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This song has the edge they have been looking for


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No :thinking: it sounds more like it has U2 or any of the likes of U2, not really Radiohead. That response was pretty silly. I will agree it sounds Radiohead-ish when he sings making the sounds Thom makes, the moaning, the whimping, the weird music sounds, the hard to get into thing and a Jonny Greenwood-esque part. This song has guitar effects, woah omg, it is definitely Radiohead.



the guy was joking,chill .

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I think I DON'T CARE WHO IT SOUNDS LIKE. Everyone borrows music references from everyone else. This isn't exactly something NEW people. U2 borrowed from others and so did Radiohead after them- it's no big deal! THEY didn't write this song. COLDPLAY did. And it's an incredible song I don't care what anyone says.


Can we stop nitpicking at everything please? Give them a break for once. They're the best band in the world. They're doing everything they can. We should just be glad they're still together with all the times they've been on the verge of breaking up. They're four great men who written an amazing tune and don't need comparisons to other bands before them.


They're not just descendants of great musical styles. They're greater than the sum of their parts and better than any band they borrow from or who you keep comparing them to. Love the song or hate the song. Credit them for their work and on their merits. Just stop comparing them 24/7. Next thing everyone's going to say they stole that flake Satriani's music again. Will someone just give them some damn credit for once? Gosh. :P

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Forget about the odd vocal effect for a second (which I don't love, but can appreciate). This is the edginess that a coldplay song just has never had. It is uptempo and really has some teeth. I can't ever remember hearing a song that had the real darkness and power of a Muse or a radiohead song like Bodysnatchers, but this is it. The guitar work here is amazing, and the bass work is as good as I have heard out of Coldplay. This is a fantastic song.


They really have that Radiohead sound right now, but in their own unique way.


I don't agree with anything in this post.


Seriously. I didn't find it edgy. It may have been as far as Coldplay is concerned (because they are going in a different direction), but it's hardly anything special. I don't see how it has "teeth," as you say. I like the guitars, and I think they sound cool, but I've heard better guitar work. If you want a dark Coldplay song, go listen to "Violet Hill." That's plenty dark; it's definitely more so than "Major Minus."


Oh, and comparing Coldplay to Muse and Radiohead. That's silly. I'm an avid listener of all three bands, and I don't see how this new Coldplay song relates to either of the other two, especially not Muse.


Bodysnatchers > Major Minus




Yes. :nod:


I don't know how we didn't see Will singing before, because in the leftrightleftright, Chris says "Now, this is the moment where we show you how could our band could of been", and introduces Will singing


Will singing is adorable. :blush:


This is the best Coldplay song in a long, long time.


Where's a :shake: emoticon when you need one?


Hell yes! The thing Jonny does on the guitar before entering in the chorus is very reminiscent of (the other) Johnny in Creep. I love the song, and for those who are hating on the vocals - HEY. 1. It's not autotune and 2. Muse and Radiohead have BOTH used a lot of funky vocal effects to trick out their songs. It's a legit thing to do and it sounds good.


1. I don't get the "Creep" relation.

2. It's not really the fact they used vocal effects, so much as how they were used that I have a problem with. Yeah, Muse and Radiohead both do things like that, but they make it work. The effects on this song were just kinda meh. I'm much more used to them now, but I'm not in love with them, y'know.


I think I DON'T CARE WHO IT SOUNDS LIKE. Everyone borrows music references from everyone else. This isn't exactly something NEW people. U2 borrowed from others and so did Radiohead after them- it's no big deal! THEY didn't write this song. COLDPLAY did. And it's an incredible song I don't care what anyone says.


Can we stop nitpicking at everything please? Give them a break for once. They're the best band in the world. They're doing everything they can. We should just be glad they're still together with all the times they've been on the verge of breaking up. They're four great men who written an amazing tune and don't need comparisons to other bands before them.


They're not just descendants of great musical styles. They're greater than the sum of their parts and better than any band they borrow from or who you keep comparing them to. Love the song or hate the song. Credit them for their work and on their merits. Just stop comparing them 24/7. Next thing everyone's going to say they stole that flake Satriani's music again. Will someone just give them some damn credit for once? Gosh. :P


OK. You need to calm down. You're making a big fuss over nothing.


Nobody mentioned anything about borrowing being a problem. Renowed Russian composer Igor Stravinsky once said, "A good composer doesn't write; he steals." People often take elements from several other people and put them together with their own ideas to make it theirs.


"They're the best band in the world." There is no such thing. If there were, people wouldn't have different opinions on it, and we'd all listen to one band. There's nothing wrong with being picky about something. Nobody is perfect, and people can always get better. How can we as fans expect Coldplay to better their music if we don't give them feedback on what we do and don't like?


If they were "better than any band they borrowed from," then what would be the point of them borrowing from other people? They wouldn't borrow from other people in the first place unless they felt they could use it to better their music and/or use it to guide them in a different musical direction.


Oh, and nobody in this thread said anything about how they don't deserve credit for what they did, so I don't see why you keep making that point.

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I find it funny when people say "It sounds like radio head." or "it sounds like U2."


I've been listening to this song all day and have come to the conclusion that it sounds exactly like Coldplay. This is how they should sound right now. So many things that point back to the days of old Coldplay and including new and more exciting sounds that are just Coldplay.

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OK. You need to calm down. You're making a big fuss over nothing.


