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Should I go to a nightclub? Advice needed!

Technicolor Sparks

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This fear of your drinks being spiked is absolutely insane, maybe in a house party situation (possibly), but at a club? Think it through, you would have to drink the spiked drink, pass out, without your friends or anyone around noticing, be carried by the spiker in a caveman-like fashion, past all the other clubbers and bouncers and people on the street, be carried into a taxi with the driver having no idea what's going on, and then brought home for raep.


It's an incredibly rare and unlikely situation that the media picked up on several years ago and for some reason people are still really worried about. A girl probably has a better chance of being raped randomly walking home then via date rape drug.

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Yes, guard your drink..


And don't let desperate guys get you any drinks..


I'm too young to go to any nightclubs, but last party I went to, this guy got me a drink and told me he put barely any alcohol in it...Yeah that was a lie, I have no idea what he put in it, but I barely remember annnnything...

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This fear of your drinks being spiked is absolutely insane, maybe in a house party situation (possibly), but at a club? Think it through, you would have to drink the spiked drink, pass out, without your friends or anyone around noticing, be carried by the spiker in a caveman-like fashion, past all the other clubbers and bouncers and people on the street, be carried into a taxi with the driver having no idea what's going on, and then brought home for raep.


It's an incredibly rare and unlikely situation that the media picked up on several years ago and for some reason people are still really worried about. A girl probably has a better chance of being raped randomly walking home then via date rape drug.


It happens in the movies/tv so it's true. Don't accept drinks from Reilly

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I was never really a night club person but i do go to one on occassion. It's definitely an experience. I usually have a good time with my friends when I go and I don't seem to worry about what everyone else is doing because I'm having fun. Hope you have fun if you go :D

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This fear of your drinks being spiked is absolutely insane, maybe in a house party situation (possibly), but at a club? Think it through, you would have to drink the spiked drink, pass out, without your friends or anyone around noticing, be carried by the spiker in a caveman-like fashion, past all the other clubbers and bouncers and people on the street, be carried into a taxi with the driver having no idea what's going on, and then brought home for raep.


It's an incredibly rare and unlikely situation that the media picked up on several years ago and for some reason people are still really worried about. A girl probably has a better chance of being raped randomly walking home then via date rape drug.


My friend's drink got spiked once. I have no idea how it happened, she was pretty much sober (we only had like two drinks) and it was just the two of us. I think it might have happened at the bar but I was with her when we got the drinks and neither of us saw anything. She locked herself in the toilet and I proper started freaking out because she was in there for like half an hour and I kept screeming her name but she didn't say anything. Someone eventually opened the door and it turned out that she had passed out. It was a very scary experience but she was fine in the end.

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Btw Technicolor Sparks (sorry I don't know your name), I'm not trying to put you off, I think you should go. I've been out many times and it's only ever happened once. Don't worry, most people aren't particularly good at dancing. I don't think anyone cares when you're going to a club, most people will be too drunk to notice anyway. Hope you have a good time with your friends!

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Everyone seems to be referencing 'the nightclub' as if it's one place, it depends on the club. Some clubs are fucking horrible, over packed, terribly fake people, other clubs are full of friendly people, enough room to move, etc.


and some clubs are partly responsible for some of the best music ever made!

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Ok, I'm back!

It was pretty fun. I was really shy and self-conscious for a while, but it wasn't too bad. My friend Felix kept telling me that I should just relax (not in a mean way), so I hope it wasn't really noticeable :(


There were a lot of creepy guys too, and three of them were particularily gropey. There was one guy who wouldn't leave me alone, so I ended up dancing with him for like 30 minutes. My friends were across the dance floor so they couldn't come rescue me! So that was a little uncomfortable...


Overall it was okay though. I'm glad I had the experience, and at least now I know that it is something I will only do occasionally haha!

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