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I might buy a fox

Matter-Eater Lad

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I think you need a special permit. I know in the US it differs by state. I'm not sure about Canada. But there are breeders all over North America who sell them. I have to check into the legal aspect for Florida and i'd probably have to drive to another state to get it.




An arctic fox would be great but probably too hot here for them.

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haha ok. Owning a cat or dog is wrong too?


Not really! Usually when people adopt a dog or a cat, they pay a small fee that covers the medical bills of the pet and they can also donate more money to help run the animal shelter. Dogs and cats are everyday pets and if we don't take them in our homes, they'll get hurt outside by cars, by the harsh weather conditions etc...

But you are just buying a fox. A wild animal is not a toy. Taking the fox out of its comfort zone and "domesticate" it is in my book, animal torture. You are approving of this animal business by buying the fox for 500$.

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You should look up the word domesticated...they're not wild animals but domesticated just like house cats and dogs. Not wild animals captured and kept but bred for homes. It's foxes born around humans and live their whole lives around humans. I wouldn't support it if it was capturing wild animals and selling them.


So they are the exact same as a domesticated dog or cat.

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Alright! Do whatever you want with your money but I wouldn't pay this much for any pets. It's overpriced! There are charities that help feed hungry kids, assaulted kids, raped etc...

I personally would not "buy" a pet for more than 50$. In my city, you can adopt a dog or a cat for 20$ via the SPCA.

480$ can make a HUGE difference in some people life. It can provide clean water, school supplies, medications to many children who live in not so good environments.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that 500$ is too much to pay for a pet. And even though your intentions are good, I think the seller is trying to make a profit.

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And how do you know I don't give 10x that money to help the needy? Why don't you sell everything you own and give it to the poor? I'm sure all the money you spend on entertainment, over-priced food and other services of our modern society could be of more use as charity. Do you own a car? Did you buy your computer or own a Ipod or nice tv? Or pay for internet or cable tv?

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So it depends on your personal opinion of its value? How do you know that spending money on a pet isn't far more important to me than a computer? You jump to conclusion based upon your small reality. What matters what use the item is, is it not the cost we are debating? Not it's personal value but tangible value. A 1400 dollar computer could be sold and buy a 300 dollar one that is enough the rest given to the poor.


You can use a computer at a public library? Now you're basing morality of owning and spending money on the value the object has to you personally.

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And how do you know I don't give 10x that money to help the needy? Why don't you sell everything you own and give it to the poor? I'm sure all the money you spend on entertainment, over-priced food and other services of our modern society could be of more use as charity. Do you own a car? Did you buy your computer or own a Ipod or nice tv? Or pay for internet or cable tv?


One last thing.

You are comparing all these things to buying a fox...

Like I said, you don't get it :blank:

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So it depends on your personal opinion of its value? How do you know that spending money on a pet isn't far more important to me than a computer? You jump to conclusion based upon your small reality. What matters what use the item is, is it not the cost we are debating? Not it's personal value but tangible value. A 1400 dollar computer could be sold and buy a 300 dollar one that is enough the rest given to the poor.


You can use a computer at a public library? Now you're basing morality of owning and spending money on the value the object has to you personally.


No, I wasn't.

I think it's acceptable for a seller to make profit of a computer but not an animal.

Just because my pet cost 20$ doesn't mean that I love it less than my laptop.


If you can live with the fact that your pet was just a piece of merchandise, then fine. Do whatever you want with your money.

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No i'm not. You clearly don't understand. I'm saying your basing it's morality based upon your view of the value of certain things. Food is more important to a starving kid in Africa than you having a computer or internet. I'm using the morality issue you tried to bring up to show you're just as bad by being greedy and buying and using things you value over giving taht money to the poor.


Look up the word domesticated yet?


Edit- who said my pet is a piece of merchandise? Obviously i wouldn't spend that much if it was. If it was just some object i'd be cheap about it.

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How do you know that I'm greedy and that I'm not giving money to the poor? Are you my new boyfriend? My new roommate? No, I don't think so.

If you knew just a little about me, you wouldn't say that. But hey, I'm not going to give you my background and you can keep calling me names. You know you've run out of arguments when you start calling people names.


Like I said in my previous post "No, I'm not basing the value of certain things based on how much they cost"

My issue with this is that I wouldn't get a pet from a guy who is obviously trying to make a profit.

I'm not saying that making a profit is bad but making it from an animal is bad in my book. We live in a capitalist world but we also have the freedom to buy whatever we want. And I chose not to buy a pet for 500$ no matter how cute it is.

And like I said, it's your money, you also have the freedom to do whatever the hell you want with it.

You posted on this forum, so technically you asked for my opinion. You shouldn't be offended that it's different than yours.


Answer to your EDIT: If someone is selling a pet in order to make a huge profit, then whether you like it or not, it's a merchandise. Go to your local SPCA, they are the ones who care about the animals not the money.

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