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Let's face it:


If he were a woman of equal age, you people would think it was perfectly fine. Why the double standard?


There are a lot more male sex offenders than females. Has made people more wary of males than if females showed the same amount of creepy affection I guess :shrug:

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There are a lot more male sex offenders than females. Has made people more wary of males than if females showed the same amount of creepy affection I guess :shrug:


According to an TV Show (That sadly is gone Dateline) Female pedos like to be around people they know, rathen then male ones

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There are a lot more male sex offenders than females. Has made people more wary of males than if females showed the same amount of creepy affection I guess


That's only because they're prosecuted more often. But there's no evidence I'm aware of that shows women aren't also capable of sexual offenses against young boys and girls, in fact I've seen several news stories recently about women horribly raping both genders.

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Let me just also point out that while the guy in the video is creepy (by our cultural standards) those children were probably not traumatized in any way by his little pecks on their lips.


The punishment for any crime should be commensurate with its severity, and in this case I think it's safe to say your calls that he "die in immense pain" and be "locked up" are ridiculously over the top and you people are the ones who should be ashamed of yourselves.

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He needs to die, and if he is dead already, die in imense pain.


Oh yes, he should die, but if he's dead already, he should die in immense pain. This is Bush-esque.


That's only because they're prosecuted more often. But there's no evidence I'm aware of that shows women aren't also capable of sexual offenses against young boys and girls, in fact I've seen several news stories recently about women horribly raping both genders.


What am I even reading.


Yes, men are prosecuted more often, which means there are more male sex offenders, what is your point? I'm presuming (Because you said nothing concrete or definitive) that you're getting at the point that there could be just as many female sex offenders, but men are prosecuted more because... well I have no idea? Care to explain?


You've seen no evidence that shows women aren't capable of sexual abuse?! Of course there's plenty of evidence that shows women are capable of it, saying that there's several stories you've heard about, of course there are, just because women are capable of doing it doesn't mean there's any reason to suggest they do it more often or just as much.


If you are saying you never suggested that, then why did you put the reason for there being more male sex offenders then women as simply down to evidence/prosecution? Very misleading.


Back to the topic, of course it would be just as creepy if a woman did it, in fact I think it would be even more shocking because of preconceptions that women generally aren't perceived as possible sex offenders, of course we all know that it happens (But most of us are aware this is such a basic point that we don't feel the need to point out that we've heard several stories about it) but if a woman was to act exactly like that man, requesting kisses, kissing without permission, sounding disappointed when a little girl/boy doesn't want to kiss, asking about what they do with the opposite sex in terms of relationships when they're only prepubescent, all that adds up to a big ball of WTF- regardless of the gender.


I agree that locking him up or killing him is obviously stupid, but I don't see why one extreme opinion causes a persons view to sway completely to the other side- that opinion being that this is perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with it, when it's clearly messed up.

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(But most of us are aware this is such a basic point that we don't feel the need to point out that we've heard several stories about it)


I sense some sarcasm, so here's a story from just yesterday: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/06/16/2011-06-16_molly_jane_roe_raped_killed_boyfriends_17monthold_baby_girl_maleeya_marie_murley.html


Woman rapes and murders a baby.


Listen, I don't care what you or anyone else thinks is "creepy". There was no physical or mental damage done to these children in the video. And just because you'd like to go around profiling men, based on police reports (rather than scientific data), doesn't mean men actually commit more sexual assaults than women do. Often young boys are made to feel shame for experiencing a sexual assault by a woman, or even worse, that it's something of a trophy to celebrate entry into manhood.


Different cultures have different habits and norms of acceptable interactions. But we should all agree to draw the line at nonvoluntary forced interactions. And calling for an escalation of force against someone who didn't use force to begin with is pretty asinine.

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I was saying that a handful of stories do not mean to what you were originally suggesting which was that there are just as many male sex offenders as female, but males get prosecuted more. So I don't really understand at all why you are now linking me to one story as 'proof' that women are capable of being sex offenders, I was already aware, like everyone else.


Indeed there was sarcasm, not because I was doubting stories existing, but as I said more then once, there's always going to be examples of women sexually abusing children, but you suggested that because you haven't seen proof to suggest women aren't capable of it, for some reason this means that they are capable on a wide scale of being involved in as many sexual abuse offenses as men.


And just because you'd like to go around profiling men, based on police reports (rather than scientific data), doesn't mean men actually commit more sexual assaults than women do.


Then what's the scientific data? Just because it involves the police doesn't mean it absolutely has to positively be corrupt or wrong, you need to get over that paranoia before forming opinions.


Often young boys are made to feel shame for experiencing a sexual assault by a woman, or even worse, that it's something of a trophy to celebrate entry into manhood.


Young boys do feel ashamed, the exact same as young girls, which is why there are many cases that don't come out for years or decades, and probably many more which never come out, that was totally pointless.


As for the 'trophy' idea, to me that actually proves the point that more women do get caught, underage boys can tend to tell their friends out of pride, which often leads to rumors spreading and a woman getting caught. Think it through.


However, if a man abuses a young girl or boy, either gender will feel ashamed and not want to tell anyone. I just don't get your thought process or even if you think things through it all.

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I just don't get your thought process or even if you think things through it all.


I advocate voluntary human interaction and non-escalation of force. I'm saying that cultural norms vary, and what one person considers "creepy" might not be so to other people.


You seem to be suggesting that as a society, we should particularly fear men hanging around children alone because women are less likely to hurt them. This is completely biased and unbacked by any scientific evidence. Ever hear of SIDS? A lot of those cases were women killing their own children. There are many scientific studies on this, which I can link you to if you're interested.


You need to get off your high horse and quit painting a whole group of the population (men) as creepy child molesters. This is hidebound thinking that tears at the fabric of a society.



As for the 'trophy' idea, to me that actually proves the point that more women do get caught, underage boys can tend to tell their friends out of pride, which often leads to rumors spreading and a woman getting caught. Think it through.


What usually happens to the women who get caught having sex with an underage boy? Usually nothing more severe than a slap on the wrist, when it's for a crime that would net a man decades in jail and permanent entry on a sex offenders list.

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You need to get off your high horse and quit painting a whole group of the population (men) as creepy child molesters. This is hidebound thinking that tears at the fabric of a society.


Well said. Society is definitely full of double standards when it comes to this topic.

If a woman befriends/socially interacts (in a totally platonic way) with someone 20 or 30 years younger than her, nobody thinks anything of it.

If a guy does the same, all hell breaks loose.:dozey:


However, the way that gameshow host was interacting with those children was clearly abhorrent, and if that show was made today, it wouldn't even be allowed to air, and the host would quite rightly be reported.

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