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Tips on Flying for the First time?


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I have flown a lot and I still get nervous at take off because I Am very afraid of heights lol. My best advice is to bring something that will keep you busy... Book, magazine, etc. I also like flying with Jet Blue or Virgin America because they have tv's on the back of every seat and that really helps in distracting me.

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To be honest I really don't care about if my ears pop. I've heard about that but I'm used to that when getting to higher altitudes when driving.



My concern is being stuck in the plane, being in the sky, and not escaping if something goes wrong. I know it sounds crazy, but I associate dying with trying to fly.


Basically I want to overcome this fear. Not just for coachella, but I'd love to travel to like Europe and around the world.


Ah ah :P


I can not help you, for my part, I never flew, and I hate flying.


I'm not supposed to fly like a bird.



on a plane so drugged before fear would make me sick :worried2:

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If you've got a bomb then you can threaten any terrorists.


Take your iPod, stick on some Boards Of Canada and get some sleep. Stay awake for a while the night before so you'll be ready for a nap. Aside from that a beer to calm your nerves (since it's a one off flight - I wouldn't suggest it for people who are in planes regularly, or pilots) and then decide whether you want a window seat to admire the view if you want to and you can see the big spaces when you like, then shut the window thing when you don't wanna look, or a more central seat so you can take your mind off things and not be stuck in the corner of a tin box.


Also, hit on one of the air hostesses.

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Well if you're scared of flying, you might wanna take some tablets to calm you down about two hours before the flight. Here in the UK we have Kalms which you can get from from most pharmasies.


You should also take a good book or your laptop/ iPad with so you don't get bored as much and you won't be thinking about the fact that you're on a plane all the time.

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I don´t really remember my first flights. I was a child back then and flew a lot. It was usually a short flight, Zagreb - Split (around 300km). So I got used to flights and overcame that fear of flying when I was still a child.


Actually I still have a little fear, everybody does. But only before taking off. I´m really stressed then. But after taking off, every kind of fear disappears.


But looking on it more realistically, there´s no need to fear. Every day there´s a thousand of flights. Accidents happen like 10 (?) times in a year, and usually in low-quality airlines, which I guess you won´t take.


Now I really enjoy flying, especially on the longer distance :D I always take seats near the window, becase the view can be incredible if the weather is good.

I´ve experienced some turbulences too, that can be really scary. But just try not to think about any accidents.


I´d recommend taking headphones and mp3/mp4/iPod with you, or a tablet or something that will keep you occupied. Be aware that on some planes you can´t use any thing that needs some kind of signal, like mobile phones, portable-radios, etc...

Some planes have TV-s, too.


Finally, enjoy your flight! :D

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I'd recommend chewing a gum when the plane takes off, and taking with you a magazine, a book or something to listen to music. As Fran said (Alien Radio is Fran, right ? :uhoh: ), whatever keeps you occupied.

Now that I think about that, maybe Up with the birds could be a good "taking off" song :awesome:




Anyway, enjoy your flight :D

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MIKE YOU NEED TO GO TO COACHELLA; IF YOU DON'T YOU'LL LOOK BACK WITH REGRET. I WILL FLY TO NY JUST TO KICK YOUR BUTT IF YOU DON'T GO. (Radiohead, Other Lives, Modeselektor, amongst many others all in one place... you can't possibly pass that up)



Anywho, Mike I had the same fears for the longest time before I finally decided to fly on a plane. Once you get that first time out of the way, you'll wonder why you waited so long. Sure, it's certainly not my most favorite thing to do, but I no longer have the major fears that I used to.


Personally I prefer the window seat, that way I 1) don't get bumped by people in the aisle, and 2) am not sandwiched between two people (if it's a 3-seat row), and 3) won't be bothered by the person(s) next to me getting up to use the restroom. I can put a pillow against the wall and go to sleep. And if the issue is that you don't want to look out the window... all you need to do is pull down the window cover.


I'm not a huge fan of taking off, but I actually really like landing. :| I don't know why. I look out the window the entire time during the landing process, I think it's cool.



As far as tips...

  • Get to the airport really early, especially since it is your first time. That way you have plenty of time to have your bags checked, go through screening, etc. It might be a good idea to look at the FAA rules for what you can/can't take on the plane.
  • This may seem odd, but take some time to look out the terminal windows and watch plenty of planes take off and land. It will make you feel better, seeing that everything happens so smooth.
  • I've never needed gum for the ear-popping thing. It doesn't happen very often with me, and when it does I simply fake-yawn to take care of it.
  • The engines are pretty loud. Take your iPod with you.
  • Take some reading and/or writing material with you (or play games on your iPod) to keep you occupied. Take a travel pillow with you in case you decide to take a nap.
  • I imagine NY-California will be a 4-ish hour flight. With this in mind you should really try to get up an take a walk down the isle a few times during the flight, or at the very least stand up and stretch. This helps with circulation and prevents blood clots in your legs (I know that sounds bad, but you want tips and that really is an important one that too many people [e.g., Heavy D] brush off).
  • Get a non-stop flight. I did a connecting flight once and it was annoying. Plus if the first flight is running behind, depending on the amount of time until your next flight you run the risk of missing the next flight. Just go straight from Point A to Point B to avoid any potential stress.


That's all I can think of at the moment... I'll add to the list if anything else comes to mind.

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Most of the time if something goes wrong with the engines, and the runways are too far off, the pilot just lands the plane in the river. That's what Captain Sully did when leaving LaGuardia! So he put the plane down in the Hudson River, and none other that Captain Vince Lombardi on the NY Waterway Ferry Thomas Jefferson came to the rescue!:) (but we all know Sully was the real hero)

US Airways Flight 1549 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I keep thinking there ought to be inflatable pontoons which can be popped out of the underbelly of the plane, since splashdowns are a common antidote when engines quit.

But this is the rare problem, most of the time flying is mundane.. and where's the thrill in that! :laugh3:

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The problem with flight 1549 was that two Canadian geese hit the engines simultaneously, which is a pretty rare occurrence, and the geese were larger than normal, probably park geese fattened up on popcorn. So all you people feeding geese in the park, see what can happen!:laugh3:

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