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Your top 50 albums ever


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This is something I find bizarre, given your quotation about ambition :P



A lot of people think it's an extension of the second LP and meh I don't really see that.


I believe it would've went better as an EP because that whole ~*~*ooOoOO outer space-y symphonic~*~* thing they had going on would've remained better with like 6 or 7 songs instead of 13, it just starts to blur into the same thing after a while, but the songs themselves are great, come on Talk, X&Y, and Twisted Logic are more dynamic and interesting than Green Eyes, Warning Sign, Daylight, etc., any band can write that. It doesn't mean they aren't great songs, in fact Warning Sign is my favorite and I love it sooo much, but any ""post-Britpop"" or alternative rock band can write it or something very similar to it.


A Rush of Blood (I'm using it as an example because it's everyone's favorite) is a typical NME-approved sort of album, like I like Oasis but I don't think they're a godly band, don't get why everyone else think so, they just happen to fall under that one narrow little window of music so they get aaaall this hype.


Now X&Y builds those roots, and turns it into upbeat, decent pop music. It's what Mylo Xyloto should've been.


The songwriting's shit though, as always.


Anyway it's hard to argue opinion, because that's all it is, opinion, but this is how I feel. :nod:

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^ For me, the biggest problem with X&Y is the lenght, I honestly think it has some of their best songs (Fix You, Square One, Twisted Logic) but there some really unnecessary and annoying tracks in there (X&Y, What If and The Hardest Part for example). If they had cut out 3 or 4 tracks from it, could have been a great album.

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A lot of people think it's an extension of the second LP and meh I don't really see that.


I believe it would've went better as an EP because that whole ~*~*ooOoOO outer space-y symphonic~*~* thing they had going on would've remained better with like 6 or 7 songs instead of 13, it just starts to blur into the same thing after a while, but the songs themselves are great, come on Talk, X&Y, and Twisted Logic are more dynamic and interesting than Green Eyes, Warning Sign, Daylight, etc., any band can write that. It doesn't mean they aren't great songs, in fact Warning Sign is my favorite and I love it sooo much, but any ""post-Britpop"" or alternative rock band can write it or something very similar to it.


A Rush of Blood (I'm using it as an example because it's everyone's favorite) is a typical NME-approved sort of album, like I like Oasis but I don't think they're a godly band, don't get why everyone else think so, they just happen to fall under that one narrow little window of music so they get aaaall this hype.


Now X&Y builds those roots, and turns it into upbeat, decent pop music. It's what Mylo Xyloto should've been.


The songwriting's shit though, as always.


Anyway it's hard to argue opinion, because that's all it is, opinion, but this is how I feel. :nod:


That's fair enough that that's your opinion, but I just don't think it really builds that much from Rush. It sounds like a predictable record to make after the last one to me. Stick a new Clocks on there, just make the production a bit more sophisticated. Rewrite the Scientist with more of an oomph at the end. Address the listener in every song, so no one in that stadium feels disconnected. "Are you lost and incomplete?" "When you try your best but you don't succeed." "When you see it you'll understand." "You don't have to be on your own." I don't think it's a terrible record, but I love to hate it, because when you hear Viva, it's so clear how wonderful LP3 could've been if they'd not have been complacent.


That's not to say that A Rush of Blood is innovative, unique or what, but it's just good, old-fashioned decent songwriting. It's not perfect, but it's the last time that it was truly exciting to be a Coldplay fan. The last time that there was a risk that the band felt under the kosh to produce a fantastic record, the last time that they were a young, new band with their best days ahead of them. I think that's why fans place it on such a high pedestal. It's the only album that every Coldplay fan wanted, note for note.

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revolver is better


i can't really do this because there are only 10 or so albums that really mean a lot to me. the rest would just be random albums i like and that's not very interesting

Revolver is a close second to Rubber Soul in terms of The Beatles for me, it just has more songs that I love and is more folky.

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Revolver is a close second to Rubber Soul in terms of The Beatles for me, it just has more songs that I love and is more folky.


I sometimes, when I'm being philosophical, don't really understand the concept of "better" in music, because it's all opinion. How can Revolver be better? Better in terms of what?


All I'd say is that they're both good records for different reasons, which is boring, I know, but what can you do?


But don't get me wrong, subjectiveness doesn't make X&Y any less shit.



Love to hate, love to hate.


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I sometimes, when I'm being philosophical, don't really understand the concept of "better" in music, because it's all opinion. How can Revolver be better? Better in terms of what?


