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Guys I'm really confused here. After all the European dates it shows the rest of the North American cities without dates. But New York isn't repeated after the All Points West thing. Is that seriously the only show they're doing here? cause then crap!!



yeah it's confirmed RH (headlining both nites) are only doing the APW festival (NJ) in August for 2 nites: 8/8 and 8/9.




here's a blurb from atease:



All Points West: Radiohead’s Only NYC Appearance


Posted on February 24th, 2008.

The recently revealed double headline bill of Radiohead at All Points West (August 8 & 9), turns out to be Radiohead’s only appearance in the New York City area, Pitchfork reports.

All Points West, the East Coast version of Coachella, will have Radiohead headlining the first two nights: August 8 and August 9. Jack Johnson will headline the third night (August 10). Other acts slated to perform at Liberty State Park include Animal Collective, Cat Power, the New Pornographers, Girl Talk, the Roots, Underworld, the Go! Team, Metric, CSS, Andrew Bird, Black Kids, Chromeo, Amadou & Mariam, Rogue Wave and Mates of State

Pitchfork spoke to festival organizer Paul Tollett of Goldenvoice, who said All Points West is not Coachella East: “It’s a lot smaller.” Tollett estimates that the festival’s capacity will be “about half” of that of American behemoths like Coachella, Bonnaroo, and Lollapalooza, meaning that they will cap attendance at around 30 or 40 thousand people. There will only be three stages and about 40 bands, as opposed to the 100+ that swarm Coachella. This will allow bands to play longer sets than usual.

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Yup theres only one show in New York, I wish they just did a bigger tour a proper intercrit tour like Muse do (with every main city of a country being hit) I feel ive completely missed my chance to ever see Radiohead live if they do such half arsed tours as this.



I think the reasoning behind all this/the way they are doing this tour (number of cities, venues, logistics) is due to their stance regarding not leaving a major carbon footprint.. I mean doing all those cities like muse and other bands leaves a huge carbon footprint with all that travelling..


they are not playing Glastonbury this year because of this..


atease article:


Glastonbury infrastructure ruled out Radiohead gig


Posted on February 28th, 2008.

As reported earlier, Radiohead are not playing Glastonbury this year. The festival organisers stated that Radiohead had other plans around that time, but Thom Yorke told the Sun it was due to the lack of public transport to the festival site.

When it comes to Radiohead shows, Thom said: “What we’re trying to do now is only play in areas that have a public transport infrastructure in place. So that rules out Glastonbury for this year. Maybe we can work out a plan for the future. They’re probably sick of the sight of us anyway.”

Thom was in Brussels yesterday to campaign for The Big Ask. “I was exhausted in Brussels yesterday morning. I was really nervous and hardly slept last night. It’s not like playing a gig — that’s just normal. This is a really big deal.”

Thom Yorke: “As for Radiohead, I am trying to build a system under my house that heats it naturally from the ground. One of the conditions of the band carrying on touring is that we do everything we can to minimise our impact on the environment. That has included buying two lots of equipment and keeping one in Europe and one in America so we never have to fly our kit around the world again. Another big one is shipping stuff rather than flying it. We also use new technology for our lighting rig. One of the interesting things we discovered is how people get to our big shows. A lot of the time people are driving with one or two people in a car and that’s an ecological disaster.”

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Shockwaves NME Awards 2008: Radiohead pick up John Peel Award For Innovation



Radiohead play 93 Feet East


'In Rainbows' unique release earns the band a gong


Radiohead have received the John Peel Award For Innovation at this year’s Shockwaves NME Awards (February 28).


The Oxford band were awarded the prize, voted for by NME staff, in recognition of the unique release of their last album ‘In Rainbows’, where fans could pay what they liked to download the album.


Explaining their choice, NME Editor Conor McNicholas said: “The arrival of a new Radiohead album is always an event but ‘In Rainbows’ brought with it a storm that shook the record industry to its foundations. Pay what you think it’s worth, they said – a revolution. For years Radiohead have been musical innovators but here they were innovating with the very business scaffolding that supports the band.


“That they did it at all deserves an award, but to do it with such class made it truly a thing worth celebrating.”



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Guys I'm really confused here. After all the European dates it shows the rest of the North American cities without dates. But New York isn't repeated after the All Points West thing. Is that seriously the only show they're doing here? cause then crap!!


NOOOOOOOO! :angry: :bigcry:


i guess i'm going to have to go to boston as well. DAMN! i think that's kind of bad planning on their part. like you said, i'm not going to go to see them play like 4 songs. and festivals make me kind of wary. grr. this makes me sad.

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Yeah it doesn't really make sense, since it is one of the biggest cities in the world...


Maybe it hasn't got a good enough public transport system.


As Thom wants everybody to go green ya know.


*Puts some more logs on open fire*

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Probably car, maybe train...


I don't really want to pay 90 bucks to see Radiohead play 3 songs.




remember bonnaroo??? they played a 2.5 hour set.. I am sure that they will be doing at least a full set list both nites.. The headlining bands get the biggest time frame being that they are the last band of the nite. Also, remember this festival a lot smaller than Coachella or Bonnaroo. Only about 40,000 people per nite..

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