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Senior's photo deemed too sexy for yearbook


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I have no problem besides the fact that the school may end up having to pay its own court costs. If she would just take the publicity she's already gotten and leave it there, that would be fine by me. I'm for potentially making money. I'm not for schools having to dish out money because of someone else's vanity and greed, though. :|

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^ The problem is that people like this are rewarded. ANY press is good press: Negative or positive.


At the moment in the UK we have Celebrity Big Brother. One of the contestants is famous for sleeping with her husbands brother (Who is one of the most famous footballers over here and internationally) for 8 years, while having kids with her husband. So shes on tv for this.


Sick much?

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I think it's kind of funny that her highschool didn't want people to see their students like that,

but now it's all over the internet because they didn't allow it. We all know the internet is a good place for a teenage girl to have a "slutty" photo.


If they had just allowed her to put it in, it would be just guys in her year fapping over her and not creepy paedophiles online.

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We tried and tried and tried, and this is the BEST we can do!!!!111!!!!




In all seriousness, it's really hard for me to try to live a positive life and be accepting of people and kind to people because...well...because people can be really, really stupid sometimes. :(


All of this makes it so much harder. :disappointed:

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I wouldn't let my daughter dress like that while she still lived with me. :|


That is your personal decision though... this story is about a possible restriction of a personal decision


ETA: By the last part I am meaning, this is where the gray area comes in and other malackeys :P

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That is your personal decision though... this story is about a possible restriction of a personal decision


ETA: By the last part I am meaning, this is where the gray area comes in and other malackeys :P


I know, I was just talking, but there's really no grey area when it comes to a yearbook she doesn't pay to publish. It's not her call. :|

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I think it's kind of funny that her highschool didn't want people to see their students like that,

but now it's all over the internet because they didn't allow it. We all know the internet is a good place for a teenage girl to have a "slutty" photo.


If they had just allowed her to put it in, it would be just guys in her year fapping over her and not creepy paedophiles online.


She's 18 so they can't be paedophiles. FACT



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I know, I was just talking, but there's really no grey area when it comes to a yearbook she doesn't pay to publish. It's not her call. :|


Very true... ultimately it is the yearbook's call. But I think this story is more about a broader social issue rather than 'someone couldn't get the pic they wanted in the yearbook'.


Most of the responses from the fem group were pretty much 'girl is 18, she chose this form of expression, and it's not too explicit, so should be fine'. One raised the point of 'a yearbook is written by students for students as a sort of memoir'. Another raised the school wanting to look more like a place of academia rather than place to party. Moar soon!

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20 years from now when she has children the kids will want to see her yearbook and then the kids will be disgusted and she will be embaressed.


bottom line school is right she is wrong.


Not necessarily.

They'll more than likely be similar people to her and she will have filled them with her own superficial ideals.


I don't think it's a matter of right and wrong as such. I think more if the school wants to she can, if they don't she can't. The school will always be right in this case because it is a test of how liberal they are on these matters. It's down to pupil power, and when it comes to a decision like this, I don't see why the pupils need all that much power.

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