All I'd say is that they're both good records for different reasons, which is boring, I know, but what can you do?


But don't get me wrong, subjectiveness doesn't make X&Y any less shit.



Love to hate, love to hate.


you are correct it is all opinions but whats the fun in opinions X&Y sucks

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I like you because you don't hate X&Y.


I never did understand why there were so many people who disliked it. It's the first Coldplay album I really submerged myself into.


I believe it would've went better as an EP because that whole ~*~*ooOoOO outer space-y symphonic~*~* thing they had going on would've remained better with like 6 or 7 songs instead of 13, it just starts to blur into the same thing after a while, but the songs themselves are great, come on Talk, X&Y, and Twisted Logic are more dynamic and interesting than Green Eyes, Warning Sign, Daylight, etc., any band can write that. It doesn't mean they aren't great songs, in fact Warning Sign is my favorite and I love it sooo much, but any ""post-Britpop"" or alternative rock band can write it or something very similar to it.


A Rush of Blood (I'm using it as an example because it's everyone's favorite) is a typical NME-approved sort of album, like I like Oasis but I don't think they're a godly band, don't get why everyone else think so, they just happen to fall under that one narrow little window of music so they get aaaall this hype.


I don't know. I really like the whole space feel of it; it's probably a huge part of why I like it so much. Funny enough, I'm not a massive fan of either "Talk" or "Twisted Logic." It's not that I don't like them, but there is stuff on it that appeals to me more. ("Swallowed in the Sea" is my favorite Coldplay song ever. :heart:)


I don't get why everyone likes Oasis so much, either. But then again, I don't listen to them, so of course I won't get it. I mean, it's not that I haven't tried, but Liam's voice is WAY too nasally and graty for my tastes. If it weren't for that, I'd probably be into them, too.


^ For me, the biggest problem with X&Y is the lenght, I honestly think it has some of their best songs (Fix You, Square One, Twisted Logic) but there some really unnecessary and annoying tracks in there (X&Y, What If and The Hardest Part for example). If they had cut out 3 or 4 tracks from it, could have been a great album.


Why is it that everyone hates "What If?" I don't understand. :bigcry:

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Why is it that everyone hates "What If?" I don't understand. :bigcry:


I actually like What If, second favourite on the album to White Shadows.


As for Oasis, well I really don't know why anyone likes them, because they're literally the worst band ever to be considered one of the best. It only takes watching Bonehead on YouTube to realise that. But they changed the musical landscape in this country with their music, because again, they just wrote brilliant old-fashioned indie music. Noel's always said rock and roll's about retelling the same story over again for a different generation, and he's right. The atmosphere in this country during the 90s, the legacy he left us with, it's almost unparalleled, apart from you know who.

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I actually like What If, second favourite on the album to White Shadows.


As for Oasis, well I really don't know why anyone likes them, because they're literally the worst band ever to be considered one of the best. It only takes watching Bonehead on YouTube to realise that. But they changed the musical landscape in this country with their music, because again, they just wrote brilliant old-fashioned indie music. Noel's always said rock and roll's about retelling the same story over again for a different generation, and he's right. The atmosphere in this country during the 90s, the legacy he left us with, it's almost unparalleled, apart from you know who.


I just like them because they have pretty brilliant songs, in the end that's all that really matters, ok they didn't change that much the music scene or even changed their own sound through the years, but I love to sing along to their albums. Oasis is great because they just did the music the felt like doing, wich is simple songs with an Rock and Roll feeling and atitude.

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No, I don't know who. I could make guesses, but that wouldn't mean that I knew for sure until you told me.


Fleetwood Mac.


No, I'm joking, the Beatles.


I just like them because they have pretty brilliant songs, in the end that's all that really matters, ok they didn't change that much the music scene or even changed their own sound through the years, but I love to sing along to their albums. Oasis is great because they just did the music the felt like doing, wich is simple songs with an Rock and Roll feeling and atitude.


Yeah, and that's why they'll always be loved, I just feel like they're idolised in Britain so much because they changed our country.

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Yeah, I figured that's who you were talking about, but I didn't want to make any assumptions. In any case, I'm not particularly fussed about The Beatles.


Very few people I know are, to be fair, and I think Radiohead are the greatest band ever, not them. Can't mistake what an impact they had though.

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The first four ones, okay, I find them flawless and they never bore me. The other ones feel kinda random. I looked at my most played albums on last.fm, but I must have missed out on much because oldies aren't on there and some are not tagged.




I like that so many have In Rainbows in it :}

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