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Have you ever broken up with anybody?

The Mad Hatter

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Tell him how you feel. If he insists just tell him that he should not be with someone who doesn't like him and that he'll get over it.

If he is really childish, tell him that you want to take it easy, that you want to take a few days break. After a week, call him and tell him again that you thought about it and you don't want any relationship with him anymore.


I broke few hearts and mine has been broken up. And yet I'm still alive.

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I did, but I am glad he agreed (although it felt like Cobalt's case - he said he agreed but felt dumped without wanting it anyway) and didn't make a deal out of it like yours, Mad Hatter.


Macky sounds very reasonable. Good luck with this, Em.

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I do not know I never had a boyfriend who really loves me. and all those who wanted to play with me in marriage agency have left because they did not love me. the last in 2005 is me broken up with friend not boyfriend. I was told that I was not his girlfriend but maybe one day maybe not the eclavage as a prostitute (because I wanted him to love me) the problem I was not pretty, not thin or perfect and modern like others women.

they confused marriage agency and brothel. I will never have a relationship nun. because my feminine mind is destroyed value. need a psy. never really give my soul or my body. 36years and even flew once really.

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I've only broke up with one guy, my last boyfriend before I got married. I was just honest with him. He too, tried to make me feel guilty every time I tried to break up with him. But one day I had had enough of the games and told him the truth, that he was toxic for me and I didn't love him anymore. He tried for 3 weeks after we broke up to keep playing the games(he even got really stalker-ish :stunned:), but it didn't work. I just had to shut him out, ignore the bs, and move on. I know it's difficult, but just be honest and up-front and don't fall for any of the things he tries to pull after you deliver the news. Good luck.

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That's the part where he would follow me in and sit in my bed and cry until I acknowledged him. He's a manipulative bastard.


Yes I have, but my situation wasn't quite like this. :|


Sounds like you've tried before, but I suppose you need to be more forceful. Don't let him follow you. Or maybe take a different approach. Turn the tables and ask him why he would want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with him.

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I've had to break up with a few people, and.. Turned others down. I lack guilt, so it's not much of a problem for me, especially when one of them sexually abused/abused me.

Anyway, you'll feel much better after doing so.. :/ a least I did.

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i can totally see andrew faking his own suicide if she breaks up with him :|


oh my god


've only broke up with one guy, my last boyfriend before I got married. I was just honest with him. He too, tried to make me feel guilty every time I tried to break up with him. But one day I had had enough of the games and told him the truth, that he was toxic for me and I didn't love him anymore. He tried for 3 weeks after we broke up to keep playing the games(he even got really stalker-ish ), but it didn't work. I just had to shut him out, ignore the bs, and move on. I know it's difficult, but just be honest and up-front and don't fall for any of the things he tries to pull after you deliver the news. Good luck.


I think I feel guilty because I don't feel like I have an honest reason to end it. I feel like it's my fault and if I work on it, then I'll magically feel the same way that I used to, even though I really know that I won't. :disappointed: Blaming myself is what's making it hard, even though he doesn't help. :disappointed:

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I think I feel guilty because I don't feel like I have an honest reason to end it. I feel like it's my fault and if I work on it, then I'll magically feel the same way that I used to, even though I really know that I won't. :disappointed: Blaming myself is what's making it hard, even though he doesn't help. :disappointed:


Hey, you can only feel what you feel. If you don't feel the same way about him that he feels about you, to me, that's your reason to end it. You can't push yourself into falling in love with someone. Don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes things just don't work out. :(

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