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Your top 50 albums ever


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Guest howyousawtheworld
The first four ones, okay, I find them flawless and they never bore me. The other ones feel kinda random. I looked at my most played albums on last.fm, but I must have missed out on much because oldies aren't on there and some are not tagged.




I like that so many have In Rainbows in it :}


Scoundrel Days - :)

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Why settle for 50? :)

Cool beans. Nice that you put the names of the albums too, so that knowing the name of the album is not only limited to people who are familiar with the cover


Girls Aloud though? How come? I actually have a little adoration with pop music of that kind, so I might have to give it a listen if you liked it so much.

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Just realized that I didn't include Caribou - Swim, Burial - Untrue, Jonsi & Alex - Riceboy Sleeps, Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion, The National - High Violet and probably a lot of others on my list :bomb:


Also, I see that a lot of people have Beach Boys on their lists... I've never listened to them :blank: Any advices on what should I start with?

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Girls Aloud though? How come? I actually have a little adoration with pop music of that kind, so I might have to give it a listen if you liked it so much.


The common issue among pop groups/acts is that they're often defined by their singles so it doesn't always lead to the most cohesive album. But Tangled Up and Chemistry are exceptions to the rule: full of exciting hooks, witty lyrics, and groundbreaking production that push the boundaries of pop music. It was a tough choice but I just prefer Tangled Up.



Tl:dr version: Girls Aloud are one of the greatest pop groups ever and Tangled Up is worth a listen.


(Fun fact: The Sound of Girls Aloud got an 8.5 from Pitchfork, higher than any Coldplay album :P)


Also, I see that a lot of people have Beach Boys on their lists... I've never listened to them :blank: Any advices on what should I start with?


Pet Sounds.


Greatest album ever by the greatest band ever.

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Girls Aloud get a bad press over here due to the fact that they were formed on a talent show, and a couple of racism allegations probably haven't helped matters. They've only ever won a single Brit award despite being as you say, a great pop group, and I don't think critics over here have ever got over the fact that they don't write their own songs. So I don't think it's that outrageous a choice.


As for Pet Sounds, I think there's a transatlantic divide with it. It's like Kid A is held in higher esteem in America, and OK Computer is regarded so highly over here; similarly, I doubt many people over here could name any song from Pet Sounds.

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They've only ever won a single Brit award despite being as you say, a great pop group, and I don't think critics over here have ever got over the fact that they don't write their own songs.


I'm sorry, I had no idea that the number of Brit Awards determine your worth. By that sound logic, Radiohead must not be the greatest band in the world as you often champion in the forum, because after all, they have 0 Brit Awards.


Also Girls Aloud is one of the most beloved pop acts - I have no idea what critics you are looking at. I can point you to sources ranging from Popjustice to the BBC to the Guardian that rave over Girls Aloud.


As for Pet Sounds, I think there's a transatlantic divide with it. It's like Kid A is held in higher esteem in America, and OK Computer is regarded so highly over here; similarly, I doubt many people over here could name any song from Pet Sounds.


I have no idea where you get the idea that Kid A is held in higher esteem in America - people still prefer OK Computer. It's also interesting that you don't think anyone can name a song from Pet Sounds... especially considering the fact that the record contains some of the most famous songs ever (i.e. God Only Knows).


In fact, the Beach Boys were (and are) more highly regarded in the UK than in the US - after all, Pet Sounds did hit #2 on the UK charts while it only hit #10 on the US charts. If anything, the UK always embraced the sounds of melancholy, a big reason why artists like the Beach Boys and Scott Walker found success across the Atlantic.

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I'm sorry, I had no idea that the number of Brit Awards determine your worth. By that sound logic, Radiohead must not be the greatest band in the world as you often champion in the forum, because after all, they have 0 Brit Awards.


Also Girls Aloud is one of the most beloved pop acts - I have no idea what critics you are looking at. I can point you to sources ranging from Popjustice to the BBC to the Guardian that rave over Girls Aloud.


