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I feel bad for saying this but Radiohead's been sort of passé to me lately, yeah every now and then a song will come on shuffle and I'll listen to all of it and go "yep they're still geniuses :blank:" but little else.


(Just keeping you all posted. Normally I would ask for suggestions but I've heard just about everything they can throw at me haha.)

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I feel bad for saying this but Radiohead's been sort of passé to me lately, yeah every now and then a song will come on shuffle and I'll listen to all of it and go "yep they're still geniuses :blank:" but little else.


(Just keeping you all posted. Normally I would ask for suggestions but I've heard just about everything they can throw at me haha.)


I feel this way too, I've just listened to them too much. You don't NEED to listen to them all the time :P

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^Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's because I've overlistened too. I'm sure one day later on I'll just go FFFF RADIOHEAD SOO GOOD again and get seriously into them again.


This is happening to me with a lot of bands though, it's super sad because I know they're good, I'm just not interested in them anymore :cry:

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A few recent tweets fed onto the main site:


really pissed off about this whole #theuniversalsigh affair. cuts off way too much of the radiohead fanbase


Three weeks of insomnia. Three days of meds and I get up two hours before my alarm. Nothing to be up for. #theuniversalsigh PDF & a coffee.



edit: you knew somebody was going to do this...




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^Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's because I've overlistened too. I'm sure one day later on I'll just go FFFF RADIOHEAD SOO GOOD again and get seriously into them again.


This is happening to me with a lot of bands though, it's super sad because I know they're good, I'm just not interested in them anymore :cry:

About a year or so after In Rainbows was released I felt like I'd completely outgrown Radiohead. It was only up until TKoL was released when I got right back into them.

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