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Prince Myshkin

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people who are beyond stupid.... read this and try to understand :thinking:



Formula 1 vs NASCAR cost analcyst


The cost of Forumla 1 is believed to be roughly half as much more than Nascar due to the cars going in both the left and right handed directions. While only rumor, I believe it to be false. Nascar cars are built from stock cars which cost between $30-$50k so there is the cost of that plus turning it to a racecar. Toyota wins many race because Camry is a cheap car so they have more for the mods of which there are frequent many. Nascar drivers are paid in American money which is the most expensive money in the world which is why they make more money than Formula 1 guys who get paid in european money which is less money than the american money they pay the nascar guys with because it is american money.


This is why formula 1 cant be more money than Nascar

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Nascar drivers are paid in American money which is the most expensive money in the world which is why they make more money than Formula 1 guys who get paid in european money which is less money than the american money they pay the nascar guys with because it is american money.



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people who are beyond stupid.... read this and try to understand :thinking:



Formula 1 vs NASCAR cost analcyst


The cost of Forumla 1 is believed to be roughly half as much more than Nascar due to the cars going in both the left and right handed directions. While only rumor, I believe it to be false. Nascar cars are built from stock cars which cost between $30-$50k so there is the cost of that plus turning it to a racecar. Toyota wins many race because Camry is a cheap car so they have more for the mods of which there are frequent many. Nascar drivers are paid in American money which is the most expensive money in the world which is why they make more money than Formula 1 guys who get paid in european money which is less money than the american money they pay the nascar guys with because it is american money.


This is why formula 1 cant be more money than Nascar


This has made my day.

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Nascar drivers are paid in American money which is the most expensive money in the world which is why they make more money than Formula 1 guys who get paid in european money which is less money than the american money they pay the nascar guys with because it is american money.





man I really needed something to laugh at today. Thanks for that LOL

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There's this guy I like and his flatmate and I was out at a party with them both and afterwards I gave my number to his flatmate because we where all planning on going on some trip and now he's asked me out and, no offense to the guy I'm sure he's lovely but he's just not my type at all and I actually quite like his friend and now its so awkward and I don't know what to say D: also annoying because why couldn't the lovely guy ask me out instead D: eeehhhhhh D:

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