Woah, hold your horses. I simply find it surprising that one of the most innovative pop groups of the past ten years have only won a single Brit when they're big awards for popstars. I'm on your side here, you don't have to point me in the direction of anyone, I just simply haven't seen anyone rave over them. Worse albums have been nominated for the Mercury's, no one I've seen's ever named them amongst their albums of the year, and as I say, just the one Brit. They're underrated was the point I was getting at, they're better than they've been given credit for, won't bother next time.


I have no idea where you get the idea that Kid A is held in higher esteem in America - people still prefer OK Computer. It's also interesting that you don't think anyone can name a song from Pet Sounds... especially considering the fact that the record contains some of the most famous songs ever (i.e. God Only Knows).


In fact, the Beach Boys were (and are) more highly regarded in the UK than in the US - after all, Pet Sounds did hit #2 on the UK charts while it only hit #10 on the US charts. If anything, the UK always embraced the sounds of melancholy, a big reason why artists like the Beach Boys and Scott Walker found success across the Atlantic.


Was Kid A not given Pitchfork's or Rolling Stone's album of the decade? It was one of them, I swear. American people I know respect the album, British people I know tend to rubbish it in favour of the Bends and OK Computer. I didn't mean one was massive over there and one was massive over here, just from my experience, America "get" Kid A more than anyone over here.


Re Pet Sounds, I don't doubt you're right. I don't know anyone who likes the Beach Boys, but maybe that's just the people I know.

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Really, help me here, I just don't understand how can so many people love In Rainbows, I don't understand. What's so good about it? I'm not a really Radiohead fan but I get the love for The Bends, OK Computer and Kid A, but In Raibows is beyond my intelligence.


I can't explain why everyone loves it but it's the first album I fell in love with.


It's the way it's simultaneously so sophisticated but so simple. It's the way that Thom can say something as beautifully heartbreaking as "I'm an animal trapped in your hot car" or "Don't get any big ideas, they're not going to happen" so succinctly. The production's so rich and lush and colourful but it's not over the top, and it sounds so much more at ease than Kid A or OK Computer. There's always something in a song to look forward to, whether it be the middle eight of Bodysnatchers, or the the outro of All I Need, or the break in Reckoner. Nothing's too long and outstays its welcome, and nothing should go on for another minute or two to be milked. It's just perfect for me. It made me understand that making an album is an art. One day, no one might ever buy records again, but hearing In Rainbows made me not want to be one of them.

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In Rainbows was my first crush on Radiohead,too, and although I've learned to respect Kid A and Hail To the Thief and love them too, I have no difficulty naming it their best album. At first I was puzzled as to why would someone question the worth of that album, but then I remembered I couldn't sit through Kid A or HTTT or Amnesiac on my very first listen, so I understand. Luckily, I've given them another chance later and now I cannot do without giving them a listen on a daily basis. :heart:

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I can't explain why everyone loves it but it's the first album I fell in love with.


It's the way it's simultaneously so sophisticated but so simple. It's the way that Thom can say something as beautifully heartbreaking as "I'm an animal trapped in your hot car" or "Don't get any big ideas, they're not going to happen" so succinctly. The production's so rich and lush and colourful but it's not over the top, and it sounds so much more at ease than Kid A or OK Computer. There's always something in a song to look forward to, whether it be the middle eight of Bodysnatchers, or the the outro of All I Need, or the break in Reckoner. Nothing's too long and outstays its welcome, and nothing should go on for another minute or two to be milked. It's just perfect for me. It made me understand that making an album is an art. One day, no one might ever buy records again, but hearing In Rainbows made me not want to be one of them.


In Rainbows was my first crush on Radiohead,too, and although I've learned to respect Kid A and Hail To the Thief and love them too, I have no difficulty naming it their best album. At first I was puzzled as to why would someone question the worth of that album, but then I remembered I couldn't sit through Kid A or HTTT or Amnesiac on my very first listen, so I understand. Luckily, I've given them another chance later and now I cannot do without giving them a listen on a daily basis. :heart:


Well, maybe I should try it again sometime.

