Every time. :nod:

Except that instead of rain, it's fire :nod:

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Then say it to me personally and actually get the problem resolved, rather than making some sly dig in a thread.


I don't mean to say it in a mean way, even if it looks like that. It's just we we're told that our threads were unnecessary and now some people are making threads that aren't too different from ours. I'm not saying I hate you guys for it, I'm just saying that it's not right to say that and then post them. *Cough*Destrok*cough*

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Sorry, I just got pretty upset because when I made that post I was just being chill and civilized and people saw it as whining and ruining everyone's day, and even like a month after I guess it's still seen as me being a dick. I never said the threads were stupid and useless. Like I could've been more bitter and insulting like 5 other people were but I don't even want to act like that cos what will it resolve.


I didn't really care about the threads, I cared about the fact that some people that I liked didn't post anymore and I couldn't really talk about anything if it wasn't Keane or The Hobbit. Do you think I go out of my way to make people feel crappy? No, no way. You're free to talk about whatever you like, whenever you like, as long as it doesn't make people feel unwelcome to post. And then someone talks to you about how they feel about it, and then the problem is over. Not complaining, not insulting, etc.


I'm sorry if it looks like I've made too many threads. Right now I see two, one of them I don't even want to be there because it's bumped from like last year, but yeah I can definitely see where you're coming from as it adds up with the threads all the people that were involved. I'll tone it down if it's bothering you, thanks for letting me know

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I don't mean to say it in a mean way, even if it looks like that. It's just we we're told that our threads were unnecessary and now some people are making threads that aren't too different from ours. I'm not saying I hate you guys for it, I'm just saying that it's not right to say that and then post them. *Cough*Destrok*cough*


*cough*stfu you annoying prick*cough*

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