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Briggins, Mo, Ren, thescientist06 ILU guys. Your name shall be remembered forever, until my poor mind falls into state of oblivion.
:uhoh: What did I do to deserve this honour? Or are you referring to the other Mo?


If this about that *coughcough* ahem, other thread then, well, it's the best, funniest, most ignorantly ludicrous insulting rant I've had hurled in my direction ever, and I will cherish it always. :nice:


In fact, I may stick it in my sig if it won't offend others who read it... :thinking:

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:uhoh: What did I do to deserve this honour? Or are you referring to the other Mo?


If this about that *coughcough* ahem, other thread then, well, it's the best, funniest, most ignorantly ludicrous insulting rant I've had hurled in my direction ever, and I will cherish it always. :nice:


In fact, I may stick it in my sig if it won't offend others who read it... :thinking:

Yeah, I was referring to you and it is about that. :laugh4: That was funny and his arguments were stupid and amusing at the same time, haha.


Be careful what you say around us Maritimers, we might stick it in our sig.
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Sorry for just randomly coming to this thread but I had to write this.

I have posted here before saying I've heard OK Computer and In Rainbows and then some of you gave me an advice to listen to The Bends.

I know I didn't do it right away back then but I did today.

All I can say is that I was blown away. :stunned: It is much more accessible than the first two I listened. That album is GREAT. I listened to it 3 times now. I especially like High and Dry!

So I would like to thank for your advice, I like Radiohead a lot more now! :)

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hi, it's my first time posting in this thread. somehow i feel i am cheating on CP, but i am having a secret love affair with RH and am now coming out of the closet. please be kind to me since i am a newbie. When i saw the "RH is Poor" thread i knew i had to come here and profess my love

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Wow. That's actually only the second time I heard that song. The first was driving to Lollapalooza in the middle of the night while I was driving, so I didn't really get an opportunity to get lost in it. But this gave me chills. Parts of it almost drove me to tears. What a beautiful arrangement.

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