Nobody mentioned anything about borrowing being a problem. Renowed Russian composer Igor Stravinsky once said, "A good composer doesn't write; he steals." People often take elements from several other people and put them together with their own ideas to make it theirs.


"They're the best band in the world." There is no such thing. If there were, people wouldn't have different opinions on it, and we'd all listen to one band. There's nothing wrong with being picky about something. Nobody is perfect, and people can always get better. How can we as fans expect Coldplay to better their music if we don't give them feedback on what we do and don't like?


If they were "better than any band they borrowed from," then what would be the point of them borrowing from other people? They wouldn't borrow from other people in the first place unless they felt they could use it to better their music and/or use it to guide them in a different musical direction.


Oh, and nobody in this thread said anything about how they don't deserve credit for what they did, so I don't see why you keep making that point.



No. Not about nothing. About so many people being negative about it. It's as if they can't be pleased at all. If this is a Coldplay fansite why is everyone complaining about them? Why do they have to bring everyone else down?


True. It just gets annoying seeing Coldplay is U2. Coldplay is U2. Coldplay is U2. Coldplay is Radiohead. Coldplay is Radiohead. Coldplay is Radiohead. Just a bit. And I mean they're working with Brian Eno for Gosh sake. What else do you expect? Is that really needed to be pointed out? As if anyone here doesn't know he worked with U2 and basically shaped their sound sonic-wise


In my opinion there is. And if you're picky about everything how can you ever be satisfied with it? People find something to complain about in absolutely everything and can't just be damn happy for once. :angry: Is appreciation non-existent these days? ETIAW is dreadful, it's so out there. Nothing like their older stuff. MM sucks because they're doing something different. I wish people weren't so against change and for stagnation. It's like listening to conservative political ideology. :shifty:


In order to get as good as them in the first place, then go beyond that. No one can play music without having heard it anywhere else at all. Everyone's heard music and you can't help but be influenced by something, whatever it is. If you weren't influenced by people, you wouldn't be able to play the instruments at all in the first place.


When people are comparing them all the time it insinuates as if they don't have any original thoughts of their own. They're not some band who just rips everyone off like people/other artists seem to think. "They stole this song from me", "I hear this and I know that's really mine", "they sound so much like this band it's insane", "Hear that shimmery guitar? That's U2-ish." "Hear that falsetto vocal? That's Radiohead-esque." As if U2 and Radiohead were even the first/only bands to do that anyway. How about "They're an inspirational and talented band who deserves accolades for 13 years of terrific music and they've really made a positive impact on my life." Is that so much to ask? Is it so HARD to be positive?

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I understand what you've said and I think you make some good points.



The issue that I have with the band is a bunch of things. Firstly... they seem to be trying to appeal to a very specific crowd with certain songs and in my eyes just want to be extremely popular. Secondly... yes I'll give them credit in changing up their sound, but I personally feel they are trying too hard to be different. It's almost as if they feel they have to prove themselves or make a statement to be different like so many bands. To me it just feels like they are less worried about the quality of their songs in exchange for fame. I mean I was listening to them playing Trouble live from one of the threads. And it sounded so good! Why can't they write or record songs like that? I mean not necessarily the same sound, but strip things down.... take it down a notch.


I used to love this band. I'm not just trying to jump on the bandwagon for the sake of doing so. I feel I try to give the band a chance. But they have let me down in that I don't really know what they are doing or trying to achieve any more (besides fame). Sadly to say it's turned me off from the band and I haven't been extremely excited to hear any new songs.



So I think in some sense you really can't blame people for being annoyed at the band or how it seems they are trying to emulate other bands.

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I appreciate that they are indeed looking for change, hence these distorted Chrissy vocals we're getting with ETIAW and MM. However, I must admit I'm not a fan of that. Chris' voice is way too awesome to be distorted in such a way. As for my appreciation of the song, I find myself agreeing with this thread: apart from the distorted vocals, the song is indeed brilliant.

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We shouldnt worry about the voice of Chris cause this is a B-side song just like songs Goldrush or even Rainy Day that were B-sides and sounded like this but the actual album was with chris's natural voice :)

anyway this song is really big it is tooo big to be just behind the Every Teardrop is a Waterfall

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I used to love this band. I'm not just trying to jump on the bandwagon for the sake of doing so. I feel I try to give the band a chance. But they have let me down in that I don't really know what they are doing or trying to achieve any more (besides fame). Sadly to say it's turned me off from the band and I haven't been extremely excited to hear any new songs.



So I think in some sense you really can't blame people for being annoyed at the band or how it seems they are trying to emulate other bands.



Really? I mean idk. I think that. They're not necessarily going along with other bands. I don't think there are any musicians that sound like them right now to be honest. I think they're separating themselves from their legion of imitators. A lot of bands have started to sound like them in ways. The Fray, OneRepublic, Keane, and a bunch of others. Pretty good bands I think but all the same. It's like their progressing past the path other bands have taken in clinging to the older Coldplay sound and braving a new direction. And as far as I'm concerned, they were a lot more fame-y and flashy during X&Y than they are now. They said it themselves, they weren't making the music THEY wanted. Now they finally are.


Maybe. If that's how you feel. I'm glad honestly- they're distancing themselves from some of their comparisons. They sound nothing like Radiohead as far as I'm concerned, like they did in the first two albums. And yes I'm comparing them now too. :P But only to make a necessary point.

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