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Pictures, webcams, mugshots etc etc etc


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Nice place! and tshirt :wacky: you look happy :cheesy:


I thought you'd like the shirt. :P


Pretty Imke :blush:


Thank you! :blush:


I know that shirt and that bag and that girl!!!! :awesome:

You look wonderful, beautiful picture! :botoxlips:







Hahaha, I lost a bit of my belly since that pic was taken. :lol:








RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-oh and wonderful picture by the way :nice:-AAAAAAAAAWR!!!


Well ... if it makes you feel any better ... I forgot the sunblock and my arms were burnt so badly that I had blisters. :anxious:


Since I haven't posted here in a long time.




This is random ... but that pic reminds me of some mostly south american tourists I saw here that were super-excited and wanted their picture to be taken and as soon as the cam was pointed on them, they went all :blank: ... most of them have pictures of :blank: in front of a hotel, :blank: in front of a stupid line and :blank: in front of a bus ... I thought you're supposed to smile in pictures.

Anyway ... nice pic!


I love the shirt! :dazzled:


Oh, yeah, and a nice background to the photo too. :anxious:

nice picture Imke. :wacky:


Thought you'd like the shirt too, haha. :P


Sexy lady :wink3:




You're the perv for looking at the boobies instead of at the shirts. :phu:


We found this kitty a month ago on my grandparents' property. They didn't want any pet before, even when we had found other little kitties like this.

But they kept this one.

Introducing..... SIMBA




Awww, this is too cute! :blush: (Both the cat and the girl.)

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Ok last time I post on here for a long time, I promise. Didn't realize how hard I am to understand on the camera.


clip 2011 08 13 14;11;31 - YouTube

I enjoyed your "shitty video" :cheesy: (which btw, wasn't shitty) I would have asked you questions too ;___;


" Didn't realize how hard I am to understand on the camera."


you're easy to understand. I find myself hard to understand sometimes when I watch videos back :|

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We found this kitty a month ago on my grandparents' property. They didn't want any pet before, even when we had found other little kitties like this.

But they kept this one.

Introducing..... SIMBA




:surprised: Such a cute kitty :bomb:

And an even cuter Marie :charming:

so i figured that since i hate myself slightly less today, i'll post a picture


nothin' cool or flashy, just my face and my snuggie

and smiling is mainstream







Pretty :heart:

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I enjoyed your "shitty video" :cheesy: (which btw, wasn't shitty) I would have asked you questions too ;___;




you're easy to understand. I find myself hard to understand sometimes when I watch videos back :|


Thank you Emma. I'd say you're easy to understand but I don't think I've seen a video of you:(

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If you could be any fish, what would it be and why?

If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be and how long would it take you to spend the $10,000?

What place in the US would you most like to visit? Why?

Most missed memory?

What's the biggest personal change you've made?

If there was a fire and you could only save 5 things, what would you save?

A 2000 kg car is slowed bown uniformly from 20.0 m/s to 5.00 m/s in 4.00 s. What average force acted on the car during this time, and how far did the car travel during the deceleration?

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lol it's ok to say my questions are shit. But you have to answer the last one, ok?

So I'll be answering a maths questions about an hour after I get my exam results...one of which is for maths, which I am pretty sure I did absolutely terribly on :|

I so will not get it right, just so you know :lol:



We don't even do that type of maths D:

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