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What creeped you out today?


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a poo did creep out of me :wacky:


OMIGAWD, I JUST DIED. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I think that old man Strauss-Kahn was on my dream last night. I have no idea why. :worried2:


Ewwwww. :sick:


This happened the other night, but it did creep me out.


Friday night, I was falling asleep, then out of nowhere, I had a nightmare. I was walking in the morning like I have been doing this past week, and suddenly these plants shot up out of the ground and wrapped themselves around me. The earth decided to swallow me whole. This whole dream was occurring during a storm, and just when the earth swallowed me, a HUGE crash of thunder jolted me out of my sleep. I stayed up wide awake and terrified for the next half hour. :bigcry:

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