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[18-Oct-2011] Coldplay @ Red Bull Sound Space, Los Angeles, USA

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Today's game was very hard--you had to guess the names of the songs as they were read backwords. People wouldn't even guess, just went, "uuuuuh." I don't think these are fans, I think they are just people who call in and wait to win something. So frustrating. I'm lying in bed this morning going, "Viva la Vida!" I just hope there are actual fans there when the breakfast finally comes.


I was one of them :( It was hard. I totally froze and blanked out, and missed Yellow. It was horrible. I can't believe it. But I'm on hold again right now for this next contest...I dont' think they're going to get to me, but we'll see.

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Did they have another contest this morning? After the backwards songs?


They did another contest this morning. Kevin and Bean do 2 a day, then there are the 3 call-in times. The second contest was so much easier...Kind of like "fill in the blank."


A color in the rainbow is?


When you have a run-in with the police, you are in?


That thing on the wall that tells time is?


The Spanish word for life is?


When you are cold, you?


When you jump out of a plane, you need?


Someone who works in a lab?


When you cry, you have?


They asked a guy the questions first, and he got them all. Then they asked a girl, and she didn't know very many. MUCH easier than the backwards song titles :( I was on hold the whole time waiting for them to get to me and they didn't. I asked the girl on the phone when they were doing the drawing from the online contest, and she didn't know. So now I wait for noon to come and try calling again. So far, I've been caller 15, 17 and last night my husband was 19. They always look for caller 20.

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They asked a guy the questions first, and he got them all. Then they asked a girl, and she didn't know very many. MUCH easier than the backwards song titles :( I was on hold the whole time waiting for them to get to me and they didn't. I asked the girl on the phone when they were doing the drawing from the online contest, and she didn't know. So now I wait for noon to come and try calling again. So far, I've been caller 15, 17 and last night my husband was 19. They always look for caller 20.


When you have gotten through during the call-in times did you get through on the first dial or did you re-dial and get through? When I call and it's busy the first time I never know if I should re-dial because I assume since they are taking caller 20 that they get that person pretty quick.

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When you have gotten through during the call-in times did you get through on the first dial or did you re-dial and get through? When I call and it's busy the first time I never know if I should re-dial because I assume since they are taking caller 20 that they get that person pretty quick.

I haven't tried calling in for this contest, but if it's anything like the previous KROQ call-ins I've tried (pretty much all of them require you to be Caller 20), immediately re-dial if you get a busy signal. I've gotten like Caller 14 on my 3rd call, for example. If you don't get through in like 8 attempts, I'd say they've picked a winner by that point.

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When you have gotten through during the call-in times did you get through on the first dial or did you re-dial and get through? When I call and it's busy the first time I never know if I should re-dial because I assume since they are taking caller 20 that they get that person pretty quick.


I call back over and over and over...

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the only thing more frustrating than hearing the busy signal is LISTENING TO THE BORED AND UNINTERESTED WINNERS ON THE RADIO! i've called in every day at 12, 3, 6, and at 9 (after the furious five) and i'm 13-1. only got through once, and i was caller 15!


but (forgive the pun) don't panic! we've got 7 more chances (aside from the games in the morning) to call in! god put a smile on our faces! CAN I GET AN AMEN???


something tells me that we need to band together.

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the only thing more frustrating than hearing the busy signal is LISTENING TO THE BORED AND UNINTERESTED WINNERS ON THE RADIO! i've called in every day at 12, 3, 6, and at 9 (after the furious five) and i'm 13-1. only got through once, and i was caller 15!


but (forgive the pun) don't panic! we've got 7 more chances (aside from the games in the morning) to call in! god put a smile on our faces! CAN I GET AN AMEN???


something tells me that we need to band together. [/font]


Yes! I am so hating on myself for messing it up this morning when I couldn't name Yellow :( I just totally blanked out and if you'd asked me what my name was at that moment, I probably couldn't have told you. So far, we've been caller 15, 17, 19 - the 19 last night just about killed me, and I've gotten through 3 times in the mornings to Kevin and Bean, and been on hold twice for their games. Just keep trying...sigh...Do they give away more tickets at 9pm? I didn't know that, I stop listening after 6pm.

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Dianne, I told you were gonna win! Congratulations, I am so envious and excited for you.


Thanks, Lauren <3 I'm very excited! Definitely makes up for this morning, and taking my son to school this morning, I was rear-ended by a 16 year old boy. Kind of a bummer day, but now the best day!!!

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That was me! I was freaking out so much with the girl who answered the phone, they didn't even bother letting me talk to the dj. LOL Dianne from Orange County! Woo hoo! I can't even tell you how excited I am!

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That was me! I was freaking out so much with the girl who answered the phone, they didn't even bother letting me talk to the dj. LOL Dianne from Orange County! Woo hoo! I can't even tell you how excited I am!


SO GIRL YOU GOTTA SPILL -- when EXACTLY should i be dialing? landline or cell phone?! i have to call from my cell at 6pm since i'm in hella traffic!

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