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Even after all this time, I still don't like "Kid A" all that much, and I don't understand the hype.


-waits for all the Kid A lovers to tell her to GTFO-




Nah, not really. :P I don't blame anyone for not liking certain albums as much as most people do. Different taste and preferences, I guess. :P


Anyways, my top 50 is slightly different than everyone else. Then again, isn't everyone's a bit different? :P


5d75e86fb8646d1a2cdca5f1199c41a2 by MKWTrentRez, on Flickr

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Even after all this time, I still don't like "Kid A" all that much, and I don't understand the hype.


-waits for all the Kid A lovers to tell her to GTFO-

There should be a thread where people make a list of albums/artists they don't like but are highly praised

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I've never really been able to "get" the beach boys. I like pet sounds but it doesnt seem anything more than just nice pop songs to me


The Beach Boys are all about their ability to fuse together the immediacy of pop with the complexity of symphony. There is a reason why they serve as huge inspirations for some of the biggest indie bands today like Animal Collective, Fleet Foxes, and Grizzly Bear. As Robin Pecknold of the Fleet Foxes put it, "The Beach Boys' music soaks up all of America, from the sunny sound of Hawaii to the folk songs of the south to the intelligence of the north-east. In hard times, it's about remembering the romance of the country, and also about the power of the human voice to convey those emotions."


I'll admit, I didn't really love Pet Sounds when I first listened to it. Sure, I could appreciate the absolutely gorgeous musical arrangements but the sheer beauty of the album really didn't hit me until I got older and experienced love and heartbreak (This is similar to how OK Computer really didn't hit me until I started working and had to commute on the crowded A train every single day).


There are very few people I consider musical geniuses but Brian Wilson is one of them - he was just 24 when Pet Sounds was released!


I'll end yet another one of my embarrassingly long posts with a simple Youtube link. If the following video doesn't move you, then you have no heart (or ears):


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPN53PHDwe4]The Beach Boys - Wouldn't it be nice (Vocals Only) - YouTube[/ame]

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Oh God, I forgot the Simple Minds!!! I think I have to think some more about this and change mine radical (at least the last part).


In Rainbows is amazing. First time I listened to it I didn't get it. Second time neither. Third time neither. I dunno, after a while I got it and it grew into perfection. It's what Mark said about it.

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The Beach Boys are all about their ability to fuse together the immediacy of pop with the complexity of symphony. There is a reason why they serve as huge inspirations for some of the biggest indie bands today like Animal Collective, Fleet Foxes, and Grizzly Bear. As Robin Pecknold of the Fleet Foxes put it, "The Beach Boys' music soaks up all of America, from the sunny sound of Hawaii to the folk songs of the south to the intelligence of the north-east. In hard times, it's about remembering the romance of the country, and also about the power of the human voice to convey those emotions."


I'll admit, I didn't really love Pet Sounds when I first listened to it. Sure, I could appreciate the absolutely gorgeous musical arrangements but the sheer beauty of the album really didn't hit me until I got older and experienced love and heartbreak (This is similar to how OK Computer really didn't hit me until I started working and had to commute on the crowded A train every single day).


There are very few people I consider musical geniuses but Brian Wilson is one of them - he was just 24 when Pet Sounds was released!


I'll end yet another one of my embarrassingly long posts with a simple Youtube link. If the following video doesn't move you, then you have no heart (or ears):


you really make them sound like the american beatles...

I'll try remember to give them a chance when I'm older/after I spend some time in the US

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There should be a thread where people make a list of albums/artists they don't like but are highly praised


Album: The 2nd Law

Artist: The Strokes


EDIT: Actually, The Killers. So overrated. Shite.


Even after all this time, I still don't like "Kid A" all that much, and I don't understand the hype.


-waits for all the Kid A lovers to tell her to GTFO-


I've been called pretentious and pompous or whatever for saying it in the past, but I think it's an album that should be respected for its ambition, regardless of opinion.


I can honestly understand anyone not liking or getting it though.

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